Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/88

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KOBIE afterwards followed by another brother, Alexander, pupil in miniature painting of Shelley. Redgrave. EOBIE, JEAN BAPTISTE, born in Brus- sels in 1821. Still-life painter, pupil of Brussels Academy ; most of his works are in private collections in France, England, and America. Medals at Brussels (1848), Paris (1851, 1863), Hague (1861), Sydney (1879) ; Order of Leopold (1861) ; Officer (1866); Commander (1881). Studio in Brus- sels. Works : Garland, Grapes, The Win- dow, The Park (1846-51); Still-Life (1853), Ghent Museum ; Bread and Wine (1855) ; Flowers, Grapes (1863) ; Grapes and Still- Life (1864) ; Massacre of the Innocents, Promised Land (1865) ; Autumn, Fruits (1867) ; Flowers, Fruits and Accessories (1878); Flowerpiece, T. Wigglesworth, Bos- ton ; do., A. Adams, Watertown ; H. B. Hurlbut, Cleveland ; J. J. O'Fallon, St. Louis ; W. H. Fosdick, Louisville ; Charles Crocker, San Francisco. Vapereau (1880), 1554. ROBINETTA, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Na- tional Gallery, London ; canvas, H. 2 ft. 5 in. x 2 ft. A girl, half-length, seated, with a robin on her right shoulder, resting her left arm on its cage. Said to be a portrait of Miss Anna Lewis, afterwards the Hon. Mrs. Tollemache. Purchased with Peel pic- tures in 1871. Eeplica at Knole Park, Earl Amherst. A somewhat similar picture, without the cage, belongs to Lord Lons- dale ; engraved by J. Jones (1787), and S. W. Reynolds. Etched by A. Lalanze in Portfolio. Cat Nat. Gal.; Portfolio (1876), 145 ; Waagen, Art Treasures, iv. 340. ROBINSON, THOMAS, born in Nova Scotia in 1835. Animal painter, pupil of Courbet, and for a short time of Auguste Bonheur. He has lived and painted in Prov- idence, Boston, and Paris. Works : Dog's Head, Sheep in Pasture, A New England Farmer, Bull's Head (1876); Sprague's String Team ; Beacon Street in Boston in January, In a Daisy Field (1884). Benjamin, 103. ROBUST! See Tintoretto. ROCH (Rocco), ST., Tintoretto, Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice ; canvas, in narrow inter- val between two windows. A fine figure, though rather coarse. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 342. ROCH, ST., GIVING ALMS, Annibale Carracci, Dresden Gallery ; canvas, H. 11 ft. 9 in. x 17 ft. 1 in. St. Roch, at right, on a platform under a portico, giving alms to the poor and the sick, who throng the court in front ; background of architecture. Paint- ed for Chapel of S. Rocco, Reggio ; sold to Duke of Modena, whence passed to Dres- den. Copy in small, by Guido, in Zambec- cari Gallery, Bologna. Engraved by Guido Reni, who added two figures to it ; also by J. Camerata. Gal. roy. de Dresde, i. PI. 21 ; Reveil, ix. 590. ROCH, ST., FINDING OF BODY OF, Tintoretto, S. Rocco, Venice ; canvas, H. about 10 ft. x 25 ft. A somewhat confused picture, with a flying angel in blue drapery ; altogether uninteresting. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 324. ROCH, ST., IN CAMPO D'ARMATA, Tintoretto, S. Rocco, Venice ; canvas, H. about 10 ft. x 25 ft. " A wild group of horses and warriors in the most magnificent confusion of fall and flight ever painted by man. They all seem dashed different ways as if by a whirlwind ; and a whirlwind there must be, for a huge tree is torn up and hurled into the air, as if it were a shivered lance." Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 324. ROCH, ST., IN THE DESERT, Tintoret- to, S. Rocco, Venice ; canvas. A single re- cumbent figure in a not very interesting landscape. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 322. ROCH, ST., IN GLORY, Tintoretto, Scu- ola di S. Rocco, Venice ; canvas. The Saint ascends to heaven, looking down on a crowd of the sick and poor, who are blessing and adoring him. One of the worst of Tinto- rets. Ruskin, Stones of Venice, iii. 338. ROCH, ST., IN HEAVEN, Tintoretto, Scuola di S. Rocco, Venice ; oval, central pict- ure of ceiling, Sala dell' Albergo. Painted 56