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Dangerous Goods (Shipping) Regulation 2012

Part 6
L.N. 56 of 2012
Section 35

Part 6
Savings and Transitional Provisions

35. Interpretation

In this Part—

commencement date (生效日期) means the date of commencement of this Regulation;

Repealed Regulations (《被廢除規例》) means the Dangerous Goods (Shipping) Regulations (Cap. 295 sub. leg. C) as in force immediately before the commencement date.

36. Permissions and permits granted immediately before commencement date

If, immediately before the commencement date, there was in effect a permission or permit granted by the Director under the Repealed Regulations in respect of any substance, material or article, then, on and after that date, the permission or permit is, for the unexpired period of its validity and subject to the same conditions to which it was subject immediately before that date, to be regarded as a permission or permit granted by the Director under this Regulation in respect of the same substance, material or article.

37. Dangerous goods manifests submitted in respect of type 1 vessels under Repealed Regulations

A manifest submitted to the Director immediately before the commencement date under regulation 4 of the Repealed Regulations is to be regarded as a manifest submitted to the Director under section 7 of this Regulation.