Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/272

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194 DEBRETT S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Daughters living Mary Constance. Esther Winifred. Sister living Margaret Burnett : ;. 1873, the Rev. John Maturin Warren. M.A., R. of Bawclrip [see Farrington, Bart.], and has issue living, John Maxwell Dalrymple Elphinstone, b. 1874, James Gra:me Hepburn, b. 1875, William Henry Farrington, b. 1877, Frederick Drummond. b. 1881. Residence* Bawdrip Rectory, Brid* water. Uncle living (son of ist BaroneO HEW DRUMMOND ELPHINSTONE-DALRYMPLE, b. 1807; formerly Sheriff of Madras, and Ch. of Marine Depart., Madras: nt. 1838, Helenora Catharine, who d. 188,}, da. of the late Sir John Heron Maxwell, 4th baronet, and has issue living, Robert Graeme, b. 1844; is Col. I.S.C., and Comdt. of Resident's Escort, Hyderabad: in. 1871, Flora Loudoun, da. of James Macleod, Esq., and has issue living, John Maxwell />. 1873 ; is Lieut. 3rd Batn. Dorsetshire Regt., Edward Arthur b. 1877, Francis Napier b, 1882, Helenora Catharine. Residence, Shedfield Grange, Botley, Hants. Club, Oriental. Aunt living (daughter of ist Baronet) Henrietta Marion : m. 1857, Thomas Leslie, Esq., who d. 1862. Residence, Woodend House, Banchory, N.B. WidOW living Of 3rd Baronet NINA (Lady Dalrymple-Hom-Elf>hinstone only child of John Balfour, Esq., of 13, Queen's Gate Place, S.W. : nt. 1875, Sir Robert Dalrymple-Horn-EIphinstone, 3rd Baronet. Residence, 13, Queen's Gate Place, S.W. Collateral Branches living. Issue of the late Francis Anstruther Elphinstone-Dalrymple, 5th son of ist baronet, b. 1813, d. 1885 : in. 1846, Mary Anne, da. of the late Maj.-Gen. Herbert Bowen, C.B. : Hew Drummond, b. 1857. Ernest Charles, b. 1859. Francis Herbert, . 1862. Helen Frances : m. 1873, Adam Hay-Gordon, Esq. Residence, Malpas, Cheshire. Issue (by 2nd marriage) of the late Charles Elphinstone-Dalrymple, Esq., 7th son of ist baronet, b. 1817, d. 1891 : m. ist, 1849, Harriet Albinia Louisa, who//. 1854, da. of the late Alexander Gordon, Esq., of Ellon, co. Aberdeen ; 2ndly, 1860, Christian (now of Kinellar Lodge, Aberdeen), da. of the late William Gordon Cuming Skene, Esq., of Pitlurg, and Parkhill, Aberdeenshire : Anne Alexandrina. This family is descended from the Hon. Sir Hew Dalrymple, 3rd son of James, ist Viscount Stair, sometime Lord President of the Court of Session, and also M.P. for North Berwick, who was created a baronet 1698 [see E. Stair, colls.]. The father of the ist baronet assumed the additional surnames of Horn-Elphinstone. The younger children of the ist baronet use the surname of Elphinstone- Dalrymple. ELTON, Creation 1717, of Bristol. Sir EDMUND HARRY ELTON, 8th Baronet, son of the late Edmund William Elton, Esq., 2nd son of 6th Baronet; b. May 3rd, 1846 ; s. his uncle, Sir ARTHUR HALLAM, 1883 ; ed. at Jesus Coll., Camb. ; is a J.P. and a County Councillor (Clevedon Div. ) for Somerset, and Capt. and Hon. Major ist Gloucestershire Artillery Vol. : m. 1868, Mary Agnes, da. of Sir Arthur Hallam Elton, 7th Baronet, and has issue. $)tron of too ^ifaings E. Clevedon V., S. Clevedon V., Somerset. Stuns Paly of six gules and or, on a bend sable three mullets argent. Cnst An arm embowed in armour proper, holding in the gauntlet a scimitar argent, hilt and pommel or, tied round the arm with a riband vert. Residence Clevedon Court, Clevedon, Somerset. IAJf Artibus et armis. By arts and arms. s ons living AMBROSE, b. May 2srd, 1869 Bernard Arthur, b. 1874. Daughters living Kathleen Agnes Rhoda. Winifred Lucy. -Angela Mary. Sister living Elma Marion. Residence, Daughters living Of 7th Baronet Laura Beatrice : m. 1864, George Louis Monck Gibbs, Esq., who d. 1881, and has issue living, Joseph Arthur, b. 1867, George Harold, b. 1869, Stanley Vaughan, b. 1872, Antony Edmund, b. 1873, Mabel Beatrice ; m. 18 , Agnes Hilda, Lilian Mary : m. 1888, Col. Henry Hallam Parr, C.M.G., and has issue living, Arthur Henry Hallam b. 1890, George Roworth b. 1891, Beatrice Rhoda, Helen Laura. Resilience, 29, Queen's Gate Terrace, S.W Mary Agnes (Lady Elton): m. 1868, Sir Edmund Harry Elton, 8th baronet [ante]. Uncle living (son of 6th Baronet) Rev. Henry George Tierney, b. 1825; formerly V. of West Hatch : m. 1856, Flora Georgina, da. of the late Capt. William Alexander Willis, R.N., and has issue living, Charles Henry, b, 1857 : i. 1879, Emily Grace, da. of the late Thomas Christmas, Esq., 8th Hussars, and has issue living, fivedaus., Edmund Hallam, b, 1860: t. 1887, Ada Constance, da. of J. H. Webbery, of Crown Lands Depart., Cape Town, and has issue living Arthur Tierney, b. 1863, May Flora : M. 1880, Rev. Frederick Granville Christmas, and has isssue living, Richard Frederick ..1882. Emily May b. 1881. Residence, Aunts living (daughters of 6th Baronet) Maria Catherine: >. 1833, Major George Robbins (formerly Capt. i7th Lancers), who d. 1873. Residence, 33, Onslow Square, S.W. Jane Octavia : /. 1841, the Rev. W. H. Brookfield, M.A., Chaplain to H.M.,who<. 1874, and has issue living, Arthur Montagu, M.P. (of Leasam House, Rye, Sussex), b. 1853 ; ed. at Jesus Coll., Camb. ; formerly Lieut. 1 3th Hussars ; is a J.P. for Sussex, and a County Alderman for Eastern Div. of Sussex ; has sat as M.P. for E., or Rye, Div. of Sussex (C) since 1885: m. 1877, Olive Harriet, da. of James Murray Hamilton, Esq., of New Abbey, N.B., and of Buffalo, U.S.A., Charles Hallam Elton, b. 1857 ; ed. at Westminster, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; is an actor. Residence,