Page:Cyclopedia of illustrations for public speakers, containing facts, incidents, stories, experiences, anecdotes, selections, etc., for illustrative purposes, with cross-references; (IA cyclopediaofillu00scotrich).pdf/833

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Faith and Power. Acts 6:8—Full of faith and power, &c.

Faith and Prayer. Matt. 7:11—If ye then, being evil, &c.

Faith and Support. Matt. 10:9, 10—Provide neither gold nor silver, &c.

Faith Better Than Sight. 1 Cor. 5:7—We walk by faith not by sight.

Faith Taught by Nature. Psalm 147:9—He giveth . . . food to the ravens, &c.;
  Matt. 6:30—If God so clothe the grass of the field, &c.

Faith without Works. James 2:17—Faith if it have not work, &c.

Faithfulness. 1 Cor. 4:2—Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

Faithfulness unto Death. 2 Tim 4:7—I have kept the faith.

Falsehood. Gal. 2:13—Other Jews dissembled likewise with him.

Falsity, Inner. Matt. 15:18—Those things . . . come forth from the heart, &c.

Family Religion. Prov. 22:6—Train up a child in the way he should go, &c.

Fasting. Matt. 6:16—When ye fast be not as the hypocrites, &c.

Father Animals, Unparental. Psalm 27:10—When my father and mother forsake me, &c.

Fatherhood. Luke 15:20—When he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, &c.

Father's Voice. Luke 15:18—I will arise and go to my father.

Fear as a Motive. Eccl. 12:13—Fear God.

Fear of God. Eccl. 12:14—Fear God, &c.

Fear of Man. Jude 16—Having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

Fertility. John 12:24—Except a corn of wheat, &c.

Fire, Cost of. 1 Cor. 3:13—The fire shall try every man's work.

Fire, Heavenly. Jer. 23:29—Is not my word like as a fire, &c.

Fishers of Men. Matt. 4:19—Follow me . . . fishers of men;
  Luke 5:10—From henceforth thou shalt catch men.

Flowers, Meanings of. Matt. 6:28—Consider the lilies of the field, &c.

Focusing the Eye. Matt. 6:21—For where your treasure is, &c.

Following Christ—John 2:5—Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it;
  John 15:14—Ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you.

Following, Inexact. Matt. 7:14—Strait is the gate, &c.;
  James 2:10—Keep the whole law . . . offend in one point, &c.

Forbearance. John 8:10, 11—When Jesus had lifted up himself, &c.;
  Rom. 12:17—Recompense to no man evil for evil.

Forgiveness. Matt. 6:14, 15—If ye forgive not, &c.

Forgiveness, Conditions of. Matt. 3:8—Fruits meet for repentance.

Form versus Reality. 2 Tim. 3:5—Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.

Foundations. 1 Tim. 6:16—If the foundations be destroyed, &c.;
  1 Tim. 6:19—A good foundation;
  1 Cor. 3:11—Other foundations can no man lay.

Freedom Chosen. Gal. 5:1—Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free.

Freedom of Soul. John 8:32—Truth shall make you free.

Friendliness. John 15:15—I have called you friends.

Friends, Choice of. Prov. 13:20—He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, &c.

Fruit and Soil. Mark 4:5—Fell on stony ground, &c.

Fruit-bearing. Luke 6:44—Every tree is known by his own fruit.

Fruitfulness. Psalm 1:3—Like a tree planted by the river, &c.

Future Life. 1 John 3:2—It doth not yet appear what we shall be;
  1 Cor. 13:12—For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face, &c.

Future Welfare. Jer. 31:34—And they shall teach no more, &c.


Gain through Loss. 2 Cor. 4:17—Our light affliction which is but for a moment, &c.

Generosity. Prov. 11:24—There is that scattereth and yet increaseth, &c.;
  Acts 20:35—It is more blessed to give than to receive;
  Heb. 13:16—But to do good and to communicate, forget not, &c.

Generosity, Christian. Matt. 25:40—Inasmuch as ye have done it, &c.

Genius Can Not Be Hidden. Isa. 58:10—Then shall thy light rise in obscurity, &c.

Genius, Discovering. John 1:41, 42—He first findeth his own brother, &c.

Genius versus Tools. Mark 9:28—Why could not we cast him out, &c.

Getting and Giving. Matt. 10:8—Freely ye have received, freely give.

Giants. 2 Sam. 22:36—Thy gentleness hath made me great.