Page:Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings, 1887, vol 4.djvu/92

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ROGI1MAN painter, studied first at Osnabriick, then in Munich under Rhomberg and at the Acad- emy under Philipp Foltz ; visited North Italy, lived for several years in Diisseldorf, and settled in Munich. Works : Reconciliation of Otto I. with his Brother Henry, Provin- zial Museum, Hanover ; Last of the Hohen- staufen before Charles of Anjou ; Lying-in- Room of a Princess ; Quartering in IGth Century ; Return from Fair ; Violinist ; Sunday Morning ; Eaves-Dropper ; Treach- erous Hostess ; Before the Festival ; Leav- ing Home, L M. Scott, San Francisco ; Con- valescent, Mrs. D. D. Colton.ib.; three frescos in National Museum, Munich. Mttller, 446. ROGHMAN, ROELAND, born in Am- sterdam in 1597, died there after 1G8C. Dutch school ; landscape painter; travelled extensively in Germany and Tyrol. His rare landscapes in the warm tone of Rembrandt are particularly noticeable for their fine per- spective ; they may be seen in the Museums of Amsterdam and Berlin, Galleries of Cas- sel (3, two attributed to Rembrandt), Copen- hagen, and Oldenburg. Immerzeel, iii. 23 ; Kugler (Crowe), ii. 359 ; Kramm, v. 1380. ROHDE, KARL, born in Coblentz in 1840. Animal painter, pupil of Stuttgart Art School under Neher and Rustige, settled in Munich in 18C4 ; paints chiefly domestic poultry. Works : The Duellists ; Prize Race ; Hungry Folk ; Sparrow's Wooing ; Clucking Hen. Miiller, 446 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, vi. 247. ROKES, HENDRIK MARTENSZ. See Sorgh. ROLL, ALFRED PHILIPPE, born in Paris; contemporary. Military and genre painter, pupil of Ge- rome and Bonnat. Medals : 3d class, 1875 ; 1st class, 1877; L. of Honour, 1883. Works : Environs of Baccarat, Evening(1870); Wound- ed Fugitive (1872); Bac- chante (1873); Don Juan and Haidee (1875); Halted! (1875); Huntress (1876) ; Inunda- tion of Toulouse in 1875 (1877) ; Festival of Silenus (1879) ; Miners on a Strike (1880) ; July 14th 1880 (1882) ; Normandy (1883) Luxembourg Museum ; Fight between a French Cuirassier and a Prussian Sharp- shooter ; Marianne Offrey Crieuse de vert (1884) ; At Work, Study of a Bull and Nude Woman (1885) ; Portrait of Damoye (1886). Gaz. des B. Arts (1882), xxv. 546 ; (1884), xxix. 468 ; Zeitschr. f. b. K, xxi. 315. ROLL-CALL, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson Butler, Windsor Castle ; canvas. Calling the roll of the Grenadier Guards on a misty winter morning after an engagement in the Crimea. A line of soldiers worn out with con- flict, some wounded, some dying and fallen with their faces in the snow, inspected by the colonel as he rides slowly past. Royal Academy, 1874 ; purchased by the Queen. Engraved by F. Stacpoole. Art Journal (1874), 163. ROLL-CALL OF LAST VICTIMS, Charles Louis Miiller, Versailles Museum ; canvas, H. 14 ft. 4 in. x 26 ft. 11 in. Scene the prison of the Couciergerie, on the 8th Thermidor, 1794. An officer of the Revolu- tionary Tribunal is reading the names of the victims for whom the cart waits outside the door ; the Princesse de Chimay is already in the cart, and the Princesse de Monaco, who has just been called, rises in terror at right, while an informer points her out with his finger. The central figure, seated in a chair, is Andre Chenier, the author. Salon, 1850 ; replica (H. 4 ft. 3 in. x 7 ft. 10 in.), bought in 1862 by John Taylor John- ston for $1,800 ; his sale (1876), $8,200, to J. J. Astor, New York. Original sketch, H. L. Dousman, St. Louis. Photogravure in Art Treasures of America, ii. 11, 14 ; iii. 58. ROLLMANN, JULIUS, born Dec. 13, 1827, died at Soest, Westphalia, April 30, 18G5. Landscape painter, pupil of Diissel- dorf and Berlin Academies ; settled in Mu- nich, and in 1853 in DUsseldorf ; visited Italy in 1858. Work: View in Bavarian Alps (1864), National Gallery, Berlin. Jor- dan (1885), ii. 189. 80