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I ſet myſelf under an oak,
and heavily ſighed for him.
Sae merry. &c.



I'VE been courting at a laſs,
theſe twenty days and mair;
Her father winna gie me her,
ſhe has ſic a gleib of gear:
But gin I had her where I wou’d,
amang the hether here,
I'd ſtrive to win her kindneſs,
for a’ her father's care.

For ſhe's a bonny fonſie laſs,
an 'armsfu' I ſwear;
I wou'd marry her without a coat,
or e'er a plack o’ gear.
For truſt me. when I ſaw her firſt,
ſhe gae me ſic a wound.
That a’ the doctors i' the earth
can never mak me ſound.

For when ſhe's abſent from my ſight,
I think upon her ſtill;
And when I ſleep or when I wake,
ſhe does my ſenſes fill.
May a’ that's good attend the laſs,
that ſweetens a' my life;
And ſhame fa’ me gin e'er I feel
anither for my wife.