Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/63

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RETI1EL siastic follower of Philip Veit, and widely known throughout Germany by his Neme- sis ; visited Italy in 184445, and execut- ed his famous frescos in the Coronation Hall at Aix-la-Cha- pelle in 1847-51, liv- ing alternately in Dresden in 1848-51 ; visited Borne again in 1852, when the first signs of a men- tal disease appeared, resulting in softening of the brain. Works : St. Boniface (1832), National Gallery, Berlin ; do. Preaching (1835) ; several others from life of this Saint ; Charles Mortel in Battle of Tours (1833) ; Prayer before Battle of Sempach (1834) ; Nemesis (1837), Herr von Keuter, Frankfort; Daniel in Lions' Den (1838), Guardian Angel of Emperor Maximilian I., Stadel Gallery, ib.; Charles V., Maximilian I. and II., Philip of Suabia (1838), ROmer, ib.; Finding of Gustavus Adolphus after Battle of Ltitzen, Stuttgart Museum ; Rec- onciliation of Emperor Otto I. with his Brother Henry, St. Martin (1837-39); Scenes from Life of Rudolph von Hapsburg, Battle of the Huns, Prayer of Crusaders, Job, sev- eral pictures in History of David, Theodo- sius and Ambrosius, Death of Barbarossa, Battle of Merseburg (about 1839); Emperor Max on the Martiuswand, Charles V. enter- ing St. Yuste, Coffin of Henry IV., St. Peter and St. John healing the Lame (1840-41), Leipsic Museum ; Joshua, Absalom, Ba- laam's Ass, David anointed King, Moses destroying Tables of the Law (1842-43); St. Sebastian's Body taken by Christians from Cloaca Maxima, Martyrdom of St. Stephen ; Resurrection, St. Nicholas, Frankfort ; Cycle (6) representing Hannibal crossing the Alps (1844-45). Frescos : Opening of Charle- magne's Tomb by Otto HI., Destruction of the Irmen Column, Battle of Cordova, Char- lemagne's Entry into Pavia, Baptism of Wit- tekind, Coronation of Charlemagne, Build- ing of Minster at Aix-la-Chapelle, Delivery of the Crown to Louis the Pious (1847-51), City Hall, Aix-la-Chapelle ; cartoons of do.i and of Resurrection, National Gallery, Ber- lin. Allgem. Zeitg. (1859), 5985 ; Art Jour- nal (18C5), 337 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole allemaude ; Jordan (1885), ii. 180 ; Wolfg. Mailer, Dds- seldf. K., 64 ; do., Alf. Rethel (Leipsic, 1861); Nagler, Mon., i. 507 ; Pecht, ii. 129 ; Reber, ii. 141 ; Riegel, D. Kunststud., 326 ; Vischer, Altes u. Neues, iii. 1 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., vi. 132 ; x. (Mittheilungen, iii. 49) ; xx. 208, 287. RETHEL, OTTO, born at Aix-la-Cha- pelle, Dec. 26, 1822. History, genre, and portrait painter, brother of Alfred ; pupil of DUsseldorf Academy under his brother, Karl Sohn, and Schadow. Works : Boaz and Ruth (1855), Leipsic Museum ; Return of Tobias ; Paul and Silas ; Christ on Mount of Olives ; Reunion after Sickness ; Little Congratulators ; At the Hearth ; In the House of Mourning ; Serious Infancy ; Hap- py Age ; Artist's Portrait (Jubilee Exhibi- tion, Berlin, 1886). Midler, 435. RETTICH, KARL LORENZ, born at Ro- senhagen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, in 1841. Landscape painter, pupil in Munich of Lier, then in DUsseldorf (1862-67) of Albert Flamm and Theodor Hagen ; lived in Dres- den in 1867-70 and settled in Weimar in 1871. Medals; London, 1874 1876. Works : After Sunset Morning ; Landscape in Holstein Munich, Autumn After the Storm ; Sheep on Baltic Coast ; Norwegian Coast ; Devastation of Baltic Coast by Storm Tide ; Cows on Baltic Coast. M(ll- ler, 435. RETURN FROM BEAR HUNT. See Stone Age. RETURN FROM DEER STALKING, Sir Edwin Landseer, Windsor Castle. A young chief and his old companion, a mountaineer, are going carefully down a hill, with two magnificently antlered staga bound across the backs of a black and a white pony ; two dogs accompany them, one of which turns to a deer's skull lying in the grass. Royal Academy, 1827.