Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/728

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650 KNIGHTAGfc. ville Manor, Jersey ; i 1816; ed. at Salis- bury, and in Paris (B.A. Univ. of France 1834) ; entered Jersey Militia 1831, and ' has been Col.-Comdg. and (E. Regt.) Roy. Jersey Militia since 1861 ; appointed an A.D.C. to H. M. 1878 : m. 1844, Albina Elizabeth, da. of the late George Ingou- ville (formerly d'Ingouville), Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1891. Grainvillc Manor House, Jersey ; Anneville Seigniory Lodge, Gorey District, Jersey ; St. George's Club. GOLD IE, Sir George Dashwood TAUBMAN-, K.C.M.G., youngest son of the late Col. Goldie-Taubman (Scots Fusilier Guards) of the Nunnery, Isle of Man ; b. 1846; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; formerly Lieut. R.E. ; is Founder and Dep.-Gov. of the chartered Roy. Niger Co. ; attended Berlin Confer- ence 1884, as expert on Niger affairs ; re- sumed by Roy. licence 1887 his paternal name of Goldie: m. 1870, Matilda Catherine, da. of John William Elliott, Esq., of Wakefield, Yorkshire ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1887. ii, Queen's Gate Gar- dens, S. W. ; Xaval and Military Club. GOLDSMID, Maj.-Gen. Sir Frederic John, K.C.S.I., C.B., only son of the late Lionel P. Goldsmid, Esq. (of igth Dra- goons) ; b. 1818 ; ed. at Paris, and at King's Coll., London ; entered Madras Army 1839; became Capt. 1851, Major, 1856, Lieut.-Col. 1862, Col. and local Maj.-Gen. in Persia 1870, and Maj-Gen. 1875 ; served in China War 1840 (medal), and with Turkish troops 1855-6 (Turkish medal and 4th class Medjidie); has been Acting A.A.G. Nagpur Subsidiary Force, ' A.A.G. to Turkish troops in Crimea, ! Assist. Commr. in Sindh, on special mis- sions and political employment under Bombay Govt., Ch. Director of Govt. , Indo-European Telegraph, H.M.'s Boun- dary Commr. for Settlement of Perso- Kelat Frontier, Arbitrator in Perso- Afghan question of Sistan, and British ' Commr. with Mixed Commn. on Indian Immigration in Island of Reunion ; was , British Controller of Dai'ra Sanieh in Egypt 1880-83 ; has 2nd class Osmanieh, ' Egyptian war medal and bronze star : m. 1849, Mary, el. da. of the late Lieut. -Gen. ; George Mackenzie Steuart [see Shaw- Stewart, Bart., colls.] ; cr. C. B. 1866 ; K. C.S.I. 1871. Godfrey House, Holling- bourne, Kent ; United Service Club. GOLDSWORTHY, Sir Roger Tuckfeld, K.C.M.G., son of the late Thomas Golds- worthy, Esq., of Calcutta ; b. 1839 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll.. Sandhurst; served with Vol. Cav, under Gen. Havelock in Indian Mutiny (twice mentioned in despatches, j medal with clasp, and a Commn. in i7th ; Lancers), and subsequently with gth ! Lancers till his retirement in 1867 ; was ' Inspector-Gen, of Police, Sierra Leone ' 1868-9, Comdt. of Houssa Armed Police j and Dist. Magistrate, Lagos 1870-3, Collector of Customs on Gold Coast 1873. in command of Volta Expedition 1873-4, Pres. of Island of Nevis 1876-7, Colonial Sec. for W. Australia 1877-80, Administrator and Colonial Sec. of St. Lucia 1881-4, and Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of British Honduras 1884-91, since when he has been Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. and Ch. Justice of Falkland Islands : m. 1869, Eliza, widow of Capt. Egan, R.A., and da. of John Gawler Prior, Esq., of Sunder - land; cr. C.M.G. 1874, K.C.M.G. 1889. Government House. Falkland Islands ; Army and Navy and St. George's Clubs. GORDON*, Hon. Sir Arthur Hamilton, G.C.M.G. [see E. Aberdeen]. GORST, Right Hon. Sir John Eldon, M.P., Q.C., son of the late Edward Chaddock Gorst, Esq., of Preston, who in 1853 assumed the surname of Lowndes ; b. 1835 ; ed. at St. John's Coll., Camb. (B.A., 3rd Wrangler 1857, Fellow 1857, M.A. 1860, Hon. Fellow 1890) ; was Civil Commr. of Waikato, New Zealand 1861-3 ; Bar. Inner Temple 1865, a Q.C. 1875 ; sat as M.P. for Cambridge (C) 1866-8, and for Chatham 1875-92, since when he has sat for Camb. Univ.; unsuccessfully contested Hastings 1865 and Cambridge 1868 ; was Solicitor-Gen. June 1885 to Jan. 1886, Under Sec. for India July 1886 to Nov. 1891, and Financial Sec. to the Treasury Nov. 1891 to Aug. 1892 : m. 1860, Mary Elizabeth, da. of the Rev. Lorenzo Moore, of Christ Church, New- Zealand, who was formerly Capt. 5th Ma- dras Light Cav. ; cr. K.'B. 1885, P.C. 1890. Lawford House, Manningtree, Essex; Car lion Club. GOUGH, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Charles John Stanley, K.C.B., V.C., 2nd son of George Gough, Esq., B.C.S.,of Rathronan House, Clonmel ; b. 1832 ; entered Army 1848, became Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1867, Col. 1875, Maj.-Gen. 1885, and Lieut. -Gen. 1889 ; served in Punjab Campaign 1848-49 (medal with two clasps), in Indian Mutiny 1857-58 (wounded, medal with two clasps, Brevet Majority, and V.C. ), in command of 5th Bengal Cav. in Bhotan campaign 1864-5 (medal with clasp and C.B.) and in various commands in Afghan Wars 1878-80 (medal with two clasps and K.C.B.) ; was in com- mand of ist Class Dist. of Bengal Army 1887-9 : m - 1869, Harriette Anastatia, da', of John Power, Esq., formerly M.P. for co. Waterford [Count De La Poer, "Foreign Titles of Nobility"] ; cr. C.B. 1875, K.C.B. 1881. United Service Club. GOUGH, Lieut.-Gcn. SVr Hugh Henry, K.C.B., V.C., 3rd son of George Gough, Esq., B.C.S., of Rathronon House, Clon- mel ; b. 1833 ; entered 3rd Bengal Cav. 1853, became Capt. and Major 1861, Lieut.- Col. 1869, Col. 1877, Maj.-Gen. 1887, and Lieut. -Gen. 1891; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (twice wounded, several times specially mentioned in de- spatches for "distinguished bravery," thanked by Gov.-Gen. of India, V.C. for repeated acts of valour, and medal with