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much clothing. My, but they were scared! I fancy they thought I might pitch into them for the mean things they did in the past. But I didn't want to start any row.'"

"Is that all he says?" demanded Dave, after the senator's son had finished.

"That's all he says about Merwell and Jasniff and their doings."

"Doesn't he mention the name of that schooner, or the hotel?" asked Phil.


"Did you say Luke was going to Jacksonville?" asked our hero.

"Yes, his whole family are down there."

"Then I could telegraph to him and he could give me the name of the hotel, and of the schooner."

"Dave, what do you make out of this?" demanded the senator's son.

"I make out of it that Merwell and Jasniff are guilty!" burst out Dave. "They went from here to Florida, and now they have either gone to sea, or are going, as soon as that schooner sails. Do you notice what Luke says about their being scared almost to death when they saw him? They evidently thought some of us, or the officers of the law, were with him."

"And the little valises!" burst out the ship-