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was, or law suited to him; but this is not the question, but, what man has been when this was committed to him; when he was placed under responsibility in respect of this revelation. Nor could I, nor could any, thank God, deny that there were saints when the general standing was one of total failure, and, in principle, apostasy from the first estate: there was Abel, and Noah, and Enoch, after the fall, and even fuller testimony as evil closed in, and Elijah’s when Israel, in one sense because Israel, had made the golden calves and gone after Baal; but that is not the question, but, what was the state of things?

Now I shall first present the historical fact, before I quote the instructions of scripture on the subject; but scripture must itself tell us both the basis from which men fell away and some of the facts too; now Galatians, without going into the higher doctrines of Ephesians and Colossians, will afford us the great foundational basis, and in a measure what departure from it is. Two great principles lie at the base of Christianity, God’s righteousness, Christ sitting at the right hand of God, and the presence of the Holy Ghost: Paul tells us (2 Cor. iii.) that Christianity or the gospel was the ministration of righteousness and the ministration of the Spirit; these are the two great essential elements. So again—but now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested; and again to declare, I say, at this time His righteousness; and, the righteousness of God by faith of Jesus Christ. So Philippians iii—not having mine own righteousness which is by the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. Christ has made peace by the blood of His cross and left peace to His disciples. Peace was what was preached and remission of sins: being justified by