Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/62

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RETIIEL hand and pointing up with his right ; be- low, guards sleeping by the tomb. Former- ly in Convent of the Merced Calzada, Sev- ille ; carried off by Marshal Soult ; returned to Madrid in 1814. Engraved by Franch. Study was in Standish Collection. C. Ber- mudez, ii. 59 ; Ponz, Viage, ix. 107 ; Curtis, 206. By Pietro Peritgino (and Raphael ?), Vati- can, Rome ; wood, arched. Christ, in an almond-shaped glory, with an angel on each side, has risen from the tomb ; three sol- diers sleeping and one running away. The flying soldier is said to be the portrait of Perugino, and the sleeping youth on the right that of Raphael, who probably had a share in the painting of this picture. Paint- ed for S. Francesco de' Conventuali, Peru- gia, after 1504 Taken to Paris ; returned in 1815. C. & C., Italy, iii. 219 ; Pistolesi, Vaticano, vi. PI. 69 ; Miintz, 53 ; Passavant, ii. 4. By Baffaellino del Garbo, Florence Acad- emy ; wood, figures half life-size. Christ rises from the sepulchre, the cover of which has fallen on one of the guards ; other sol- diers running away in terror ; landscape background of a town, ruins, rocks, and trees. Formerly in S. Bartolommeo at Monte Oliveto. Vasari, ed. Mil., iv. 235 ; C. & C., Italy, iii. 419. By Raphael, Vatican ; wood, H. 7 ft. 6 in. x 5 ft. 6 in. Christ, supported on a cloud, blesses the world as he rises from the tomb ; two guards, thought by some to resemble Raphael and Perugino, sleep near ; in dis- tance, two more run away. Attributed to Perugino, but probably by Raphael when under him (1495-1500). Painted for S. Francesco, Perugia ; carried to Paris in 1797 ; sent to Vatican in 1815. Engraved by Graffonara ; Rehberg. Studies for the two groups of soldiers in Oxford Collection. Passavant, ii. 2. By Rembrandt, Munich Gallery ; canvas, arched, H. 2 ft. 10 in. x 2 f t. 2 in. An an- gel is removing the stone from the entrance to the sepulchre, within which Christ is seen in his grave-clothes ; some of the guard have fallen to the ground, others are endeavour- ing to escape. Engraved by Hess. Smith, vii. 43. By H Sodoma, Naples Museum ; wood, signed, dated 1535. Christ, with the ban- ner of victory, rising above the clouds ; at the tomb, two angels. Formerly in S. Tom- uiaso, Naples. Meyer, Kiinst. Lex., iii. 214, 226. By Tintoretto, Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; canvas, H. 3 ft. 1 in. x 4 ft. Christ rising from the sepulchre, with white banner in his hand ; soldiers dazzled by the light, and flying, abandoning their arms ; background of military tents. Engraved by Viviani. Gal. du Pal. Pitti, iv. PI. 78. By Tintoretto, S. Cassiano, Venice ; can- vas, signed, and dated 1565. Not a picture of the Resurrection, but of Saints thinking about the Resurrection ; a mass of Renais- sance absurdities. On one side of the tomb is S. Cassiano, a bishop in full robes, on the other a female saint, St. Cecilia ; beneath it an angel playing on the organ, which a cherub is blowing ; above, cherubs flying about with flowers. Ruskin, Stones of Ven- ice, iii. 290 ; Zanotto, 383. By Tintoretto, S. Giorgio Maggiore, Ven- ice ; canvas. Christ rising, and some por- traits of the Monsini family. Zanotto, 633. By Tintoretto, Scuola di S. Eocco, Venice ; canvas. " Characteristic of the worst points of Tintoret. Christ bursts out of the tomb like a thunderbolt, and the angels them- selves seem likely to be crushed under the rent stones. The best part is the two dis- tant figures of the Marys." Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 337. RETHEL, ALFRED, born at Diepen- bend House, near Aix-la-Chapelle, May 15, 1816, died at Diisseldorf, Dec. 1, 1859. His- tory painter, pupil of Diisseldorf Academy under Schadow, when a mere lad, and with his earliest compositions excited the admi- ration of his instructors ; -visited Munich and the Bavarian Alps in 1835, went in 1837 to Frankfort, where he became an enthu- 30