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Surrey; cr. C.B. 1856, K.C.B. 1877, G.C.B. 1886. 22, Warwick Square, S. W. ; United Service, Army and Navy, Wellington, and Hurlingham Clubs. MACANDREW, Sir Henry Cockburn, j son of John Macandrew, Esq., solicitor, of j Inverness ; b. 1832 ; ed. at Inverness | Roy. Acad. , and at King's Coll., Aberdeen; admitted a Solicitor, Scotland 1855 ; is Provost of Inverness, and a J.P. for Inver- ness-shire : m. 1862, Mary, da. of D. C. Rait, Esq., of Glasgow; cr. K.B. 1887. Aisthorpe. Inverness; Highland (Inver- ness] Club. MACARTNEY, SirHalliday,K.C.M.G., M.D., 4th son of the late Robert Macartney, Esq. of Dundrennan House, Kirkcudbright, N.B. ; b. 1833; M.D. Edinburgh Univ. 1858 ; entered Army Med. Depart. 1858 ; served with ggth Regt. through Chinese Campaign 1860 (medal with clasp), and in operations against the Taipings 1861 ; in 1862 resigned H.M.'s service and entered that of Chinese Govt. ; raised a Chinese Force, which he commanded at siege and capture of Fung Ching and Sidong ; founded the ist Mil. Arsenal in China, and conducted it until 1876, since when he has been English Sec. to Chinese ' Legation in London ; is a Mandarin of j and degree, and has ist class Chinese Order of the Paou Sing ( Precious Star) : | m. 1884, Jeanne, da. of M. Le"on du j Sautoy, of Fontainebleau ; cr. C.M.G. 1881, K.C.M.G. 1885. 3, Hurley Place, Regent's Park, N. W. ; 49, Portland Place, W. MAC CABE, Sir Francis Xavier Fred- erick, only surviving son of William Bernard Mac Cabe, Esq., Catholic His- torian, and many years Consul-Gen, in London for Monte Video ; b. 1833 ; M.R.C.S., England 1858, F.R.C.P.1. 1885 ; sometime Medical Member of Gen. Prisons Board for Ireland ; formerly an Inspector, and now Medical Commr., of Local Govt. Board for Ireland ; was a Roy. Commr. for inquiring into Death-rate of Dublin and Drainage and Sewerage of that City 1879 ; has frequently been appointed on Departmental Committees : m. 1863, Margaret, el. da. of John Nowlan, Esq., of Killiny, co. Kilkenny; cr. K.B. 1892. Belleville, Donnybrook, Dublin. M'CAUSLAND, Sir Richard Bolton, son of William James M'Causland, Esq., of Dublin ; b. 1810 ; ed. at Armagh En- dowed Sch. , and at Trin. Coll. , Dublin (B.A. 1831, M.A. 1834) ; Bar. King's Inns, Dublin, 1834 ; was Law Lecturer to King's Inn 1853-5, and Recorder of Singa- pore 1855 : m. 1841, Fanny Mary, da. of the late Edward Blake, Esq., of Castle- grove, co. Galway ; cr. K.B. 1855. 61, Fitziviliiam Square N., Dublin. ; Drim- J>awn, Tourmakeady, co. Mayo ; Kildare Street Club. M'CLINTOCK, Adm. Sir Francis Leo- pold, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.K.S., son KNIGHTS. 677 of Henry M'Clintock, Esq., of Dundalk (uncle of ist Baron Rathdonnell) ; b. 1819; entered R.N. 1831 became Com. 1851, Capt. 1854, Rear-Adm. 1871, Vice- Adra. 1877, and Adm. 1884 ; served in four Arctic Expeditions ; received knighthood and freedom of City of London for services in Arctic regions when com- manding the "Fox," in search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, and for ascertaining their fate ; was Commodore on Jamaica station 1865-8, a Naval A.D.C. to H.M. 1868-71, Adm. Sup. of Portsmouth Dockyard 1872-7, and Com.-in-Ch. on N. American and W. Indian Station 1879-82 ; unsuccessfully contested Drogheda (C) 1868 ; Hon. LL.D. Trin. Coll., Dublin, 1859, Hon. D.C.L. of Oxford, and Hon. LL.D. ofCamb. 1860; is an Elder Brother of Trinity House : m. 1870, Annette Eliza- beth, da, of the late Robert Foster Dunlop, Esq., of Monasterboice House, co. Louth [see V. Massereene] ; cr. K.B. 1860, K.C.B. 1891. 8, Atherston Terrace, Gloucester Road, S. W.; United Service Club. MAC CORMAC, Sir William, Z>. 3V., son of Henry MacCormac, Esq., M.D., of Belfast; 'b. 1836 ; ed. at Queen's Univ., Ireland (M.A. 1858), F.R.C.S. Ireland 1864, and F.R.C.S. Eng. 1871; was Surg. to Roy. Belfast Hospital 1864-70 ; on outbreak of Franco-German War 1870 he volunteered and was appointed to Hos- pital duty at Metz, and was subsequently Surg.-in-Ch. of the Anglo-American Am- bulance, which rendered signal services to the wounded of both nations ; in 1876 as Ch. Surg. of National Aid So. he superin- tended the distribution of English surgeons and medical stores sent by the society to the wounded soldiers of the Turkish and Servian armies; in 1877 was mainly respon- sible for selecting the surgeons sent to the Russo-Turkish war by the Stafford House- Committee ; is Surg. and Lecturer on Surgery at St. Thomas's Hospital, Member of Council and of Court of Examiners, of Roy. Coll. of Surgeons, Consulting Surg. to Queen Charlotte, French and Italian Hospitals, London, and to Belfast Roy. Hospital, and author of works on Military and General Surgery, &c. ; has 3rd class Medjidie, Legion of Honour, Crown of Prussia, Ritter-Kreuz of Bavaria, Dannebrog, Crown of Italy, Cross of the Takovo of Servia, Order of Merit of Spain and of Portugal, and of N. StarofSweden; in 1881 was Hon. Sec. to International Medical Congress held in London : m. 1861, Katherine, da. of the late John Charters, Esq., of Belfast ; cr. K.B. 1881. 13, Harley Street, Cavendish Square, W. McCOY, Sir Frederick, K.C.M.G., D.Sc., F.R.S., son of the late S. McCoy, Esq., M.D., of Dublin ; b. 1823; ed. at Dublin, and at Camb. Univ. (D.Sc. 1 8 ) ; made the palceontoiogical investi- gation for the Geological Map of Ireland for the Boundary Survey, and assisted in