Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/85

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ROBERT suicide in 1835. Occupied in Paris mostly with copies after his brother's works in | 1836-37, he went to Venice again in 1838, and five years later returned to Switzerland, whence he visited the Breisgau in 1869. His execution was very careful, though somewhat heavy. Medal, Paris, 2d class, 1831. Works : Interior of St. Mark's, Ven- ice, Basle Museum ; do. (1854), Berne Mu- seum ; do. (1844), Interior of Baptismal Chapel, ib. ; Young Girl of Procida, Interior of Leopold Robert's Studio in Rome (1829), Neuchatel Museum ; Chapel in St. Mark's, Venice, Sacristy at Lugano, Zurich Gallery ; Baptismal Ceremony in Chapel in St. Mark's, Venice (1842), National Gallery, Berlin. Jordan (1885), ii. 186 ; Rahn, Kuust- und Wanderstudien in der Schweiz (Vienna, 1883), 346. ROBERT, HUBERT, called Robert des Ruines, born in Paris, May 22, 1733, died there, April 15, 1808. Landscape painter, pupil of Pannini ; spent twelve years at Rome. Member of Academy, 1766 ; and appointed custodian of the Louvre by the Directory. Works : Harbour of Ripetta near Rome (1766), Triumphal Arch at Orange (1767), Portico of Octavius (1785), Temple of Jupiter in Rome (1787), Maison Carn'e (1787), Round Temple (1788), and seven others, Louvre ; Two Views in Gardens of Versailles (1777), Pont Notre Dame, Paris, Poiit-au-Change and Clock Tower, ib. (1788), National Confederation on the Champ de Mai's (1790), Versailles Museum : View of Ancient Aqueducts, Trianon Pal- ace ; Interior of Maison Carree at Nimes, Pont du Gard, Fontainebleau Palace ; Foun- tain of Minerva, Rome (1772), Angers Mu- seum ; Ruins of Imperial Palace Rome, do. of Temple, Interior of Thermae of Diocletian, Besanyon Museum ; Antique Ruins (2), Bordeaux Museum ; Aqueducts of Mainte- nant, Ruins of Forum Palladium, Chartres Museum ; Interior of Antique Temple with Religious Ceremony, Stable under Ancient Building, Dijon Museum ; others in Muse- ums of Marseilles, Montpellier, Orleans, 11 Ii s~s f C l Rouen (6), Troyes ; View of the Pantheon, Darmstadt Museum ; Ruins of Temple at G i r g en ti, Stone Bridge, Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Bellier, il 391 ; tJ Ch. Blanc, cole franeaise ; Villot, Cat. Louvre ; Le- jeune, Guide, L 272 ; iii. 317. ROBERT, LEO PAUL, born at Bienne, Switzerland ; contemporary. History and genre painter, pupil of his father and of Gi'rome. Medal, 3d class, 1877. Works : Evening Zephyrs (1877); The Nymph Echo (1878) ; Christ with Lazarus, Genii of the Forest (1879); First Spring (1882); Beech- Woods at Romont (1883). ROBERT, (LOUIS) LEOPOLD, born at La Chaux-de-Fonds, Neuchatel, Switzer- land, May 13, 1794, died in Venice, March 25, 1835. Genre painter, pupil of David iu Paris, whither he had gone with the engraver Charles Ghirardet, his first instructor. After winning the 2d grand prix for engraving (1814), and fre- quenting for a short time the studio of Gros in 1815, he returned home, where he paint- ed many excellent portraits and found a patron in M. Roullet Mezerac, who offered him the means to go to Rome in 1818 ; there he devoted himself to painting scenes from the life of the people. This he did with a poetry which raised his popular sub- jects to the dignity of history, and made him equal to the foremost artists of his time. In 1824 he won the first prize in Paris, visited that city, and his native coun- try in 1831, but soon returned to Italy, set- tling at Florence, whence he removed to Venice to complete his picture, The Fish- ers of the Adriatic. In a fit of melancholia he committed suicide. Medal, Paris, 1822 ; 68