Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/769

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retired 1889 ; served in New Zealand War | (medal) and during Egyptian Campaigns j 1882 and 1884-5 as Ch. Paymaster (medal ; with clasp, Khedive's star, 3rd class Osmanieh) ; was Dist. Paymaster to Home , Dist. at Head Quarters 1886-9 : m. 1855, j Elizabeth, da. of the late R. Goodfellow, ! Esq., of Falmouth ; cr. C.B. 1882, K.C.B. j 1887. 3, Stormont Road, Lavender Hill, j .S. W. ; Junior Constitutional Club. OLLIVANT, Sir Edward Charles i Kayll, fC.CJ.E., son of the late Rev. ! Edward Ollivant, R. of Erbistock, Flint ; ' b. 1846 ; ed. at Maryborough Coll. ; entered Bom. C.S. 1868 ; is Political Agent in Kathiawar : m. 1870, Lucy Caro- line, who d. 1891, da. of His Honour Judge Eddis, Q.C. ; cr. C.I.E. 1888, | K.C. I. E. 1892. Rajkot, Kathia-war, j Bombay. OLPHERTS, Gen. Sir William, K.C.B., V.C., son of the late William Olpherts, Esq. , J. P. , of Dartrey, co. Armagh ; b. 1822; entered Bengal Artillery 1839, became Capt. 1853, Major and Lieut.-Col. 1858, i Col. 1864, Maj.-Gen. 1875, Lieut.-Gen. 1877, Gen. 1883, and Col. Comdt. R.A. : 1888 ; served in Burmah 1841, against insurgents in Saugor and Nerbudda Terri- , lories 1842, throughout Gwalior Campaign ; 1843 (mentioned in despatches, bronze ' star), in Scinde Campaign 1844-5, m P CS ~ hawur Valley 1852 (medal with clasp), in Turkey and the Crimea 1854-6, in Indian j Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (mentioned in i despatches, wounded, medal with two ' -clasps, elected for V.C. at Lucknow), and as a Vol. with Frontier Expedition against Wuzeerees 1859-60 ; was Maj.-Gen. Comdg. Gwalior and Rohilkund Dists. .and Sirhind and Oude Divs. 1870-75 ; received sword of honour from Co. and City of Armagh 1868 : m. 1861, Alice Maria, da. of Maj.-Gen. George Cautley, Bengal Cav. ; cr. C.B. 1858, K.C.B. 1886. Wood House, Upper Norwood, S.E.; United Service and East India United ' Service Clubs. O'MALLEY, Sir Edward Loughlin, son of the late Peter Frederick O'Malley, ] Esq., Q.C. ; b. 1842; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1864, M.A. 1868) ; Bar. Middle Temple 1866 ; went Norfolk and -S.E. Circuits ; unsuccessfully contested Bedford 1868 ; was Attorney-Gen, of Jamaica 1876-9, and of Hong Kong 1879-89, and Ch. Justice of Straits Settle- ments 1889-92 : m. 1869, Emma Winifred, da. of Joseph Alfred Hardcastle, Esq. ; i cr. K.B. 1891. Den ton, Oxfordshire ; Brooks' s and Reform Clubs. OMMANNEY, Adm. -SzVErasmus, C.B., ' F.R.S., LL.D., son of the late Sir Francis I Molyneux Ommanney, M. P. for Barn- j staple ; b. 1814 ; entered R.N. 1826, became -Com. 1840, Capt. 1846, Rear-Adm. 1864, j Vice-Adm. 1871 (retired 1874), and Adm. [ 1877 ; served at landing of British Army - at Lisbon and destruction of Turkish ITS. 691 Fleet at Navarino 1827, in King's Yacht "Royal George," conveying Queen Ade- laide to Holland and back 1834, and as Lieut, on an Expedition to Baffin's Bay in search of missing whale ships 1836 ; commanded H.M.S. " Vesuvius " 1841-4 for 15 months on coast of Syria, and stationed at Athens during revolution there (floated stranded French corvette, thanked by French Govt.), protected British interests on coast of Morocco, and was present at bombardment of Tangier 1844 (prevented Spanish frigate drifting ashore, thanked by Spanish Govt.) ; employed as Relief Inspector during famine in Ireland 1846-8; was 2nd in com- mand of Arctic Expedition 1850-51, and discovered the first traces ever found of Franklin ships ; was Dep. Controller of Coast Guard 1852-4 ; served in Russian War 1854 as Capt. H.M.S. "Eurydice," and commanded naval force in White Sea ; in 1855 commanded "Hawke," and en- gaged a flotilla of Russian gunboats, and the batteries off mouth of the Dwina (thanked by Admiralty) ; was Capt. H.M.S. " Brunswick " and Senior Officer on Coast of Central America when the filibuster Walker invaded Greytown 1857-8, and in charge of Naval Station, Gibraltar 1862-4 ; is a Grand Com. of Roy. Order of the Saviour of Greece, a Conservator of the Thames, and a J.P. for Hants ; has three medals : m. ist, 1844, Emily Mary, who d. 1857, da. of S. Smith, Esq., of Malta Dockyard ; 2nd, 1862, Mary, da. of T. A. Stone, Esq., of Curzon Street, W. ; cr. C.B. 1862, K.B. 1877. 29, Con- nau^ht Square, W. : United Service Club. OMMANNEY, Capt. Sir Montagu Frederick, K. C.M.G.. son of Francis Ommanney, Esq. ; b. 1842 ; ed. at Cheltenhnm Coll., and at Roy. Mil. Acad. , Woolwich ; formerly Capt. R.E. ; some- time employed on special duty at War Office and Admiralty ; appointed Instruc- tor at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich, 1871 ; was Private Sec. to Sec. of State for Col- ories (E. Carnarvon) 1874-7, since when he has been a Crown Agent for the Col- onies ; a Royal Commr. at Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886 : m. 1866, Char- lotte Helen, da. of O. Ommanney, Esq., J.P., of Bloxham, Oxfordshire; cr. C.M.G. 1882, K. C.M.G. 1890. Manaton, East Sheen, S. W. OPPENHEIMER, Sir Charles ; b. 1836 : ed.[at Frankfort-on-Main ; appointed Con- sul (unpaid) for Province of Hesse- Nassau and Grand Duchy of Hesse 1880, and Consul-Gen, for that Dist. and tht- Grand Duchy of Baden 1882 : m. 1864, Bertha, da. of the late Leopold Gold- beck, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1892. British Con- sulate-General, Frankfort-on-thc-Main. Germany. O'RORKE, Sir (George) Maurice, third son of the late Rev. John O' Rorke, of Moylough, co. Galway ; b. 1830 ; ed. at Tiin. Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1852); emigrated