Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/68

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KIIOMBERG (1857) ; Votive Tablet (1858) ; Tight Boot, Best Scholar (1859) ; Punished for stealing Tid-Bits, Acrobats at Village Inn (1860) ; The Second Glass (1860) ; Sledge Carver (1861), Buying a Bird, First Trial in Smok- ing (1853), New Pinakothek, Munich ; Ink- Spot, Juggler (1861); Boy at Whetstone (1862) ; Badly Sewed Shoe, Mother's Er- rand (1863) ; Children begging Father to buy a Dog (1864); Little Patient, Breakfast in Tyrol (1865); Tavern Scene (1869); Buy- ing the Rabbits, R. L. Stuart, New York. D. Kunstbl. (1854), 6 ; (1856), 72 ; (1857), 403 ; (1858), 226 ; Propyliien (1869), 720 ; Eegnet, ii. 93 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, v. 285. EHOMBERG, JOSEF ANTON, born at Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, in 1786, died in Mu- nich, Dec. 3, 1853. History and genre painter, pupil of Munich Academy under Peter von Langer, and won first prize in 1814 ; lived alternately in Vienna and Mu- nich, where he finally settled and became professor at the Polytechnic School in 1827. Works : Noah's Sacrifice (1814) ; Rebekah at the Well, Holy Family (1820) ; Sybilla (1822), Innsbruck Museum ; Death of Abel, Deluge, Swiss on the Riitli (1822) ; Adora- tion of Shepherds, Frauen- kirche, Munich; Chamois Hunter and Girl Cow-Keeper (1832), Leipsic Museum. Soltl, 251 ; Wurzbach, xxvi. 4. RIBALTA, FRANCISCO DE, born at Castellon de la Plana, Valencia, between 1550 and 1560, died in Valencia, Jan. 12, 1628. Spanish school ; studied in Valencia and afterwards in Italy, where he was influ- enced by the works of Raphael, Sebastian del Piombo, and the Carracci. On his re- turn to Spain he was received with honour and patronage, and painted many pictures for the churches and convents of Valencia. His best works are remarkable for grandeur and freedom of drawing, good taste in com- position, and knowledge of anatomy. Among his best scholars were his son Juan, Grego- rio Castaneda, and Spagnoletto. Cean Ber- mudez gives a list of six pages of his works. JB. Among the best are : Dead Christ and An- gels, St. Francis, Blessed Soul, Lost Soul, Madrid Museum ; St. Francis embracing Christ, Assumption, St. Peter the Apostle, Conception, St. John Baptist, and others, Valencia Museum ; The Virgin and St. John walking homeward from the Sepulchre, Old Pinakothek, Munich ; St. Joachim and St. Ann, Christ on the Cross (1582), The Magda- len at the Sepulchre, Hermitage, St. Peters- burg. Stirling, i. 491 ; Viardot, Peintres de 1'Espagne, 145 ; Ch. Blanc, cole espa- gnole ; Madrazo, 520 ; C. Bermudez. RIBALTA, JUAN DE, born in Valencia in 1597, died there, Oct. 10, 1628. Spanish school ; son and pupil of Francisco de Ri- balta, and painted so nearly in his father's style that their works are often confounded. When only eighteen years old he painted the admirable Crucifixion, now in the Va- lencia Museum. Had he lived he would probably have taken rank among the most famous of Spanish painters. Works : SS. John and Matthew ; SS. Mark and Luke ; Singer, Madrid Museum ; Pope Gregory the Great celebrating Mass, Dresden Muse- um ; Jephtha's Sacrifice, Martyrdom of St. Catherine, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Stirling, i. 496 ; Ch. Blanc, Ecole espagnole; Madrazo, 524. RIBERA, Don CARLOS LUIS, born in Rome, of Spanish parents, in 1812. Span- ish school ; history painter, son and pupil of Juan Antonio Ribera, then pupil of De- laroche in Paris, where he lived for many years. Medals : Paris, 3d class, 1839 ; 2d class, 1845. Works : Legislators of the Spanish Nation, Room of the Cortes, Ma- drid ; Tellez Giron rescuing Alfonso I. ; Apocalypse of St. John ; Virgin worshipping Infant Christ ; Mary Magdalen at Christ's Tomb ; Don Roderigo de Calderon led to Execution (1839); Assumption (1840); Bat- tle against the Moors at Toledo (1845) ; View of Notre Dame in Paris (1848) ; Origin of Los Girones Family (1855). Vapereau (1880), 1534. RIBERA, JUSEPE DE. See Spagnoletto. 86