Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/815

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KNIGHTS' WIDOWS. 737 in. iS , Col. Sir Richmond Shakespear, C.B., who </. 1861. Fyfield House, Andover. SIDGREAVES, Latty. Barbara, da. of the late George Young, Esq., of Saverly House, j Staffordshire : m. 1871, Sir Thomas Sidgreaves, Ch. Justice of Straits Settlements 1871-86, who d. 1889. Ravenswood, Walton-on-ThatHL's, Surrey. SIEMENS, Lady. Anne, da. of the late Joseph Gordon, Esq., W.S., of Edinburgh and Sutherlandshire : in. 1859, Sir William Siemens, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., Ph.D., M.I.C.E., F.C.S., who d. 1883. Sheiwood, Tunbridge Wells. SINCLAIR, Lady. Louisa,da.of John Mac- Munn, Esq., M.D. : in. 1849, Sir Edward Bur- rowes Sinclair, M.D., who d. 1882, an eminent obstetrician. SLADEN, Lady. Katherine Jane, da. of Robert Russell Carew, Esq., of Carpenders, Herts : in. 1880, as his second wife, Col. Sir Edward Bosc Sladen, whorf. 1890. 17, Norfolk Street, Park Lane, W.; Carpenders, Watford. SMART, Lady. Elizabeth Isabella, da. of Benjamin Sharpe, Esq., banker, London: fit. 1848, Adm. Sir Robert Smart, K.C.B., K..H., who d. 1874. Rothbury House, Chiswick. SMART, Lculy. Emily Dobson, da. of James Adams, Esq., of Gosport : m. 1860, Sir William Richard Edwin Smart, K.C.B., M.D., who d. 1887, Hon. Physician to H.M. St. Michael's Vicarage, Coventry. SMITH, Lady. Anna, da. of the late Sylvester Costigan, Esq., of Dublin, and Catherine, only child of Christopher Fitz Simon, Esq., of co. Westmeath : m. 1844, Adm. Sir Henry Smith, K.C.B., who d. 1887. Florence. SMITH, Lady. Jessalina, da. of Thomas Hopper, Esq., Architect : m. 1847, as his 2nd wife, Sir Benjamin Smith, who d. 1852, Senior Member of Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms. 35, North Bank, Regent's Park, N.W.; The Chapel House, Wargrave, Berks. . SMITH, Lady. Marianne, da. of the late William Paul, Esq., of Truro : in. 1849, Sir Philip Protheroe Smith, Mayor of Truro, 1880, who d. 1882. Treittoruah, Truro. SMITH, Lady. Marie, el. da. of the late J. B. Van Watersehoodt, Esq.: in. 1851, Sir John Lucie Smith, C.M.G., Ch. Justice of Jamaica, who d. 1883. SMITH, Lady. Matilda Caroline, da. of the late Mr. Robert Croft, of the Haymarket : in. 1852, as his 2nd wife, Lieut. -Gen. Sir Charles Felix Smith, K.C.B., who d. 1858. SMITH, Lady. Sarah, da. of the late J. W. Young, Esq., of Halifax, N.S. : in. 1868, the Hon. Sir Albert James Smith, K.C.M.G., Q.C., Min. of Marine and Fisheries, Canada, who d. 1883. Dorchester, New Brunswick. SMITH, Lady. Susanna, 2nd da. of Mr. John Wallis, of Boxley, Kent : m. 1866, as his 2nd wife. Sir Francis Pettit Smith, C.E., whod. 1874, introducer of the Screw Propeller. SMYTH, Lady. Antonia, da. of A. Storey-Maskelyne, Esq., of Bassett Down, Wilts: m. 1864, Sir Warrington Wilkinson Smyth, who d. 1890. 5, Inverness Terrace, W. ; The Cliff, Marazion, Cornwall. SMYTHE, Lady. Maria Caroline, da. of Capt. Henry Newbolt : m. 1858, Sir Frederick William Smythe, K.C.M.G., some time Con- troller-Gen, of Imperial Ottoman Bank, Con- stantinople, who d. 1890. Constantinople. SNAGGE, Lady. Constance Marion, da. of the late Major George Larkins, Bengal Artillery: m. 1876, as his 3rd wife, the Hon. Sir William Snagge, who d. 1878, Ch. Justice of British Guiana. SOUTER, Lady. Helena Lovett, da. of the late William Lochiel Cameron, Esq. : m. 1863, Sir Frank Henry Souter, C.S.I., C.I.E., who d. 1888, Commr. of Police at Bombay. Boinbav. SOWLER, Lady. Emily, el. da. of the late James Yates, Esq., of Manchester: m. 1866, Sir Thomas Soivler, proprietor and editor of The Manchester Courier and Manchester Evening- Mail, who d. 1891. Oak Bank, Victoria Park, Manchester. SPAIGHT, Lady. Elizabeth Allason, Smngest da. of the late John Eckford, Esq., .E.I.C.S. : in. 1850, Sir James Spaight, who d. 1892. 28, Palace Gardens Terrace, Ken- sington, W. SPENCER, Lady. [See Louis, Bart.]. STACK, Lady. Cecilia, da. of Hugh Spottiswoode, Esq., of the Madras Civil Service : m. 1824, Gen. Sir Maurice Stack, K.C.B., who d. 1880. The Hayes, Prestbury, Cheltenham. STAPLES, Lady. Mary Ann Elizabeth, da. of Henry Gillett, Esq., of Hampstead,N.W.; m. 1859, Sir John Staples, K.C.M.G., Lord Mayor of London 1885-6, who d. 1888. 87, Avenue Road, Regent's Park, N. W. STAWELL, Lady. Mary Frances Eliza- beth, da. of the late William Pomeroy Greene, Esq., R.N. : m. 1856, Sir William Foster Stawell, K.C.M.G., LL.D., who d. 1889, Lieut.-Gov. of Victoria. D'Estaville, Kcw, Melbourne, I ictoria. STEELE, Lady. Rosalie Malvinia, da. of the late Thomas McCarty, Esq., of New York :

