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A Laſs that was laden’d with care,
ſat heavily under yon thorn,
I liſten'd a while for to hear,
when thus ſhe began for to mourn:
Whene'er my dear ſhepherd was here,
the birds did melodiouſly ſing.
And cold nipping Winter did wear
a face that reſembled the Spring!

Sae merry as we twa hae been,
See merry as we twa hae been,
My heart it is like for to break,

When I think on the days we have ſeen,
Our flocks feeding cloſe by his ſide,
he gently preſſing my hand.
I view'd the wide world in its pride,
and laugh'd at the pomp of command!
My dear, he would oft to me ſay.
what makes you hard-hearted to me?
Oh! why do you turn away
from him who is dying for thee?
Sae merry, &c.

But now he is far from my ſight;
Perhaps a deceiver may prove,
Which makes me lament day and nights,
that ever I granted my love
At eve, when the reſt of the folk

were merrily ſeated to ſpin,