Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/832

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754 COMPANIONAGE. "Indian Antiquary,'" a monthly journal, in 1871, and conducted it for 13 years ; cr. C.I.E. 1885. 22, Seton Place, Edinburgh. BURNABY, Maj.-Gen. Eustace Beaumont, C.B., son of the late Lieut. -Gen. Richard Beau- mont Burnaby, R.A. ; l>, 1837 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; entered 5th Regt. 1854, transferred tosist Regt. same year, became Capt. 1863, Major 1877, Lieut. -Col. ist Batn. King's Own (S. Yorkshire L.I.) 1881, Col. 1885, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1887 ; served in Umbeyla Expedition 1863, in Jowaki Expedition 1877-8 (medal with clasp), during Afghan War 1878-80, present at capture of Ali Musjid (wounded, mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), and in Burmah Campaign 1886-7 '> cr - C.B. 1887. Naval and Military Club. BURNE, Gen. Henry Knightley, C.B. ; b. 1825 ; entered Bengal Army 1843, became Capt. and Major 1857, Lieut. -Col. 1863, Col. 1869, Maj.-Gen. 1881, Lieut. -Gen. 1884, and Gen. 1889 ' served in Sutlej Campaign i845-6(medal with clasp), and in Burmese War 1852-3 as Mil. Sec. to Gen. Godwin (several times mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp) ; was Mil. Sec. toGov. of India 1870-80 : m. 18 , Frances, da. of T. Spens. Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1875. United Service Club. BURROUGHS, Lieut.-Gen. Frederick Wil- liam Traill, C.B., el. son of the late Gen. Frederick William Burroughs ; b. 1831 ; entered 93rd Sutherland Highlanders 1848, became Capt. 1854, Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1864. Col. 1869, Maj.-Gen. 1880, and retired Lieut.-Gen. 1881 ; served f/)throughout Crimean War 1854-6 (medal with three clasps, Turkish medal, and 5th class Medjidie), (it) in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (recommended for V.C., twice wounded, and medal with two .-, clasps), and (Hi) with Euzofzai Field Force 1863 (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp) ; commanded 93rd Regt. ten years, and the ist Administrative Brigade of Orkney Artillery Vol. 1873-80; is a I. P. and D.L. for Orkney: in. 1870, Eliza D'Oyly, da. of Col. William Geddes- C.B.; cr. C.B. 1873. Truinland House, Rousay, Orkney', United Seii'ice, Scottish Conserva- tive, Royal Thames Yaclit, and New (Edin- burgh) Clubs. BURTON, Gen. Fowler, C.B., son of the late David Burton, Esq., of Cherry Burton Hall, Beverley ; />. 1822 ; entered Army 1839, became Capt. 1850, Major 1855, Lieut.-Col. (for distin- guished service in the field) 1850, Col. 1862, Maj.-Gen. 1868, Lieut.-Gen. 1880, and Gen. (retired) 1881 ; served with 97th Regt. from 1839 (Ensign) to 1860 (Lt.-Col. Comdg.), at siege of Sebastopol 1854-5 (medal with clasp, Sardinian and Turkish medals, and 5th Class Medjidie), in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-9 (twice mentioned and thanked in despatches, and medal), and in Central India (C.B.) ; com- manded Walmcr Fusilier Batn. 1860-70, and was on Start -s A A G , W.-st Dist. 1870-75 ; is a J.P. for Devon, and Col. Queen's Own (Royal W. Kent Regt.): ///. 1862, a da. of the late John Banks Friend, Esq., of Ripple Vale, Kent, and 30, Sussex Square, W. ; cr. C.B. 1867. Stoke Damerel, Dez'onport ; United Service Club. BUSHMAN, Col. Henry Augustus, C.B.; b. 1841 ; entered gth Lancers 1858, became Capt. 1872, Major 1879, Lieut. Col. 1880, and Col. 1884 (h.p. 1885) ; served in N.W. Frontier Campaign 1863 (medal with clasp), S. African War 1879 (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), and in Afghan War 1879-80 (men- tioned in despatches, medal with clasp and bronze star); was A.A.G., Bengal 1884-90; appointed A.A.G., S. Dist. 1892 ; cr. C.B. 1 88 1. Net ley Cliff, Southampton ; United Service Club. BlJSTEED, Brig.