Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/729

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three clasps), in Abyssinian Campaign 1867, in command of i2th Bengal Cav. (mentioned in despatches, thanked by | Govt., and medal), and in Afghan Cam- paigns 1878-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal with four clasps, bronze star and K.C.B. ); commanded SialkoteDiv. 1885-7, and a ist Class Dist., Bengal 1887-92 : m. 1863, Annie Margaret, da. of Capt. Ed- ward Eustace Hill ; cr. C.B. 1868, K.C.B. 1881. Junior Army and Navy Club. GRAHAM, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Gerald G.C.M.G., K.C.B., V.C., son of the late i R. H. Graham, Esq., M.D., of Eden Brows, Cumberland ; b. 1831 ; entered R.E. 1850, '. became Capt. 1858, Major 1859, Lieut. -Col. 1861, Col. 1869, Maj.-Gen. 1881, and j Lieut. -Gen. 1884; retired 1890; served | throughout Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (twice wounded, V.C., medal with three ; clasps, Legion of Honour, 5th class Med- ; jidie Turkish medal, and twice mentioned in despatches), throughout Campaign in N. , China 1860-1 (severely wounded, medal , with two clasps, and ' mentioned in des- , patches), in command of 2nd Brig, ist Div. in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with , clasp, thanked by Parliament, and 2nd class Medjidie), in command of troops ' in Soudan Campaign 1884, and in Suakin j Expedition 1885 (thanked by Parliament, ! K.C.M.G., and ist Class Medjidie):' m. 18 , Jane, da. of G. Durrani, Esq., of Elmhall, Suffolk, and widow of the Rev. G. B. Blacker, R. ofRudham, Norfolk; cr. C.B. 1868, K.C.B. 1882, K.C.M.G. and G.C.M.G. 1885. Worlabye House, Upper Richmond Road, Roehampton, S. V, ; Junior United Service and A merica n Cht bs. GRAHAM, Adm. Sir William, K.C.B., son of the late Gen. T. Graham (Bengal Army) ; b. 1826 ; entered R.N. 1842, specially prcmoted Lieut. 1849. became Com. 1858, Capt. 1863. Rear-Adm. 1879. Vice- Adm. 1885, and Adm. 1890 ; retired 1191 ; served in attacks on Lagos 1851, in Baltic during Russian War 1854 (medal with clasp), in Crimea and Black Sea ' 1855 (medal with clasp, mentioned in des- 1 patches, and Turkish medal), and in China War 1857 (mentioned in despatches, and medai with clasp) ; thanked by Colo- nial Govt. for services rendered in con- nection with federation of Leeward Islands 1871: was Adm. -Sup. at Malta: 1882-5, Controller of the Navy 1885-8, , and a Lord of the Admiralty 1886-8 ; ; sometime Pres. of Roy. Naval Coll., Green ', wich : m. ist, 1865, Florinda, who d. 1880, da. of W. D. Littledale, Esq. ; 2nd, j 1882, Agnes, da. of the Rev. W. Yalden j Thomas, of St. Andrew's, Watford, and widow of W. F. Lawton, Esq., of Wyck ' Hill, Stow-on-the-Wold ; cr. C.B. 1877,' K.C.B. 1887. United Service Club. GRANT, Sir Charles, K.C.S.I., son of the late Right Hon. Sir Robert Grant, G.C.H. ; b. 1836; ed. at Harrow, at Trin. Coll., Camb. , and at Haileybury ; iHTb. 651 entered B.C. S. 1858; formerly foreign Sec. to Govt. of India : m. ist, 1872, Ellen, who d. 1885, da. of theRt. Hon. Henry Baillie, of Redcastle, N.B. ; 2nd, 1890, Lady Florence Lucia Harris, sister of 4th Earl of Malmesbury ; cr. C.S.I. 1881, K. C.S.I. 1885. 5. Marble Arch, W. ; Brcoks's, and Travellers' Clubs. GRANT, Sir James Alexander, K.C.M.G., M.D., son of James Giant, Esq., M.D., of Edinburgh ; b. 1831 ; ed. at Queen's Coll., Kingston, and at McGill Univ., Montreal; F.R.C.S. Edin. 1864, M.R.C.S. London 1864. F. R.C.P. 1882; sat as M.P. for co. Russell (C) for eight years ; formerly Pres. of Mechanics' In- stitute of St. Andrew's So., Ottawa, and of Coll. of Surgs., Ontario ; is a member of the Ottawa Scientific and Literary, and of several other learned Sos. ; author of numerous essays on medical and scientific subjects : m. 1856, Maria, da. of Edward Malloch, Esq. ; cr: K.C.M.G. 1887. 150, Elgin Street, Ottawa, Ontario. GRANT, Sir John Peter, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., son of the late Sir John Peter Grant, M.P.,of Rothiemurchus, Inverness ; b. 1807 ! e d. at Eton, at Haileybury, and at Edinburgh Univ.; served in B.S.C. 1826- 62 ; was Sec. to Govt. of India for Home Depart. 1852, and for P'oreign Depart. 1853, Member of Council of India 1854, Lieut. - Gov. of Central Provinces during Mutiny 1857 ; Lieut. -Gov. of Bengal 1859-62, and Gov.-in-Ch. and Capt. -Gen. of Jamaica lc866-74 ; is a J.P. for Herts, and a D.L. andJ.P. for co. Inverness: in. 1835, Hen- rietta, da. of the late Trevor Chicheley Plowden, Esq., B.C.S. ; cr. K.C.B. 1862; G.C.M.G. 1874. The Doune of Rothie- murchus, Aviemore, Inverness. GRANT, Field Marshal Sir Patrick, of Atichterblair, Inverness ;b. 1804; entered Army 1820, became Capt. 1832, Major 1844, Lieut. -Col. 1846, Col. 1850, Major Gen. 1854, Lieut.-Gen. 1862, Gen. 1870, and Field Marshal 1883 ; was Col. io4th Foot, 1861-5, 2nd Batn. Seaforth High- landers (Ross-shire Buffs) 1868-85, since when he has been Col. Roy. Horse Guards and Gold Stick in Waiting on H.M. ; served (/) as D.A.G. with Gwalior army, 1843-4 (mentioned in despatches), brevet of Major and bronze star ; (it) as A.G. in Sutlej Campaign 1845-6 (twice dangerously wounded, horse three times shot, repeatedly mentioned in despatches, medal and three clasps) ; (tit) as A.G. in Punjaub Campaign 1848-9 (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps) ; was expedition to Kohat against Afghan Hill Tribes 1849-50 (medal with clasp) ; was A. D.C. to H.M. 1850-4, A.G. of Army in India 1845-51, Com.-in-Ch. at Madras 1856-7, ot Bengal aimy 1857, and ol Madras army 1857-61, and Gov. and Com-in-Ch. of Malta 1867-72 ; appointed Gov. of Chelsea Hospital 1874 : m. ist. 1832, Jane Anne, who d. 1838, da. of