Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/835

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COMPANIONAGE. 757 the Colonial Office, in preparing and printing, in 1885-6, a draft revised edition of the Laws of Tobago, in 1888-9 a new edition of the Laws of St. Lucia, and in 1891-2 a number of Con- solidation Bills for British Guiana ; was acting Ch. Justice of Grenada Aug. to Oct. 1886 : in, 1872, Susan Catherine, only da. of the late William Walsh, Esq., of Norham, Oxford ; cr. C.M.G. 1888. Georgetown, British Guiana. CARTER, Gilbert Thomas, C.M.G. , only son of the late Thomas Gilbert Carter, Esq., Com. R.N. (who served as Midshipman at Copenhagen 1801) ; b. 1848; entered R.N. 1864, became Assist. Paymaster 1869, and retired 1875 ; successively served as Vol. under Colonial Govt. at Sierra Leone, as Paymaster of Colonial yacht "Sherbro." during transfer to Great Britain of Dutch Settlements on Gold Coast (subsequently a Commr. for valuation of Ordnance and Stores left by the Dutch), and ; during part of Ashanti War ; was Private Sec. to Gov. of Leeward Islands (Sir George ' Berkeley, K. C.M.G.) 1875-9, a M.E.C., a M.L.C.,and Treasurer and Collector of Customs at the Gold Coast 1879-83, and in the Gambia j 1883-8 (administered Govt. in absence of Gov.), [ , and Administrator of the Gambia 1888-91, since I when he has been Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Lagos : ;. 1874, Susan Laura, fourth da. of the late Lieut. -Col. Edward Hocker, C.B. ; cr. C.M.G. 1890. Government House-, Lagos, Africa. CA.RTWRIGHT, William Chauncy, C.M.G.., son of Richard Aubrey Cartwright, Esq., of Edgcote, Banbury ; b. 1853 ; ed. at Eton, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford ; appointed a Clerk in Foreign Office 1875, Acting 3rd Sec. to Em- bassy at Constantinople April, 1878, Sec. to Sir H. Drummond Wolff, H.M.'s. Commr. for E. Roumelia, Aug. 1878, Sec. to Lord E. Fitz- maurice on the reconstitution of E. Roumelian Commn. May, 1880, and Sec. to Commn. itself | June, 1880; was despatched to Egypt May, I 1882, with rank of Acting 2nd Sec., and was in i charge of H.M.'s Agency and Consulate Gen. ! Egypt in 1882 and in 1883 ; has medal with ! clasp and bronze star for Egyptian Campaign i 1882 ; was Sec. to Sir H. D. Wolffs Special i Mission to Constantinople and Egypt 1885-7, and to Min. Plen. at Court of Persia (Sir H. D. Wolff) 1888-9; cr. C.M.G. 1882. Edgcote, Banbury ; St. James's Clui>. CASEY, Hon. James Joseph, C.M.G., son of the late James Casey, Esq., ofTromroe, co. Clare ; <5.Dec. 25th, 1831 ; went to Australia 1855, j and in that year became joint proprietor of the | Bendigo Advertiser; elected M.L.A. 1861, but | was unseated ; represented Manduring 1863- I 1879 ; has been a M.E.C. since 1868 ; appointed j Min. of Justice 1868, and Solicitor-Gen. 1869 ; ! was Pres. of Board of Land and Works and j Min. of Agriculture 1872-5 ; has taken great ] interest in all exhibitions in which the colony I of Victoria has been represented ; was Pres. of Victoria Commn. to Paris Exhibition 1878-9, Executive Vice-Pres. of Melbourne Interna- tional Exhibition 1880, Chm. of Great Britain . Committee to look after British interests at the I Exhibition (specially thanked), Vice-Pres. of First Social Science Congress held in Australia ! 