Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/770

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692 KNIGHTAGE. to Victoria 1852, and settled in New Zealand 1854 ; called to Bar at Auckland, New Zealand, 1868 ; represented Town of Onehunga 1861-82, since when he has represented Manukau ; was Speaker ot Auckland Provincial Council 1865-76, a Member of New Zealand Ministry 1872-4, elected Chm. of Committees of House of Representatives 1871, 1875, an( ^ 1876, and Speaker of House of Representatives, New Zealand, July 1879, Sept. 1879, May 1882, Aug. 1884, and Oct. 1877 ; was Chm. of Royal Commn. 1879-80 to inquire into operations of Univ. of New Zealand and secondary schools of the Colony in their ' relation to the Univ.; elected ist Chm. of Council of Auckland Univ. Coll. 1883 : m. 1858, Cecilia Mary, da. of the late Alex- ander Shepherd, Esq., Colonial Treasurer of New Zealand, of Auckland; cr. K.B. 1880. Onehunga, Auckland, New Zea- land ; Northern Club (Auckland), OWEN, Sir Hugh, K.C.B., son of] the late Sir Hugh Owen ; b. 1835 ; Bar. ' Middle Temple 1862 ; was Assist. Sec. of Local Govt. Board 1876-82, since when he has been permanent Sec. ; author of several legal works in connection with the duties of local authorities : m. 1865, Char- lotte Elizabeth, da. of the late Charles Burt, Esq., of Tufnell Park, N.; cr. C.B. 1885, K.C.B. 1887. Belmont, Crouch End Hill, N. OwEN,5^[Francis]Philip,CUNLiFFE- K.C.B., K.C.M.G., C.I.E., son of Capt. Charles Cunliffe-Owen, R.N. ; b. 1828 ; served in R.N. 1840-5 ; wasaSup. at Paris Exhibition 1855, Dep. Gen. Sup. of S. Kensington Museum 1857-60, and Assist. Director 1860-73, since when he has been Director ; was Director of Foreign Sec- tions at London International Exhibition 1862, Assist. Executive Commr. at Paris International Exhibition 1867, Sec. to Royal British Commn. at Vienna Exhibi- tion 1873, Commr. to Philadelphia Exhibi- bition 1875, Sec. to Roy.Commn. of Paris Exhibition 1877-8 and to Roy. Commn. for Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886: m. 1854, Jenny, da. of the late Baron Fritz de Reitzenstein, Col. Comdg. the Royal Prussian Horse Guards; cr. C.B. 1873, K.C.M.G. 1878, C.I.E. 1879, K.C.B. 1886. 2, The Residences, S. Kensington Museum, S. W. ; Gar rick Club. OWEN, Sir Richard, K.C.B.,F.R.S., son of the late Richard Owen, Esq., of Fulmer Place, Bucks ; b. 1804 ; ed. at Lancaster Free Gram. Sch., and at Edinburgh Univ. ; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1826, and Hon. F.R.C.S. 1843 ; was Hunterian Professor and Conservator of Museum of Roy. Coll. of Surgeons, 1836-56, sometime Professor of Physiology in Roy. Institution, and Sup. of Natural History Departs, in British Museum 1856-84; was Pres.ofa Jury at Great Exhibition of 1851, and at the Universal Exhibition at Paris (Legion of Honour) ; is an associate cf Institute of France, and a Chevalier of Order of Merit, Prussia : m. 1835, Caroline, who d. 1873,. da. of the late William Clift, Esq., F.R.S. ; cr. C.B. 1873, K.C.B. 1884. Sheen Lodge, Richmond Park, Surrey. OWENS, Sir George Bolster, M.D., son of the late George Owens, Esq. . b. 1808; is an M.D. of Glasgow and a J.P. for Dublin City (High Sheriff 1881); was Lord Mayor of Dublin 1876 : in, 1831, Rebecca Anna Letitia, da. of the late Major William Owen, 67th Foot ; cr. K.B. 1876. 126, Lower Bagot Street, Dublin. PAGET, Right Hon. Sir Augustus Berkeley, P.C., G.C.B.; [see M.Angle- sey, colls.]. PAGET, Adm. the Right Hon. Lord Clarence Edward, P.C., G.C.B. [see M. Anglesey]. PAINE, Sir Thomas, only son of the late Thomas Paine, Esq., Paymaster R.N., of Great Yarmouth; b. 1822;. admitted a Solicitor 1844, and is senior partner in the firm of Paine, Son and Pol- lock, of St. Helen's Place, E.G. ; was. Vice-Pres. of Incorporated Law So, 1881-2, and Pres. thereof 1882-3 : m. 1847, Anna, el. da. of James Neave, Esq., of Downham Grove. Wymondham ; cr. K.B. 1882. 9, Albert Road, Regent's Park, N.W.; 14, St. Helen' 1 s Place, E.C. ; Broomfield, Westcott, Dorking ; Reform and City Clubs. PALGRAVE, Sir Reginald Francis Douce, K.C.B., son of Sir Francis Pal- grave. K.H. ; b. 1829 ; was Assist.-Clerk of House of Commons 1869-86, since when he has been Clerk ; cr. C.B. 1887, K.C.B. 1852. Speakers Court, Palace of Westminster, S. W. PALLISER, Maj. - Gen. Sir Charles- Henry, K. C.B., son of the late Maj. -Gen. Henry Palliser, R.A.; b. 1830; ed. at Addiscombe ; entered Bengal Army 1847,, became Capt. and Major 1860, Lieut. -Col. 1868, Col. 1874, and Maj. -Gen. (retired) 1 88 1 ; served on N.W. Frontier 1853 (mentioned in despatches and medal with clasp), in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (three times wounded, once dangerously, mentioned in despatches, and medal with two clasps), in command of loth Bengal Cav. in Abyssinian Expedition 1867 (men- tioned in despatches and medal), and in. command of a Brig, of Cav. in Afghan War 1878-80 (medal with clasp): m. 1871, Harriet Bertha, da. of the late Rev. Charles Evelyn Cotton, of Etwall Hall,. Derby; cr. C.B. 1871, K.C.B. 1881. United Service Club. PALMER,.S/>'ArthurHunter,A'.C.^/.G'., son of the late Arthur Palmer, Esq., Lieut. R.N. ; b. 1819; ed. at Gram. Sch.,. Youghal ; was engaged in Pastoral pur- suits for many years ; represented Port Curtis in Legislative Assembly of Queens- land 1866-79, since when he has sat for Brisbane City ; was Colonial Sec. 1867-8 and Premier 1870-4, Colonial Sec. and