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owner's son. "Perhaps they contain the jewels!"

"Would they be foolish enough to carry them around like that?" questioned Roger. "Wouldn't they hide them?"

"They may be looking for some good hiding-place, or some place where they can sell them," answered Dave. "Remember, Jasniff and Merwell are green at this business—they wouldn't go at it hke professionals. If they were professionals, they wouldn't have acted so scared."

"That is true. What will you do, tell Mr. Wadsworth of this?"

"I think I'll tell my father and my Uncle Dunston first. Mr. Wadsworth doesn't place much credit in the story of Merwell and Jasniff's guilt. He thinks the detectives are on the right track."

"Well, possibly they are," admitted Phil. "But I must say, this looks mighty suspicious to me.

"I have half a mind to take matters in my own hands and run down to Jacksonville," went on our hero. "Who knows but what I might find Merwell and Jasniff? If I did, I could stop them and make them give an account of themselves by making that old charge of abduction against them, and that charge of having used my name."