. 1865, as his second wife, Gen. the Rt. Hon.

Sir Thomas Montagu Steele, P.C., G.C.B., who d. 1890. 70, Eaton Square, S.IV. STEWART, Lady. Georgina Janet, da. of the late Adm. Sir James Stirling, and widow of Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry Tombs, K.C.B., V.C. : m. 1879, Brig.-Gen. Sir Herbert Stewart [see E. Galloway, colls.], who d. 1885 from wounds received at the battle of Metammeh. 17, Hans Place, S.W. STISTED, Lady. Maria, da. of Col. Burton : m. 1845, Lieut. -Gen. Sir William Henry Stisted, K.C.B., who d. 1875, Lieut.- Gov. of Ontario. Newgarden Lodge, Manor Road, Folkestone. STRICKLAND, Lady. Frances Marie,only da. of the late Gen. Tatton- Brown Greive, C. B., of Orde House, Northumberland : m. 1877, as his second wife, Sir Edward Strickland, K.C.B., who d. 1889. Plas-yn-Rhiiv, Pwllheli, N. Wales. STUART, Lady. Adelaide, da. of the late Col. J. R. Godfrey, Madras Army : in. 1854, as his 2nd wife, Gen. Sir Charles Stuart. G.C. B., who d. 1879. Southlands. Exmouth, STUART, Laiiy. Jessie, da. of the late Duncan Stewart, Esq. : in. 1813, the Rt. Hon. Sir John Stuart, who d. 1876, a Vice-Chancellor. SURTEES, Lady. Barbara, da. of the late Rev. William Bosworth, of Charley Hall, Leices- tershire : in. 18 , as his 2nd wife, Sir Stevenson Villiers Surtees, D.C.L., Ch. Justice of Mauritius, who d. 1867. 15, Louver Berkeley Street, Portman Square, W. SWAMY, Lady COOMARA-. Elizabeth Clay, da. of the late John Beeby, Esq. : in. 1875, the Hon. Sir Mutu Coomara-Swamy, who d. 1879, a Member of Council of Ceylon. SYMONDS, Lady. Susan Mary, da. of the late Rev. John Briggs, of Eton Coll. : ttt. 47