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682 KNIGHTAGE. volumes) : m. ist, 1836, Emily Anne, who </. 1846, da. of E. Wise, Esq., of Hill Grove, Isle of Wight ; 2ndly, 1849, Eliza Anne, da. of the Very Rev. William Sowerby, Dean of Goulburn ; cr. K.B. 1858, K.C.M.G. 1892. Wallaroy, near Sydney ; Athenceum Club. MANSFIELD, Col. Sir Charles Ed- ward, K.C.M.G., son of the late J. Mansfield, Esq. ; b. 1830 ; entered 33rd Regt. 1848, became Capt. 1854, Major 1858, and Col. 1877 ; served during Crimea Campaign 1854-5, being present at battles of Alma and Balaclava (mentioned in despatches, medal), and throughout Indian. Mutiny 1857-8 (severely wounded, mentioned in despatches, medal. Brevet Major) ; was Mil. Commr. at Constanti- nople 1855-6, Consul-Gen, at Warsaw 1865-76, Agent and Consul-Gen, at Bucharest 1876-7, Minister Resident and Consul-Gen, at Bogota 1878-81, Minister Resident at Caracas 1881-4, since when he has been Minister Resident and Consul- Gen, at Lima: in. 1859, Annie Eliza Mar- garet, da. of the late Lieut. -Col. the Hon. Augustus Frederick Ellis [see B. Howard de Walden, colls.] ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1887. British Legation, Lima. MANTELL, Sir John lies, F.R.G.S., el. son of George Mantell, Esq., M.D., of Faringdon ; b. 1813 ; ed. at Radley ; Bar. Middle Temple 1847 ; was Ch. Justice and Judge of Vice-Admiralty Court of the Gambia 1847-66 and Stipendiary Justice [ for Manchester division of that co. 1869- 85 ; is a J. P. for Lancashire: m. 1867, j Elinor Knight, 2nd da. of Charles Hitch- ' cock, Esq., M.D., of Fiddington House, | Devizes ; cr. K.B. 1867. Windham Club. I MAPLE, Sir John Blundell, M.P., el. son of John Maple, Esq., of Haverstock Hill, N.W. ; b. 1845 ; ed. at Cranford Coll. and King's Coll., London ; is a Director and Go v. of Maple anH Co. (Limi- ted), of Tottenham Court Road, W. ; j unsuccessfully contested St. Pancras, S. j Div. 1885 ; has sat as M.P. for Camber- j well, Dulwich Div. (C) since Dec. 1887 : ! ///. 1874, Emily Harriet, da. of Moses Merryweather, Esq., of Clapham, Surrey; cr. K.B. 1892. Childiuick Bury, St. Albans, Herts; Falmouth House, New- market ; Clarence House, Regent's Park, N. W. ; Carlton, St. Stephen's, Constilu- tijnal, and Junior Constitutional Clubs. MARKBY, Sir William, A'.C./.E., son of the late Rev. William Henry Markby, of Duxford, Cambridgeshire ; b. 1829 ; D.C. L. and Fellow of All Souls' , and : of Balliol Coll., Oxford; Bar. Inner Tem- ple 1856 ; was a Puisne Judge of High Court, Calcutta, 1866-78 ; is Reader of Indian Law at Oxford Univ., and a J.P. ! and a County Councillor (Headington ' Div. ) for Oxfordshire ; m. 1866, Lucy, da. of the late J. E. Taylor, Esq., of Wey- bridge ; cr. K.C.I.E. 1889. Headington Hill, Oxford ; Athena urn Club. MARRIOTT, Right Hon. Sir William Thackeray, P.C., M.P., Q.C., 3rd son of the late Christopher Marriott, Esq., of Crumpsall ; b. 1834; ed. at St. John's Coll. , Camb. ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1864, Q.C. 1877, Bencher 1879 ; is a D.L. for City of London ; was Judge-Advocate-Gen. July 1885 to Jan. 1886; and July 1886 to Aug. 1892; sat as M.P. for Brighton (L) 1880-84, and has represented that borough (as /) since 1884 : m. 1872, Charlotte Louisa, da. of thelate Capt. Tennant, R.N., of Need- wood House, Staffordshire ; cr. P.C. 1885, K.B. 1888. 56, Ennismore Gardens, S.W.; 6, Crown Office Raw, E.C. ,- Carlton and Garrick Clubs. son of the late J. Marsh, Esq., of Wood - side, Epping ; b. 1827 ; was Clerk to Pro- cureur-Gen., Mauritius, 1848-54, Crown Solicitor 1854-9, Ch. Clerk Col. Sec. Office 1859-65, Special Immigration Commr. to India 1865, Assist. Col. Sec. 1865-70, Acting Col. Sec. 1875-6, Auditor- Gen, thereof 1876-9, and Colonial Sec. and Auditor-Gen., Hong Kong, 1879-90 ; specially employed as Auditor and Ac- countant-Gen, in Cyprus 1880-1 ; once administered the Gov't. of Mauritius, and five times the Govt. of Hong Kong : m. 1869, Williamina, who d. 1891, da. of the late Rev. W. Mackenzie, of North Leith ; cr. C.M.G. 1881, K.C.M.G. 1887. MARTIN, Sir Theodore, K.C.B^ LL D., son of the late James Martin, Esq., Solicitor, of Edinburgh ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Edinburgh High Sch. and Univ. (LL.D. 1873); formerly practised as a Solicitor in Edinburgh ; is senior partner in the Metropolitan firm of Martin and Leslie, Parliamentary Agents ; author of the " Life of the late Prince Consort," " Life of Lord Lyndhurst," and of various contributions to periodical literature and of numerous classical and other transla- tions; isaJ.P force. Denbigh; was Rector of Univ. of St. Andrews 1881-4 : m. 1851, Helen Faucit, a celebrated actress, da. of Mr. John Saville Faucit ; cr. C.B. 1875, K . C. B. 1 880. 3 1 , On slow Square, S. W. ; Bryntisilio, Lhingollen ; AthencEum and Garrick Clubs. MARTINEAU, Sir Thomas, son of Robert Martineau, Esq., Mayor of Bir- mingham 1846-7 ; b. 1828 ; admitted a Solicitor 1851 ; holds appointment of Law Clerk to Guardians of Standard of Wrought Plate ; is a Notary Public, head of legal firm of Ryland, Martineau and Co., of Birmingham, a J.P. and an Alderman for Birmingham, Gov. of King Edward's Sch. (Bailiff 1884), and Pres. of Midland Iron and Steel Wages Board ; elected member of Town Council of Bir- mingham 1876, Alderman 1883, and Mayor 1884, 1885 and 1886 : m. 1860, Emily, el. da. of Timothy Kenrick, Esq.; cr. K.B. 1887. West Hill, Ed%baston, Birmingham.