Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/278

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2OO DEBRETT'S ILLUSTRATED BARONETAGE. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Rev. John Frederick Fagge, 4th son of 6th baronet, b. 1814, ti. 1884: in. ist, 1844, Rose Emily Ward, who d. 1859, da. of G. Baker, Esq., Barrister-at- law, of Hackington, Kent ; 2ndly, 1861, Jessie (now of The Hill, Chartham, near Canterbury), da. of the late William Clark, Esq., of Hornsey, N. : Arthur Ernest, b. 1853. Residence, Clopton Road, Stratford-on-Avon. Philip James, b. 1856. Residence, Clopton Road, Stratford-on-Avon. Edmund Lancelot, b. 1858: m. 1888, Amelia Hellyar, da. of the late Charles Ross Foord, Esq., of Rochester, and has issue living, Sybil Wini- frid Ross, Dorothy Beatrice Rose. Resideiice, 2, Lansdowne Villas, Rochester. Frederick Henry Vivian, b. 1862. Residence, Pataha City, Garfield co., Washington Territory, U.S.A. Francis Reginald, b. 1866. Residence, Rockhampton, Queensland. Horace, John Bertrand. b. 1869. Eustace, b. 1876. Eleanora Rose Frederica. Residence, Free School Lane, Rochester. Alice Geraldine : in. 1876, the Rev. William Cator Randolph. Residence. Yate House, Chip- ping Sodbury. Adela Constance. Gertrude Jane Fielding : in. 1889, Franz Frauenberger. Residence, Vienna. Florence Lucy Jemima. Mary. Bertha Lilian. Jessie Kathleen. Sarah Elizabeth : in. 1889, George Goldie, Esq., and has issue living, George Edward, b. 1891, Henrietta Marie Valerie, b. 1892. Residence, Jolys, Manitoba, Canada Madeline Augusta Agnes. FAIRBAIRN, Creation 1869, of Ardwick, Lancashire. Always the same. Sir ARTHUR HENDERSON FAIRBAIRN, 3rd Baronet ; b. April nth, 1852 ; s. his father, Sir THOMAS, 1891 : m. 1882, Florence Frideswyde, da. of the late Richard Penruddocke Long. Esq., M.P., of Rood Ashton, Wilts. s Argent, on a chevron between three boars' heads couped gules three bezants. Crtst The sun in his meridian splendour or. Seat Brambridge House, Bishopstoke. Clubs Brooks's, Windham, Hurlingham. Brothers living THOMAS GORDON, b. May 2 6th, 1854: ed. at Camb. Univ. (B.A. 1875): m. 1877, Ada Maria, da. of William Andrew Fairbairn, Esq. [see infra], and has living, Roderic Gordon, b. 1880,- Ada Florence, Violet Edith. Reginald, b. 1856 ; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. and LL.B. 1878); Bar. Lin- coln's Inn 1881 : in. 1880, May Elizabeth, da. of J. F. Holt, Esq., and has issue living, a da. James Brooke, b. 1863; is Capt. 3rd Batn. Durham L.I. Club, Windham. Sisters living Emma Constance. Mary Allison Dorothy (Lady Napier): m. id8o. Sir Archi- bald Lennox Napier, loth baronet. Residence, Wesfield, N. Berwick. Uncle living (son of ist Baronet) William Andrew, b. 1824 : m. ist, 1849, Marianne, who d. 1859, da. of William IMurray, Esq., M.P. : 2ndly, 1864, Helen, da. of Richard Birley, Esq., of Manchester, and has issue living (by ist marriage), Rev. William Murray, b. 1850 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1871); is R. of Loxbeare, Tiverton : m. 1879, Frances Elizabeth, da. of the late John Bury, Esq., of Ayton Lodge, York, and has issue living, Bernard William Murray b. 1880, Aubrey John Murray b. 1888, Guendolen Elizabeth Marianne b. 1885, Emily Jane : ;. 1873, Samuel Dickinson, Esq., of 33, Lexham Gardens, W., Edith Marianne : in. 1886, Frances Alvey Rhodes Darwin, Esq., of Hornby Hall, near Lancaster, Ada Maria: in. 1877, Thomas Gordon Fairbairn, Esq. [see ante], (by 2nd marriage), Richard Francis, b. 1865, Percy, b. 1867, George, b. 1869. Residence, Heppington, Canterbury. Alint living (daughter of ist Baronet) Anne : m. 1841, John Frederic La Trobe-Bateman, Esq., F.R.S., who d. 1889, and has issue living, Rev. William Fairbairn, b. 1845; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1866, M.A. 1870); is V. of St. John's, Upper Norwood : m. 1870, Mildred Jane, who d. 1878, da. of the late Rev. Robert Sumner, Lee La Trobe (of 5, Ashley Gardens, S.W., and La Puebla, Majorca), b. 1859 ; formerly Lieut, ist Batn. King's Roy. Rifle Corps : ;. 1884, Beatrice Alexandra, da. of the late Charles Flanagan, Esq., Mary Dorothy : in. 1864, Brian Barttelot Barttelot, Esq., of Ditton, Torquay, Margaret Louisa: in. 1874, David, who d. 1876, el. son of Sir William Maxwell, 3rd baronet, Annie Gertrude : in. 1867, Samuel Gurney Leatham, Esq., of Hemsworth Hall, Wakefield, Agnes Elizabeth {Hon. Mrs. R. Clere Parsons) : in. 1878, the Hon. Richard Clere Parsons [see E. Rosse], of Oaklea, Wimbledon Park, Surrey. Residence, 64, Ennis- more Gardens, S.W. WidOW living Of 2nd Baronet ALLISON (Lady Fairbairn), da. of the late Thomas Callaway, Esq., of Chislehurst : in. 1848, Sir Thomas Fairbairn, 2nd baronet, who d. 1891. Residence, Bram- bridge, Bishopstoke. Collateral Branch living. Issue of the late Rev. Adam Henderson Fairbairn, 7th son of ist baronet, b. 1836, d. 1888 : m. 1864, Anna Gertrude, el. da. of Thomas Fuller Maitland, Esq., of Wargrave, Berks : Adam Maitland, b. 1866, William, b. 1869. Thomas Archibald, b. 1870. Hugh, b. 1874. Alan John, b. 1878. David Alexander, b. 1882. Frances Gertrude. Hilda Margaret. Rosamond. Helen Dorothy. Ida Mary. Sir Thomas, 2nd Bart., declined the honour of knighthood on the occasion of H.M.'s visit in 1857 to the Exhibition of Art Treasures at Manchester, of which he was Chairman.