Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/87

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ROBERT Medals : 18GG, 1867, 1870 ; medal of honour, 1870 ; 1st class, 1878 ; L. of Honour, 1873. Works : Roman Girl, Child kissing a Relic (1864); Warsaw on April 8, 1861 (1866) ; Old Women of the Pi- Navona (1867), azza Last Day of Corinth (1870), Luxembourg Museum; Danaids (1872) ; Charlotte Corday in Caen (1874); Pinel the Chief Physician of the Salpu- triere in Paris (1876) ; Vauban giving his Plans for the Fortification of Belfort (1882) ; Mazarin and his Nieces (1883) ; Leda (1885) ; Musical Cardinal, Miss C. L. Wolfe, New York. Larousse ; D. Rund- schau, xvi. 306 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K., xix. 259. ROBERT THE PIOUS, EXCOMMUNI- CATION OF, Jean Paul Laurens, Luxem- bourg Museum ; canvas, H. 4 ft. 10 in. x 7 ft 2 in. Robert tt, King of France (996- 1031), married his cousin and was excom- municated, on his refusal to put her aside, by Gregory V., who declared that the union was in violation of canonical law. Aban- doned by all his court he was finally (1001) forced to yield. Salon, 1875. ROBERT DBS RUINES. See Robert, Hubert. ROBERTS, DAVID, born in Stockbridge, near Edinburgh, Oct. 24, 1796, died in London, Nov. 25, 1864. Landscape painter; appren- ticed to a house- painter and decora- tor in Edinburgh, then devoted him- self to scene paint- ing there (1816), as afterwards in London whither he went in 1822. First exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1826, a view of Rouen Cathedral, and then at the British Institute and the Socie- ty of British Artiste, of which he was vice- president. He visited Spain in 1832-33, and in 1835 exhibited his Cathedral at Bur- gos, in the Royal Academy, London. In 1838-39 he went to the East, whence he drew many fine subjects, and where he made a series of sketches, exhibited in London in 1840. Painted about 260 oil pictures. Elected A.RA in 1838 and RA. in 1841. The sale of his sketches and drawings in June, 1865, realized 16,450. Works : De- parture of the Israelites (1828); Interior of Old Buildings on the Darro, Entrance to Crypt of Roslyn Chapel, Bab-el-Mutaweller Gate at Cairo (1835), S. Kensington Muse- um ; Ruins of Baalbec Temple of the Sun (1840) ; Interior S. Miguel, Spain (1841) ; Burgos Cathedral (1835), Chancel of St Paul at Antwerp (1848), National Gallery, London; Sunset in Rome, National Gallery, Edin- burgh ; Tyre ; Sidon ; Melrose Abbey (1844); j Jerusalem ; Church of the Nativity at Beth- lehem ; Fete Day at St. Peter's. Mr. Rob- erts published several series of lithographed sketches : The best known are " Sketches in | the Holy Laud and Syria" (1842); "Italy, Historical, Classical, and Picturesque " (1859). Ballantyne, Life (London, 1866); Art Journal (1858), 201 ; (1865), 43 ; Sandby, ii. 169 ; Redgrave. ROBERTSON, ANDREW, born in Aber- deen, Scotland, Oct. 14, 1777, died at Hamp- stead, England, Dec. 6, 1845. Miniature painter, pupil of Alexander Nasmyth ; grad- uated at Aberdeen University in 1794. In 1801 ho walked to London to see the exhi- bition and was noticed by Benjamin West, who sat to him for his portrait and advised him to study in the Academy schools. Ho painted the princesses at Windsor, the Prince Regent (1812), and was appointed miniature painter to the Duke of Sussex. He had pupils who became distinguished, and on his retirement in 1841 the miniature painters presented him with a piece of plate as the father of their profession. His elder brother Archibald went to New York in 1791, to practise portrait painting, and was 55