-Surg. Henry Elmsley, C.I.E., M.D.; b. 1833 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1855 ; entered Madras Med. Depart. 1855 ; became Brig.-Surg. (retired) 1886 ; served during Indian Mutiny 1857-8 (medal with clasp) ; sometime AssayMaster of Calcutta Mint(thanked by Gov- Gen. of India); author of "Echoes from Old Calcutta" ; cr. C.I.E. 1886. East India United Service Club. BUTLER, Capt. Antoine Sloet, C.B. [see Butler, Bart.]. BUYERS, John Walker, C.I.E. ; />. 18 ; is a M.I.C.E., and Superintending Engineer in Public Works Depart. (Railway Branch), India ; cr. C.I.E. 1889. Rangoon, Burmah. BYAM, Col. William, C.B., son of the late William J. Byam, Esq., M.R.C.S. Eng., of Willesley, Gloucester ; b. 1841 ; ed. at King's Coll. Sch., London ; entered 651)1 Regt. 1859, became Capt. 1868, Major 1876, Lieut.-Col. 1881, and Col. 1885 (h.p. 1892) ; served in New Zea- land War 1864-5, including storming and capture of Rangiawhia (medal), and in command of ist Batn. York and Lancaster Regt. (formerly 6sth Foot), at battles of El Teb and Tamai in the Soudan 1884 (medal with clasp, bronze star, and C.B.); commanded sist and 651)1 Regimental Dists. 1887-92: m. 1881, Emily, da. of Maj.- Gen. J. W. F. Bean, B.S.C. ; cr. C.B. 1884. Fairleigh, Pontefract ; Army and Navy Club. BYTHESEA, ^zr-/Ww.John, C.B., C.I.E., J'.C., son of the late Rev. George Bythesea, R. of Freshford, Somerset ; b. 1827 ; entered R.N. 1841, became Lieut. 1849, Com. 1856, Capt. 1861, and Retired Rear-Adm. 1877; served in Russian War 1855 (Baltic medal and V.C.), and in China War 1858-60 (medal and clasp) ; was Consulting Naval Officer to Indian Govt. 1874-80 : m. 1874, Belinda, 3rd da. of the late Col. George Nelson Prior ; cr. C.B. 1877, C.I.E. 1878. 22, Ashlmrn Place, S.W.; United Service Club. CADELL, Gen. Robert, C.B., son of the late H. F. Cadell, Esq., of Cockenzie, Hadding- ton ; b. 1825; entered Madras Artillery 1842, became Capt. 1857, Major 1858, Lieut. -Col. 1859, Col. 1867, Maj.-Gen. 1878, Lieut.-Gen. 1882, Gen. 1883, and Col.-Comdt. R.A. 1885 ; served on Staff of Turkish Army during Crimean War 1 854 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, 4th class Medjidie, Turkish medal), and in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (mentioned in de- spatches, medal with clasp); was Inspector-Gen. of Ordnance, Madras, 1877-81 ; is a J.P. and a County Councillor for Haddingtonshire : >n. 1889, Elizabeth Douglas, da. of the late Rev. William Bruce Cunningham, of Prestonpans, N.B. ; cr. C.B. 1873. Cockenzie, Haddington. CAILLARD, Alfred, C.M.G., son of the late Charles Camille Caillard, Esq. , of Leicester; b. 1841 ; was a Clerk in Receiver and Ac- countant-Gen. 's Office, Gen. Post Office 1863-75, Financial Controller of the Egyptian Post Office 1875-6, and Postmaster-Gen, of Egypt (thoroughly re-organising the whole Ser.) 1876- 89, since when he has been Director-Gen, ot Customs in Egypt ; appointed in 1878 to manage and re-organise the Khedivieh Steamship ser- vice ; has Grand Gordon (ist class) of the Medjidie ; is a Com. of the Hellenic Order of the Redeemer, and of the Austrian Order of Francis Joseph ; cr. C.M.G. 1890. Alexandria. CALL, Gen. George Frederic Stevenson, C.B. ; b. 1819 ; entered Army 1837, became Capt. 1842, Major 1854, Lieut.-Col. 1856, Col. 1861, Major-Gen. 1868 Lieut.-Gen. 1879, and Gen. (retired) 1881 ; served throughout China War 1840-2 (medal), in Burmese War 1852-3 (medal with clasp), and in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (medal with clasp, 5th class Medjidie,