Page:Debrett's Illustrated Peerage and Titles of Courtesy.djvu/136

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62 PEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED PEERAGE. BRAYE, BARONY OF, see "Peerages in Abeyance." BREADALBANE, EARL OF. (CAMPBELL.) Sits as BARON. GAVIN CAMPBELL, 7th Earl, and Baronet. Born April 9th, 1851; sue ceeded his father 1871 ; educated at the University of St Andrew's: was a Lord in Waiting to Her Majesty 1873 74; was sometime Lieut, in the Royal Renfrew Militia ; is a Magistrate for Perthshire : married (1872) Lady Alma Imogine Leonore Carlotta, daughter of the 4th Duke of Montrose. Brother living, Ivan, heir presumptive, b. 1859. Sister living, Eva, b. 1855. Creations, Baron Glenorchy, Benederaloch, Ormelie, and Weik, Viscount of Tay and PaLntland, and Earl of Breadalbane and Holland, in the peerage of Scotland, 1677. Baron Breadalbane of Kenmore, in the county of Perth, in the peerage of the United Kingdom, 1873. A Baronet, 1625. arms, Quarterly of four : 1st, gironny of eight, or and sable, Campbell ; 2nd, argent, a lymphad with sails furled and oars in action, sable, Lorn ; 3rd, or, a fesse cheeky, azure, and argent, Stewart of Lorn; 4th, as 1st. (Crest, A boar's head erased, proper. Supporters, Two stags, proper, armed and unguled, or. Seats, Taymouth-castle, Aberfeldy ; Auchmore-house ; Glenfalloch-house, Perthshire ; Armaddy- cattle, and Forest-house, Argyleshire. Town Residence, -22, Charles Street, W.

  • , Marlborough, White's.

Follow me. BREADALBANE, Earl of, His lordship's predecessor was his father, John Alexander Gavin Campbell, 6th Earl of Breadalbane. He was the son of William John Lamb Campbell, Esq., of Glenfalloch, Perthshire. Born March 30, 1824, and suc- ceeded his kinsman 1862, and by an unanimous judgment of the House of Lords was in 1367 confirmed in the succession. Educated at Edinburgh. Entered the 79th Highlanders 1842, exchanged to the 1st Royals and became Lieut. 1845, and Oapt. >854, retired 1855. Wa a Magistrate for Perthshire. M. 1850, Mary Theresa, who d. 1870, only daughter of J. F. Edwards, Esq. He died in March 1871, leaving issue two sons and one daughter. Brecknock, Earl of, title borne by the Marquess Camden. Bridgeman, family name of the Earl of Bradford. BRIDPORT, VISCOUNT. (Hooo.) ALEXANDER NELSON HOOD, 1st Vis- count and 3rd Baron, and 4th Duke of Bronte, in the kingdom of Italy. Born Dec. 23rd, 1814; succeeded his father 1868. Educated at Eton. Entered the Scots Fusilier Guards as Lieut, and Capt. 1831, became Capt. and Lieut. -Col. 18:J6, Major 1846, Lieut.-Col. 1847, Col. 1854, and Major-Gen. 1862; was a Groom in Waiting to the Queen 184753, Clerk- Marshal to the late Prince Consort 1853