Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/784

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706 KNIGHTAGE. Constabulary 1891 : m. 1859, Mary Olivia, da. of the Rev. Edward John Ward, Rec- tor of E. Clandon, Surrey ; cr. C.B. 1874, K.C.M.G. 1892. Accra, Gold Coast; New Travellers' Club. SCOTT, Sir John, K.C.M.G., son of the late J. Scott, formerly of Cumberland ; b. 1814 ; entered public service 1840 ; ap- pointed, 1843, Sec. to Royal Commn. to define N.E. boundary between Canada and U.S.A. as determined by Ashburton Treaty ; at termination of this Commn. was appointed Surveyor-Gen., M.L.C. and Senior Magistrate of Labuan ; became Acting Lieut. -Gov. and Treasurer 1849, and in 1850 Gov. of the Colony ; in 1856 became Gov. of Natal, and in 1868 Gov. of British Guiana : m. 1850, Amelia Emma Catherine, who'<. 1882, da. of the late William Cook, Esq., of Clay Hill, Enfield; cr. K.C.M.G. 1873. Chislehurst. SCOTT, Sir John Harley ; b. 18 ; is a Merchant and a J.P. of Cork (High Sheriff 1892) ; cr. K.B. 1892. Park View Terrace, Cork. SEALY, Sir John, K.C.M.G., D.C.L., 3rd son of the late Thomas Sealy, Esq. , of Clifton; b. 1807; ed. at Exeter Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1820, M.A. 1833, Hon. D.C.L. of Durham 1876) ; Bar. Middle Temple 1833 ; appointed Solicitor-Gen, of Barbados 1841, Attorney-Gen. 1846, and Chancellor of Diocese 187- : m. 1834, Ann Isabella, who d. 1859, da. of the late J. F. D. Jones, Esq., M.D.; cr. K.C.M.G. 1874. The Cliff, Barbados. SECCOMBE, Sir Thomas Lawrence, G.C.I. E.,K.C.S.I., C.B., son of John Sec- combe, Esq.; b. 1812; entered H.E.I.C.S., 1829; was Assist. Financial Sec. to Sec. of State for India 1858-9, Financial Sec. 1859-79, and Assist. Under Sec. of State for India 1872-81 : m. 1833, Louisa, who d. 1884, da. of H. Pollett, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1869, K.C.S.I. 1877, G.C.I. E. 1892. Yelverton, S. Devon ; St. Stephen's Club. SENDALL, Sir Walter Joseph, K.C.M.G., son of the late Rev. S. Sen- dall, V. of Rillington, Yorkshire ; b. 18 ; ed. at Christ's Coll., Camb. (EA 1858, ist class classics, 3rd class mathematics) ; was a member of Colonial Ser., Ceylon, 1859-73 (Inspector of Schools 1860-70, Director of Public Instruction 1870-3), Assist. Inspector of Poor Laws 1873-6, Gen. Inspector, Local Govt. Board 1876-8, and Assist. Sec. 1878-85, Gov. and Com.- in-Ch. of the Windward Islands 1885-9, and of Barbados 1889-92, since when he has been H.M.'s High Commr. in Cyprus: m. 1870, Elizabeth Sophia, da. of the late Rev. Henry Calverley, V. of South Stoke, and Prebendary of Wells ; cr. C. M.G. 1887, K.C.M.G. 1889. Government House, Nicosia, Cyprus; Oxford and Cambridge, St. Stephen's, and St. George's Clubs. SEXTON, Sir Robert, son of the late Samuel Sexton, Esq., of Bildeston, Suf- folk ; b. 1814; is a J. P., a I) L . and nn Alderman of Dublin, and Chm. of S. Dub- lin Board of Guardians ; unsuccessfully contested Dublin, St Stephen's Green Div. (LU) 1888 ; cr. K.B. 1892. 70, Heir- court Street, Dublin ; Constitutional Club. SHAW, Capt. Sir Eyre Massey, K.C.B., son of the late Bernard Robert Shaw, Esq., of Monkstown Castle, co. Cork, and cousin of Sir Robert Shaw, 4th Bart. ; b. 1830 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin (M.A. 1853) ; formerly Capt. in the Army ; %yas Ch. Officer of Metropolitan Fire Brig. 1861-91 (good service medal 1884) ; is a D.L. for Middlesex : m. 1855, Anna, da. of Senor Murto Dove, of Lisbon, and Fuzeta in Algarve; cr. C.B. 1875, K.C.B. 1891. St. James's, Carlton, Marlborough, and Pratt' s Clubs ; Club Anglais (Paris). SHEA, Sir Ambrose, K.C.M.G., son of the late Henry Shea, Esq., merchant, of St. John's, Newfoundland ; b. 1818 ; has been a Member of Assembly of New- foundland since 1850, and was Speaker thereof 1855-61 ; successfully negotiated admission of Newfoundland into recipro- city treaty arrangements 1855 ; was an unofficial Member of Executive Govt. 1864-9 I went as Delegate from Newfound- land to Quebec Conference on Confedera- tion 1864, and has been on several minor Missions ; was Commr. from Newfound- land to Fisheries Exhibition 1883 ; brought Washington Cabinet into harmony with Canada for extension of Washington Treaty 1885 ; was Delegate from Bahamas to Colonial Conference in London 1887 ; has been Gov. of the Bahama Islands since 1887, and initiated hemp industry there ; deputed in 1888 to lay the general condi- tion of affairs of the Colony before H.M.'s Govt. : /. ist, 1851, Isabella, who*/. 1877, da. of Joseph Nixon, Esq., merchant, of Edinburgh ; 2ndly, 1878, Louisa, da. of Joseph Bouchette, Esq., of Quebec (50 years Surveyor-Gen, of Canada) ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1883. Government House, Nassau, Bahamas. SHEPSTONE, Sir Theophilus, K.C.M.G., son of William Shepstone. Esq. ; b. 1817 ; appointed 1835 Inter- preter of Kaffir language at the Cape, and served on Staff during Kaffir War of that year ; subsequently employed in various services on frontier of Cape Colony; appointed Capt.-in-Ch. of Native forces in Natal 1848, Judicial Assessor there 1855, and Sec. for Native affairs and M.E.C. and M.L.C. 1856 ; in 1861 proceeded to Zululand to settle the succession to the throne of King Panda, and in 1873 pro- ceeded there on a special mission to crown King Cetawayo ; employed to negotiate between Transvaal States and Zulus 1876 ; was Administrator of Transvaal 1877-9 : m. 1838, Maria, da. of Dep. Corny. -Gen. Palmer; cr.C.M.G. 1869, K.C.M.G. 1876. SHIPPARD, Sir Sidney Godolphin Alexander, K.C.M.G., D.C.L., el. son of