Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/67

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REZZONICO Lord Northwick ; do., Earl Fitzwilliara ; View from Richmond Hill (1788), Earl of Northbrook ; Death of Dido, Cimon and Iphigenia (1789), Buckingham Palace ; Lady Francis Cole (1789), Earl of Darnley ; Sheri- dan? (1789), H. N. Pym, Esq.; Man's Head in Profile (1773), Holy Family, The Graces (1774), Banished Lord, Lord Heathfield, Hon. William Wyndham, Infant Kamuel, Lord Ligonier on Horseback, Sir A. Hume, Admiral Keppel (1780), Sir William Hamil- ton (1784), Aye of Innocence, Captain Orme, Heads of Angels (1787), Portraits of Two Gentlemen (1788-89), Snake in the Grass, Dr. Johnson, Bos well, Portrait of Sir Joshua, George TV. as Prince of Wales, Portrait of a Lady, Robinetta, National Gallery, Lon- don ; Mother and Sick Child, 2 Portraits of Sir Joshua, Death of Cardinal Beaufort, A Sketch, Prophet Samuel, Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse, Dulwich Gallery ; Snake in the Grass, Soaue Museum and Baron Rothschild's Collection ; Lord Ashburton ; Earl of Bath ; Admiral Boscawen ; Earl Camden ; Sir W. Chambers ; Duke of Cum- berland ; Viscount Keppel ; Marquis of Lansdowne ; Portrait of Sir Joshua. Other noted works are : Kitty Fisher (1759), Hope nursing Love, Sleeping Girl, Lausdowue House ; Nellie O'Brien, Miss Bowler, Hert- ford House ; Death of Cardinal Beaufort, Macbeth and Witches, Lord Lecoufield, Pet- worth House ; Mrs. Barrington as St. Ce- cilia, Bowood ; Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy (1761), Sir W. W. Wynn ; Vgolino (1773), Earl Amherst, Knole Park ; .Picfc-a-Back (about 1779), Lord Monson ; Venus and Cupid, Continence of Scipio, Hercules strangling the Serpents (1788), Hermitage, St. Petersburg ; Puck (1787), Earl Fitzwilliam ; Penelope Boothby (1788), Earl of Dudley. Sir Joshua was distin- guished also for literary ability. His "Dis- courses on Painting," which formed his an- nual addresses as head of the Academy, are admirably composed and excellent in their precepts. His sister, Frances Reynolds (1729-1807) painted miniatures and copied his pictures. Leslie and Tom Taylor, Life (London, 1865) ; Northcote, Memoirs (Lon- don, 1813) ; Farington, Memoirs (London, 1819); Malone, Works of J. R (1801); Cot- ton, Sir J. R and his Works (1856) ; Cun- ningham ; Redgrave, Century ; Ch. Blnne, Ecolo anglaise ; Waagen, Art Treasures ; Quarterly Review, April, May, and July, 18G6 ; Pulling, Biog. Great Artists ; Knight, Works of J. R (1798) ; Beechey, Literary Works, etc., of J. R (London, 1835) ; Ste- phens, English Children painted by J. R, with 15 photos.; Portfolio (1873), 66, 82. REZZONICO, MARC ANTONIO, por- trait, Titian, Spedalo Maggiore, Milan ; can- vas, figure to thigh, life-size. Painted in 1558 ; left to the hospital by Rezzouico, a benefactor, at his death in 1584. Injured by cleaning and repairing. C. & C., Titian, ii. 266. RHODEN, JOHANN MARTIN VON, born at Cassel in 1778 or 1782, died Sept. 19, 1868. Landscape painter, studied in Rome, whither he returned in 1833, having been called to Cassel as court painter in 1827. Works : View near Lake of Albano, Gotha Museum ; Italian Landscape with Pil- grim and Hermit ; Villa of Hadrian ; Con- vent of S. Benedetto near Subiaco. Cotta's Kunstbl. (1842), 112 ; D. Kuustbl. (1858), 285 ; Furster, iv., vii. ; v. 543 ; Riegel, Gesch. des Wiederauflebens der d. K., 124, 334. RHOMBERG, HANNO, born in Munich in 1819, died at Walchsee, Tyrol, July 17, 1869. Genre painter, son and pupil of Josef Anton Rhom- berg, then pupil of Munich Academy un- der Schnorr, and of Bcruhard ; was much influenced by Enhu- ber and rapidly won fame with his humorous scenes from every- day life. Works: Watchmaker, National Gallery, Berlin; Village Painter's Studio