Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/761

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KNIGHTS. MARWICK, Sir James David, LL.D., F.R.S.E., son of the late William Mar- wick, Esq., merchant, of Kirkwail ; b. 1826 ; eel. at Kirkwail, and at Edinburgh ! Univ.; F.R.S.E. 1864, LL.D. Glasgow, 1878 ; admitted a Procurator 1852, and a ; Solicitor, Scotland 1858 ; was Town I Clerk of Edinburgh 1860-73, since when I he has been Town Clerk of Glasgow ; is ' aJ.P. for Lanarkshire, Hon. Sec. of Scot- i tish Burgh Records So., and Hon. Pres. ! of the Asso. of Municipal Officers in Scot- | land ; author of numerous historical and legal works ; editor of the Records of the Convention of Royal Burghs of Scotland : m. 1855, Jane, third da. of James B. Watt, Esq., solicitor, of Edinburgh ; cr. K.B. 1888. 19, Woodside Terrace, Glas- gow ; City Chambers, Glasgow ; Western (Glasgow) and Union (St. Andrews) Clubs. MATHF.SON, Sir Donald, K.C.B., son of the late John Matheson, Esq., of Glasgow ; b. 1832 ; appointed Lieut. I Lanarkshire Artillery Vol. 1859, became ; Capt. 1860, Major Lanarkshire Engineer i Vol. 1863, Lieut. -Col. 1865, Hon. Col. ! 1882, and Col. 1890 ; is a J.P. and D.L. ' for co. Lanark, Brig.-Gen. Comdg. Clyde! Inf. Vol. Brig., Col. Comdg. Lanarkshire Vol. R.E., Hon. Comdt. Clyde Div., Submarine Miners, R.E. ; an East Indian merchant, and a partner in the firm of William Stirling and Sons, Turkey-red dyers and calico-printers; cr. C. B. 1881, K.C. B. 1887. 6, Park Terrace, Glasgow ; Bourtreehill, Irvine, N.B. ; Conservative (London) and Western (Glasgow) Clubs. MATHEW, Hon. Sir James Charles, LL.D., el. son of the late Charles Mathew, Esq., of Lehena House, co. Cork ;b. 1830 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin (B.A. in high honours 1850, Hon. LL.D. 1881) ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1854 ; appointed a Judge of High Court of Judicature 1881 ; was Chm. of Irish Evicted Tenants' Commn. 1892 : m. 1861, Elizabeth, el. da. of the late Rev. Edwin Biron, V. of Lympne, Kent; cr. K.B. 1881. ^Queen's Gate Gardens, S. W. ; Athenceum and Reform Clubs. MAUDE, Gen. Sir Frederick Francis, G.C.B., V.C. [see E. De Montalt, colls.]. MAUDE, Col. Sir George Ashley, K.C.B. [see E. De Montalt, colls. J. MAXWELL, Sir Patrick ; b. 1817 ; is i Solicitor to Commrs. of Charitable Dona- tions and Bequests for Ireland, Pres. of ' Incorporated Law So. of Ireland, and senior partner in legal firm of Maxwell, ! Weldon, and Co. ; cr. K.B. 1887. 37, North Great George's Street, Dublin. MAXWELL, Sir Peter Benson, son of the late Rev. Peter Benson Maxwell, of Birdstown, Donegal ; b. 1817 ; ed. at Paris, i and at Trin. Coll., Dublin ; Bar. Middle > Temple 1841 ; was Recorder of Prince of Wales's Island 1856-66, and of Singapore 1866-7, and Ch. Justice of Straits Settle- ments 1867-71 ; went in 1883 on a special mission to organise the judicial tribunals of Egypt : ;. 1842, Frances Dorothea, da. of the late Francis Synge. Esq., of Glan- more Castle, co. Wicklow; cr. K.B. 1856. 7, Sloane Gardens, S. W.; Athenccuin Club. MEADE, Gen. Sir Richard John, K. C.S.I., C.I.E., son of the late Capt. John Meade, R.N. ; b. 1821 ; ed. at Roy. Naval Sch. ; entered Bengal Army 1838 ; became Capt. 1848, Major 1858, Lieut. - Col. 1864, Col. 1869, Maj.-Gen. 1881, Lieut. -Gen. 1883, and Gen. 1889; served during Indian Mutiny 1857-9 ; when in command of a column captured the notor- ious rebel leader Tantia Topee ; appointed Political Agent at Gwalior 1860, Agent to Gov.-Gen. for Central India (at Indore) 1861, and Ch. Commr. of Mysore and! Coorg 1870 ; was Political Agent to Gov.- Gen. of India, and Special Commr. at Baroda 1875, and Resident at Hyderabad 1876-81 : m. 1853, Emily Salter, da. of Lieut. -Col. Malcolm, Resident of Baroda ; cr. C.S.I. 1866, K.C.S.I. 1874, C.I.E. 1878. Hookwood, Limpsfield, Surrey ; 65, Queen's Gate, S. W. ; United Service- and East India United Service Clubs. MEASOM, Sir George Samuel, son of the late Daniel Measom, Esq. ; b. 1818 ; ed. at Blackheath Proprietary Sch., and privately ; is a J. P. for Kent, Middlesex, and the Cinque Ports, a Trustee and Vici- Pres. of several charities, and Chm. of the Committees of the Roy. So. for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and of the Tem- porary Home for Lost and Starving Dogs, of the Gen. and House Committee of the Cancer Hospital and of the Heston and Isleworth Local Board: m. ist, 1842, Miss Sarah Hillman, who d. 1865 ; 2nd, 1867,. Charlotte, da. of George Simpson, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1891. St. Margaret's Lodge, near Twickenham, S. W. ; Arklow House, Rams gate. MELVILL, Maj.-Gen. Sir Peter Mel- vill, K.C.B. , son of the late Capt. Philip Melvill, Lieut. -Gov. of Pendennis Castle, Cornwall ; b. 1803 ; entered mil. ser. of E.I. Co. 1819, and retired as Major-Gen. 1862 ; was Resident in Cutch 1836-41, and Mil. and Naval Sec. to Bombay Govt. 1842-62,, and was knighted for his services in that capacity, especially during Persian Expedi- tion and Indian Mutiny : m. 1836, Ca- therine Mary, who d. 1881, da. of John, Robertson, Esq., of Tweedmouth, Berwick - upon-Tweed ; cr. K.C.B. 1860. 27,. Palmeiro. Square, Brighton ; United Service Club. MELVILL, Sir William Henry, youngest son of the late Sir James Cosmo 'Melvill, K.C.B. ; b. 1827; ed. at Rugby, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 18501 M.A. 1853); Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1853; was a Junior Counsel to the Crown 1865-6, since when he has been Solicitor to the Board of Inland Revenue : m. 1862,