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172 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Issue of the late Lynedoch Douglas, Esq., 5th son of ist baronet, 6. 1818, d. 1859 : in. 1848, Laura Susanna, da. of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Archibald Campbell. G.C. B., ist baronet, cr. 1831, of New Brunswick : Helen Maria Mackenzie : /. 1874, Andrew Mitchell Mackenzie, Esq., who d. 1885, and has issue living, Donald, b. 1878, Lyneoch Douglas, 6. 1881, Lilias Douglas, Helen Maria Douglas. Laura Augusta Mackenzie : ?. 1878, Donald Mackenzie, Esq., W.S., and has issue living, Donald, b. 1879, Lynedoch Archibald, b. 1884, Laura Alice, Alice Mitchell. Residence, St. Margaret's, North Berwick. Issue of the late Capt. Donald Douglas, 6th son of ist baronet, b. 1821, d. 1883 : ;. 1847, Emily, who d. 1886, da. of the late Hugh Kennedy, Esq., of Cultra, co. Down : Donald Sholto Mackenzie, b. 1849 : m. 1888, Edith Elizabeth Anne, da. of the late George Robinson, Esq., of Bagatelle, Mauritius, and has issue living, Sholto Courtenay Mackenzie, b. 1890, Edith Mildred Elisabeth Mackenzie, b. 1892. Residence, 3, Gloucester Crescent, Hyde Park, W. Emily Elizabeth Mackenzie : m. 1877, Col. Robert Blair Kennedy (Madras Infantry), and has issue living, Kathleen Carlotta Douglas. Residence, The family of Douglas of Glenbervie had a grant from James V. of Scotland of the right to the first vote in Parliament, to be the King's Lieutenants, and to carry the crown at coronations. The ugl; Zealand. DOYLE, Creation 1828. Sir EVERARD HASTINGS DOYLE, 3rd Baronet ; b. Feb. gth, 1852 ; s. his father, Sir FRANCIS HASTINGS CHARLES 1888; ed. at Ch. Ch., Oxford; appointed a Clerk in House of Commons 1875. ^rins Argent, three bucks' heads erased proper within a bordure counter-compony or and azure, dtrtst Out of a duc ' head as in the arms. cal coronet or, a buck's Clubs White's, Residence 46, Davies Street, Berkeley Square, W. Travellers'. _ Brother living ARTHUR HAVELOCK JAMES, b. Feb. zist, 1858 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst; is Capt. 2nd Batn. King's (Shrop shire L.I.); served in Afghan war 1879-80 (medal). Clubs, St. James's, Travellers', Army and Navy. Doenoeyle,quothDo-yle. , . . , _ . _ r, ,, ^ r. I Sister living Mary Anabel :;. 1885, Charles Carmichael Lacaita, Esq., Do :u> ill, quoth Doyle. f ormer l y M.P. for Dundee, and has issue living, Francis Charles, b. 1887, Sidney Guendolen, b. 1886. Residence, Selham, Petworth. A baronetcy granted in 1805 to Gen. Sir John Doyle, G.C.B., became extinct in 1834. His nephew, Major-Gen. Sir Francis, the ist baronet of the present creation, was Chairman of the Board of Excise. Sir Francis Hastings Charles, the 2nd baronet, was Professor of Poetry in Oxford Univ. 1867-77. D'OYLY, Creation 1663, of Shottisham, Norfolk. Sir CHARLES WALTERS D'OYLY, gth Baronet ; b. Dec. 2ist, 1822; s. his father, Sir JOHN HADLEY, 1869; ed. at Addiscombe ; entered Indian Army 1842, became Lieut. - Col. 1868, Col. 1873, and retired Major-Gen. 1875 ; was A.D.C. to Marquess of Dalhousie, Gov.-Gen. of India 1852-6; served in Gwalior campaign (medal), and in Indian mutiny (medal) ; is a J. P. for Dorset: m. ist, 1855, Emelie Jane, who d. 1857, da. of Major-Gen. George Nott (Madras Army) ; 2ndly, 1867, Elinor, da. of the late James Winter Scott, Esq., M.P., of Rotherfield Park. Hants [see Clarke-Jervoise, Bart.], and has issue by ist marriage. 5rms Quarterly of nine : ist grand quarter gules, three bucks' heads cabossed argent, D'Oyly; 2nd, one buck's head cabossed argent, De Dnston; 3rd, azure, a fret argent, De Stoke; 4th, quarter ly, ist and 4th sable and or, in ist quarter a lion passant of the second, De Boudon ; 5th, Donoeylle, quoth D Oylle. ar g e nt, a saltire engrailed azure, Legat ; 6th, three bears' heads couped Do no ill, quoth Doyle, sable, Ellu'yn; 7th, argent, a lion rampant azure, Steade ; 8th, gules, a chevron between three boars' heads couped argent, all within a bordure engrailed of the last, Whyte ; gth, gules on a cross argent, five mullets pierced of the field, Randal. Crest Out of a ducal coronet or, two wings erect sable bezantee, between which and resting or. the strawberry leaf of the coronet an estoile of six points argent. Seat Newlands, Blandford, Dorsetshire. Club Junior United Service. Daughter living Mary Lushington: m. 1877, Arthur Francis Bernard, Esq., Major W. Somerset Yeo. Cav., and has issue living, Henry D'Oyly, b. 1878, Charles Camplin, b. 1881, Ruth Capel, Muriel Awdry, Marjorie Churchill. Residence, Combe Raleigh, Honiton.