Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/754

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KNIGHTAGE. Gov.-Gen.'s Agent, N.W. Provinces 1846; present with a Brig, of Seiks against fanatic Hindostanees, the Syuds of Kaghan and Hazara tribes at forcing the Doob Pass and affair at Ballakotec (thanked by Govt.) ; raised the Corps of Guides, Cav. and Infantry 1846, and commanded them at siege of Mooitan 1849 I cut U P a strong detachment of rebel Seik Infantry in Maharaja Golab Sing's territory (thanked by Govt.); present at battle of Goojerat (mentioned in despatches, Punjaub medal with two clasps) ; com- manded Guide Corps in sixteen affairs 1847-52 ; served in expedition against Cabul Khale and Masood Wuzeerees 1859-60 ; commanded left attack at forcing the Burrah Pass, also at Camp Puloseen (medal with clasp) ; conducted a Political Mission to Candahar 1857 ; severely wounded by a fanatic while in command of Guide Corps 1864 ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Aberdeenshire : m. 1866, Fanny, da. of thelate Rev. Charles John Myers, M. A., V. of Flintham ; cr. C.B. 1859, K.C.S.I. 1873. Bethelvie Lodge, Whitecaims, Aber- deen ; East India United Service Club. C.S.I., son of thelate Col. Thomas Lums- den, C.B., of Belhelvie Lodge, Aberdeen ; b. 1829 ; ed. at Addiscombe ; entered Bengal Army 1847, became Capt. and Major 1861, Lieut.-Col. 1866, Col. 1870, Maj.-Gen. 1881, Lieut. -Gen. 1887, and Gen. 1890; served on N.W. frontier 1851-6 in numerous expeditions, on a Political Mission to Affghanistan 1857, in Central India militaryoperations 1858, asA.Q.M.G. in China 1860, with Bhutan Field Force 1863, as Q.M.G. in India 1868-72, as Resident at Court of Hyderabad 1872, as A.G. of Army in India (with local rank of Maj.-Gen.) 1874-9, an( i as Ch. of Staff to army in India 1879 ; was A.D.C. to H.M. 1870-81 ; has Indian, China, and Mutiny medals, with clasps for N.W. Frontier, Bhootan, Taku Forts, and Pekin ; appointed a Member of Council of India 1883 ; was a Commr. for the delimitation of the N.W. boundary of Afghanistan 1884-5; ' s a D-L. for Aber- deenshire : m. 1862, Mary Margaret, da. of John Marriott, Esq. ; cr, C.S.I. 1870, C.B. 1873, K.C.B. 1879, G.C.B. 1885. 18, Elvaston Place, S. W. ; Buchromb, Dufftow, Banffshire; Umted Service Club. LUSHINGTON, Sir Godfrey, K.C.B. [see Lushington, Bart., colls. J. LYALL, Sir Alfred Comyns, K.C.B., K. CJ.E., D. C.L., LL.D.,son of the Rev. Alfred Lyall ; b. 1831; ; ed. at Eton ; D.C.L. Oxford 1889, Hon. LL.D. Camb. 1891 ; entered B.C.S. 1856 ; formerly Sec. to Govt. of India in Home Depart. and afterwards in Foreign Depart. ; was Lieut. -Gov. of N.W. Provinces and Ch Commr. in Oudh 1882-7 ; appointed a Member of Council of Sec. of State for India 1888 : m. 1862, Cora, da. of P. Cloete, Esq.; cr. C.B. 1879, K.C.B. 1881, C.I.E. 1882, K.C.I.E. 1887. 18, Queeu's Gate, S. W. ; Athencsum Club. LYALL, Sir James Broadwood, G.C.I. E., K.C.S.I., son of the late Rev. Alfred Lyall, R. of Harbledown, Kent; b. 1838 ; ed. at Eton, and at Haileybury ; entered B.C.S. 1858; was Settlement Commr. Punjab 1872-8, Financial Commr. there 1879-82, Resident at Mysore and Ch. Commr. ofCoorg 1883-7, and Lieut. -Gov. of the Punjab 1887-92 : m. 1874, Katha- rine, da. of the Rev. J. Cautley ; cr. K. C.S.I. 1888, G.C.I.E. 1892. LYONS, Adm. Sir Algernon Mc- Lennan, K.C.B., son of the late Lieut. - Gen. Humphrey Lyons ; b. 1833 ; en- tered R.N. 1847, became Lieut. 1854, Com. 1858, Capt. 1862, Rear-Adm. 1878, Vice-Adm. 1884, and Adm. 1888 ; served during Russian War 1854-5 (mentioned in despatches, Crimean and Turkish medals, 5th class Medjidie, Sebastopol clasp) and during Civil War on N. Coast of America 1861-2 ; was A.D.C. to H. M. 1875-8, and Com.-in-Ch. on, the Pacific station 1881-4, an d on N. America and W. Indies Station 1886-8 ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for Glamorganshire : m. 1879, Louisa Jane, el. da. of Thomas Penrice, Esq., of Kilvrough House, Glamorganshire;^. K.C.B. 1889. Kil- vrough, Swansea. LYSONS, Gen. Sir Daniel, G.C.B. r son of the late Rev. Daniel Lysons, F.R.S. r of Hempsted Court, Gloucester ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Shrewsbury Sch. ; entered ist Royals 1834, became Capt. 1844, Major 1852, Lieut.-Col. 1854, Col. 1855, Major- Gen. 1868, Lieut. -Gen. 1877, Col. Sher- wood Foresters (Derbyshire Regt.) 1878, and Gen. 1879 ; served through Canadian Rebellion 1838-9 (mentioned in des- patches); was D.A.Q.M.G. 1838-41; in Nov. 1843, was wrecked in the transport ' ' Premier" (mentioned in despatches), and promoted Capt. 3rd W. India Regt. ; transferred 1844 to 23rd Royal Welsh Fusiliers ; was Brig. -Major at Barbados 1844-7, and Town Major at Portsmouth 1849 ; served throughout Crimean War 1854-5, an d commanded 2nd Brig. Light Div. from Oct. 1855 to end of war (medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, 3rd class Medjidie, and Turkish and Sardinian medals, several times mentioned in des- patches, and severely wounded) ; appointed A. A.G. to Inspector-Gen, of Infantry Nov. 1857 ; sent to organise Militia of Canada at the Trent affair Dec. 1861 ; was D. Q.M.G. in Canada 1862-7 ; com- manded a Brig, at Malta 1868, and at Aldershot 1869, and the N. District of England 1872-4; was Q.M.G. to Forces 1876-80, and commanded Aldershot Div. 1880-83 ; appointed Constable of the Tower of London 1890 : in. ist, 1856, Harriet Sophia, who d. 1864, da. of Charles Bridges, Esq., of Court House, Overton, Hants ; 2nd, 1865, Anna Sophia Biscoe, da. of the Rev. Robert Tritton, of Morden,