1880, and Delegate for Victoria to Postal Union Congress at Vienna, 1891, on which occasion Australasia entered the Postal Union ; is a barrister of Victoria,N.S.W.,S. and W. Aus- tralia and Queensland, and a Knt. Officer of Legion of Honour and of Crown of Italy ; ; formerly Prosecutor for H.M., and Pres. of i Federal Bank of Australia ; has been Judge of County Court, Court of Mines, and Court of Insolvency, and Chm. of Gen. Sessions of Vic- toria since 1884; Acting Judge of Supreme Court 1885; author of "Casey's Justices' Manual," the only legal text book in the Colony that has reached a second edition ; cr. C.M.G. 1878. " IMckane," Acland Street, St. Kilda ; Weeroona, Port Philip Bay; Royal Yacht (London), Royal Yacht (Victoria), and Athe- nteum and Yorrick (Melbourne) Clubs. CASTLE, William, C.B., son of the late John Castle, Esq., of Wallingford, Berks; b. 18 ; entered R. N. 1855, became Ch. En- gineer 1872, Inspector of Machinery 1885, and Ch. Inspector of Machinery 1889 ; served in the Baltic during Russian War 1855 (medal), and in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp, bronze star); cr. C.B. 1892. CAULFEILD, Capt. Algernon Montgomerie, D.S.O. ; cr. 1887 [see E. Charlemont colls.]. CAULFEILD, Marcus Piers Francis, C.B. '; cr. C.B. 1888 [see E. Charlemont. colls.]. CAVE, Adm. John Halliday, C.B., son of the late George Cave, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Burfield ; ^.1827; entered R.N. 1841, became Lieut. 1850, Com. 1855, Capt. 1863, Retired Rear - Adm. 1878, Vice-Adm. 1884, and Adm. 1889 ; served in China, 1842-3 (medal), on W. Coast of Africa 1844-7 an d 1858-9, in Baltic Expedition 1 854 (medal), with Naval Brig, during Crimean Campaign 1855 (medal with clasp, Legion of Honour, jth class Medjidie, andTurkish medal); inW. Indies 1860-1: m. 18 ; cr.C.B. 1875. Hen- bury Court, near Bristol; 17, Palace Gate, Ken- sington,}V. ; Carltonand United Service Clubs. CHADS, Maj.-Gen, William John, C.B., son of the late Adm. Sir Henry Ducie Chads, G.C.B. ; b. 1830 ; entered 64th Regt. 1847, be- came Capt. and Major 1854, Lieut. -Col. 1862, Col. 1877, and Maj.-Gen. 1887 ; retired 1890 ; served during Burmese War 1852-3 as A.D.C., present at capture of Rangoon and Pegu (wounded, mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), in the Baltic 1854, present at capture of Bomersund (medal), and in Turkey 1855-6 ; was Capt. Instructor at Sch. of Musketry July to Dec. 1870, D.A.A.G. Cork Dist. 1871-2 ; in command of Wiltshire Regt. 1876-81, employed in Egypt 1882, and in command soth Regt. Dist. 1883-7 : "' IS ' I 8s6, Louise du Caurroy, who d. 1871, el. da. of Charles A. Lauder, Esq. ; 2nd, 1890, Caroline Maria, da. of the late Rev. J. T. Maine, of Bighton Wood, Hants ; cr. C.B. 1887. Dover Courts, South- sea ; United Sen'ice Club. CHADWICK, Osbert, C.M.G., only son of the late Sir Edwin Chadwick, K.C.B.; b. 1844; formerly Lieut. R.E. ; and was employed on Harbour Works at Bombay ; is now a C. E. ; has been engaged for the Colonial Depart, on Water Works at Grenada, Sanitary Work at Hong Kong, and Water Works at Malta ; was also charged with the preparation of papers on ad- ministrative organisation ; is Consulting Sani- tary Engineer to the Govt. of Hong Kong, and an Unofficial M.E.C. of the Colony; cr. C.M.G. 1886. Hong Kong. CHAMBERLAIN, Gen. Crawford Trotter, C.S.I. ; cr.C.S.I. 1866 [see Chamberlain, Bart.]. CHAMBERLiN.ZzVw/.-CW. Erown,C.M.G., D.C.L., son of B. Chamberlin, Esq., M.D., of Frelighsburg, Province of Quebec ; b. 1827; ed. at McGill Univ., Montreal (B.C.L. iSso.D.C.L. 1867); admitted a Barrister and Advocate 1850; was one of the publishers and editors of the Montreal Gazette 1852-70, Sec. to Board of Arts and Manufactures, Lower Canada, 1857- 62, and Pres. thereof 1862-5, a "d a Commr. from Canada to London Universal Exhibition 1862 ; sat as M.P. for Missisquoi in the Commons 1867-70, since when he has been Queen's Prin- ter ; appointed Major 6oth Batn. Active Militia at its formation, and became Lieut-Col. 18 ;