Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/558

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SUPPLEMENT KOVALEVSKI, PAUL, born at Kasan, Russia ; contemporary. Genre painter in St. Petersburg ; professor. Member of Ber- lin Academy. Medals : 2d class, Paris, 1878; Berlin, 1886. Works : Transportation of a Millstone (1877) ; Excavations in Eome (Jubilee Exhibition, Berlin, 1886).

  • KRAY, WELHELM. Undine listening

to the Tale of a Playmate (1879) is owned by T. T. Kinney, Newark, N. J. LAHAYE, ALEXIS MARIE, born in Paris ; contemporary. Genre painter, pu- pil of Pils, of Corot, and of Carolus-Duran. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works : Banks of the Allier at Beaurecueil (1877) ; Idleness, Dreaming (1878) ; Under the Olives (1879) ; Gitanos of the Albaycin at Granada (1880) ; Marguerite (1881) ; Little Child (1882) ; Edge of the Water, Pierre (1883) ; Susanna (1884) ; Two Sisters (1885) ; Revery, First Step (1886). LALAING, Count JACQUES DE, born in Belgium ; contemporary. Genre paint- er, pupil of Portaels and of Cluysenaar. Medals : Paris, 3d class, 1883 ; 2d class, 1884 ; do., Berlin, 1886. Studio in Brussels. Works: The Intercepted Courier (1882); Prisoners of War (1883) ; Equestrian Por- trait (1884) ; The Wrestlers (1885). LARSSON, KARL, born in Stockholm, Sweden ; contemporary. Landscape and genre painter, pupil of the Stockholm Acad- emy. Medal, Paris, 3d class, 1883. Works : In the Country (1883) ; Petite fille (1885) ; In Sweden (1886). LATOUCHE, GASTON, born at Saint- Cloud (Seine-et-Oise); contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Corot. Is also a sculptor and engraver. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works: Conversation (1880) ; Le trepasse, The View (1881) ; Fire in London, Interment of a Child at Juvigny-sous-Andaine (1882) ; Mis- ery, The Wheedler (1883) ; A Vow, Legende du point d'Argentan (1884) ; The Infirm at the Monastery of Perron, Solitude (1885) ; Wilhelmshohe, Holy Family (triptych, 1886). LAURENT, ERNEST JOSEPH, born in Paris ; contemporary. Portrait and genre painter, pupil of Lehmann, Hebert, and Merson. Medal, 3d class, 1885. Studio at Ecouen in 1885. Works : Portrait of my Mother (1882) ; Clarissa Harlow (1883) ; On the Banks of the Brook (1884) ; Annun- ciation (1885).

  • LAWRENCE, Sir THOMAS (vol. iii., p.

39, lines 11 and 41). For Gonsalvi read Consalvi. LECHEVALIER-CHEVIGNARD, ED- MOND, born at Lyons, France, Feb. 3, 1825. History and portrait painter, pupil of Michel Martin Drolling in Paris. Med- als : 3d class, 1857, 1863 ; L. of Honour, 1885. Works : Ancient Comedians (1850) ; Benedicite (1859) ; Marriage of the King of Navarre (1863) ; Antonello da Messina and Giovanni Bellini (1872) ; Chateaudun (1885), H6tel-de-Ville at Chateaudun. LEHOUX, PIERRE FRANQOIS, born in Paris, June 27, 1823. Landscape and genre painter, pupil of Horace Vemet and of Gros. Medal, 2d class, 1833. Works : View of Alexandria, Ruins of Thebes (1831); Emigration of Arabs in a Caravan from Upper Egypt, Bedouin Camp, Mosque in Alexandria (1833); View of Beyrout (1839) ; Maronite Monks of Mount Lebanon (1840) ; VaUey of the Jordan (1846) ; Plain of Thebes (1866) ; Quarries of Silsilis Upper Egypt ; Siesta on the Field of the Dead Syria (1882) ; Siesta in the Harem, Lake of Tibe- rias (1884) ; View at Bellevue, Terrace at Beyrout (1885). LELIEVRE, MAURICE (CHARLES MARIE), bom at Lille (Nord) ; contempo- rary. Genre and landscape painter, pupil of Dubufe, Mazerolle, Harpignies, and Jean Paul Laurens. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Paints chiefly in water-colours. Works : Environs of Tlerncen (1877); Halt in the Desert (1878); Blind Man at Door of Mosque (1880) ; Ac- taeon(1881); Dance of Nymphs (1882); En- virons of Toulon, Environs of Cannes (1884); Pool in a Forest (1885) ; Banks of the Loire near Beaugency, On the Loire at Baule (1886). LE POITTEVIN, LOUIS, born at Neu- ville-Champ-d'Oisel (Seine-Inferieure) ; con- 182