Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/559

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SUPPLEMENT temporary. Landscape and genre painter, pupil of Gustave Morin, of Zacharie, and of Bouguereau. Medal, 3d class, 1886. Works : Norman Landscape, Paternosters of the Sei- gneur de Gurzon (1880) ; Evening at fitre- tat (1881) ; Behind the Farm (1882) ; Vale of Antifer (1883) ; The Pkin (1884) ; The Little Valley (1885) ; The Ascent of Benou- ville Etretat (1886). "LEROLLE, HENRI. Add to works: Close of the Day (1886), Henry T. Chap- man, Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. LEROY, PAUL ALEXANDRE ALFRED, born in Paris ; contemporary. History and portrait painter, pupil of Alexandre Cabanel. Medal, 3d class, 1882. Works : Jesus with Martha and Mary (1882) ; Portrait (1883) ; Mordecai (1884) ; Recreation, Friday at Sidi-Abd-er-Rahman (1886).

  • LOIR, LUIGI. Awarded a 2d class

medal for his La fumee du chemin de fer, Salon, 1886. LONGCHAMP, Mile. HENRIETTE DE, born at Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne) ; con- temporary. Flower and fruit painter. Medals : 3d class, 1847 ; 2d class, 1848. Works : Offering to the Holy Virgin (1846) ; Fruit (1847) ; A Road-side Cross (1848) ; Offering to St. Genevieve (1863) ; Chrys- anthemums, Tea Roses (1874) ; Noisette Roses (1882); Group of Roses (1883); Roses near Water, Study of Roses (1884) ; Autumn Roses (1885) ; Hundred-Leaf Roses (1886). LUCAS, FELIX MARIE HIPPOLYTE, born at Rochefortrsur-Mer (Charente-In- ferieure) ; contemporary. Genre and por- trait painter, pupil of Pils and of Henri Lehman. Medal, 3d class, 1884. Works : Eclogue (1880) ; Dying Sappho (1881) ; For- sakenSouvenir of Venice (1884) ; Sacred Spring (1885) ; Portrait of Mile, de V. (1886). MACMASTER, WILLIAM E., born at Ballston, N. Y., May 22, 1823. Portrait, genre, and landscape painter ; entered Na- tional Academy School, New York, in 1843 ; studied with Charles L. Elliott in 1843-45, and with John Vanderlyn in 1848. He painted portraits in Washington until 1852, having among his sitters Thomas H. Ben- ton, Daniel S. Dickinson, Henry Clay, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, and William H. Seward. In 1852-70 he painted in New York ; in the latter year he went to Europe, studied under Albrecht Schenck at Ecouen, and spent several years in Paris. In 1878 he accompanied William H. Seward to Cali- fornia and painted in the Yosemite Valley. Among his other works are : The Opera Belle (bronze medal, Exposition universelle, Paris, 1867) ; Mont Blanc from Chamounix (1868), George W. Allen, Milwaukee ; The Jungfrau (1871), A. V. H. Carpenter, ib.; Eruption of Vesuvius (1878), L. E. Conrad, Philadelphia; and portraits of Presidents Pierce (1852) and Buchanan (1856), General H. W. Slocum (1866), Thomas C. Durant (1868), Alexander Mitchell (1871), General Winfield S. Hancock (1880), and Roswell P. Flower (1882).


died at Bar-le-Duc, January, 1887. Chro- nique des Arts (1887), 31. MAREST, Mile. JULIA, born in Paris ; contemporary. Genre and portrait painter, pupil of Charles Chaplin and of Gervex. Medal, 3d class, 1885. Works : La Rous- sotte (1881) ; Satisfied (1882) ; Far niente (1883) ; Teasing (1884) ; Marquise Nina (1885) ; Portrait of Mme. R (1886). MASSARANI, TULLO, born in Mantua, Italy ; contemporary. Genre painter, pupil of Induno. Officer of Legion of Honour, 1878. Studio in Milan. Works : Infancy in Greece, Lady of the Manor and a Vassal (1880) ; L'esclave aux colombes (1885).


At the Morgan sale, New York, 1886, were sold the following : A Standard Bearer (1857), $15,000, In the Library (1876), $16,525, Charles Crocker, San Francisco ; The Vedette 1812 (1883), $15,000, S. P. Avery, New York. MERClfi, (MARTCS JEAN) ANTHO- NIN, born at Toulouse, France ; contem- porary. History and portrait painter, pupil 483