Page:Cyclopedia of illustrations for public speakers, containing facts, incidents, stories, experiences, anecdotes, selections, etc., for illustrative purposes, with cross-references; (IA cyclopediaofillu00scotrich).pdf/832

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Economy of Natural Resources. Gen. 8:22—While the earth remaineth, seed time, and harvest, &c.

Effacement of Sins. Ps. 51:1—Blot out my transgressions;
  Ps. 51:9—Blot out all my iniquities.

Egoism. Gen. 4:9—Am I my brother's keeper?

Elect, The. Rom. 8:29—For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate, &c.

Elevation. Deut. 34:1—And Moses went up from the plains of Noah unto the mountain of Nebo to the top of Pisgah;
  Isa. 40:9—Get thee up into the high mountain, Jerusalem that bringest good tidings, &c.

Elevation and Vision. Psalm 121:1—I will lift up mine eyes, &c.

Emergency. 1 Sam. 21:8—The king's business requireth haste.

Encouragement. Eccl. 9:10—Whatsoever thy hand findeth, &c.;
  2 Tim. 2:1—Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

Endeavor. 1 Pet. 3:13—Who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good.

Endeavor, Constant. 1 Cor. 9:25—And every man that striveth for the mastery, &c.

Endurance. Matt. 10:22—He that endureth to the end, &c.

Endurance of Pain. Heb. 13:6—I will not fear what man shall do unto me.

Enemies Converted. Rom. 12:20—In so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

Enticement. Prov. 1:10—If sinners entice thee consent thou not.

Environment, Destructive. 1 Cor. 5:6—Your glorying is not good, &c.

Environment that Transforms. Rom. 12:2—And be not conformed to this world, &c.

Envy. 1 Cor. 13:4—Charity envieth not.

Equalization. Lev. 27:8—According to his ability shall the priest value him.

Ethical Principle. John 7:17—If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, &c.

Evangelization. Mark 16:15—And he said unto them, Go ye, &c.

Evaporation. Psalm 63:1—O God . . . early will I seek thee, &c.

Evidence, Christian. Matt. 7:21—Not very one that saith, Lord, Lord, shall enter, &c.

Evil Beginnings. Prov. 16:25—There is a way that seemeth good, &c.

Evil Deflected. 1 Peter 3:13—Who is he that will harm you, &c.

Evil Disguised. Matt. 23:27—Ye are like unto whited sepulchers, &c.

Evil Self-Destructive. Psalm 7:16—His mischief shall return upon his own head.

Evil, Virulency of. Rom. 5:12—Wherefore as by one man, &c.

Example. Gal. 6:2—Bear ye one another's burdens, &c.;
  Heb. 6:12—Followers of them who through faith, &c.

Example, Attention to. Psalm 123:2—Behold, as the eyes of servants, &c.

Exclusion from Heaven. Matt. 25:10—And the door was shut.

Excuses. Luke 14:15-24—Began to make excuse, &c.

Experience. Matt. 7:35—Cast out the beam in thine own eyes, &c.

Experience a Hard Teacher. Matt. 23:3—Whatsoever they bid you observe, &c.

Experience the Best Argument. 2 Tim. 1:12—I know whom I have believed, &c.

Experience, Value of. Matt. 15:14—If the blind lead the blind, &c.

Experiment. Psalm 64:6—They accomplish a diligent search . . . and the heart is deep;
  1 Cor. 3:10—I have laid the foundation, another buildeth thereon;
  John 4:37—One soweth, another reapeth.

Exposure. Prov. 28:13—He that covereth his sins, &c.

Extravagance, Censurable. Job 27:19—The rich man shall lie down, &c.;
  Prov. 22:27—The rich ruleth over the poor, &c.

Eye, The Searching. Gen. 16:13—Thou God seest me.


Face, The, Revealing the Gospel. Eccl. 8:1—A man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, &c.

Facts, Religious. 2 Tim. 4:3—For the time will come, &c.

Failure Transformed to Success. Isa. 45:2—I will go before thee, &c.

Faith. Psalm 30:5—Weeping may endurefor a night, &c.;
  Heb. 11:1—Faith . . . substance of things hoped for, &c.;
  Luke 12:24—Consider the ravens. . . . God feedeth them, &c.;
  Micah, 7:8—When I fall, I shall arise, &c.

Faith, A Child's. Luke 18:17—Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom as a little child, &c.