Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/853

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COMPANIONAGE. 7 ,'5 reversion of cable tramways) 1856-91, since when he has been first Chm. of new Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works; chiefly in- strumental in passing Act to establish perma- nent fund for relief of sufferers from accidents in mines ; has acted as Hon. Sec. of Anti- Transportation League (convict transportation to colonies abandoned 1864-5), of Prince Consort National Memorial Contribution Fund, of Com- mittees for presentation of wedding and silver wedding gifts to Prince and Princess of Wales, of "Queen's Fund' raised by women of Vic- toria, and of many committees for charitable and benevolent purposes ; arranged local re- joicings for Prince of Wales's marriage, and assisted to welcome and entertain the Duke of Edinburgh, and subsequently the Princes Albert Victor and George of Wales ; is a Member of Local Branch of Imperial Federa- tion League (sometime Hon. Sec.) and of i Assembly of Clergy and Laity of Church of England in Victoria, and a J. P. for the Colony ; author of several essays on the evils of party ! govt., and o_f pamphlet (thanked by H.M. for copy) refuting theorier. in Henry George's "Progress and Poverty" : /;/. 1873, Sarah, el. da. of Richard Dawson, Esq., of Phcenix Park, near Melbourne ; cr. C.M.G. 1892. The White Knights, Fairlie House, South Yarra, Melbourne; 501, Collins Street, Melbourne. FITZ HUGH, Maj.-Gen. Alfred, C.B., son of the late Rev. William Anthony Fitz Hugh, Preb. of Chichester ; b. 1837 ; ed. at Rugby, and at Addiscombe ; entered Bengal Army 1855, became Capt. 1867, Major 1875, Lieut.-CoI. 1879, Col. 1884 and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1886 ; served against Momunds 1863-4, i n expedition to Dour 1872, and in Afghan Campaigns 1878-9 and 1879-80 (medal) ; as Comdt. of 5th Goorkhas : in. 1867, Cecilia J., el. da. of the Rev. E. P. Henslowe, V. of Huish Episcopi, Somerset ; cr. C.B. 1881. The Birdies, Penshurst, Ton- bridge ; East India United Service Club. FITZROY, Rear-Adm, Robert O'Brien, C.B. [see D. Grafton, colls.]. FLEET, John Faithfull, C.I.E., son of John George Fleet, Esq. ; b. 1847 ; ed. at Mer- chant Taylors' Sch., London ; entered Bom. C. S. 1867 ; is Commr. of S. Div., Bombay ; cr. C.I.E. 1884. Belgaum, Bombay; East India United Service Club. FLEMING, George, C.B., LL.D., son of H. Fleming, Esq. ; b. 1833; M.R.C.V.S. 1855, F.R.C.V.S. 1877, LL.D. 1883 ; entered Army Vet. Depart. 1855, became Vet. Surg. ist class 1867, Inspecting Vet. Surg. 1879, an d Principal Vet. Surg. 1883 > retired 1890; served in Crimea 1855-6, in China War 1860, being present at capture of Taku Forts and surrender of Pekin (medal with two clasps), and as Vet. Surg. to R.E., 3rd Hussars, and 2nd Life Guards; has been five times Pres. of Roy. Coll. of Vet. Surgs. of which Corporation he is a member of Council and Examiner : ;;/. ist, 1863, Alice, who d. 1878, da. of the late J. Peake, Esq., of Atherstone ; 2nd, 1878, Susan, da. of the late William Solomon, Esq., of Upchurch, Kent ; cr. C.B. 1887. Cathcart Lodge, Tyrwhitt Road, St. John's, S.E. ; Constitutional Club. FLEMING, John, C.S.I.; b. 1831; is a partner in the firm of Fleming, Milligan and Co., India merchants; cr. C.S.I. 1866. Wych Elm Lodsre, College Road, South Dulwich, S.E. FLEMING, Sandford, C.M.G. , LL.D., C.E., son of the late Andrew Greig Fleming, Esq., of Kirkaldy, N.B. ; b. 1827; in Canada since 1845 ; has been engaged in extensive practice as Ch. Engineer of Railway and other public works ; Delegate in 1863 to Viceroy of India (Earl of Dufferin) 1884-8 ; cr. C.I.E. 1889. Junior United Sen ice Club. FINLAISON, Alexander John, C.B., son of Alexander Glen Finlaison, Esq. ; b. 1840 ; has been Actuary to National Debt Commrs. since 1875 : in. 1866, Honoria, da. of Henry Rigge, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1887. Malet Lodge, Putney, S. Vlf. ; Garrick Club. FISHER, Lieut. -Col. George, C.B. ; b. 1804 ; entered Bombay Army 1821, and re- tired as Lieut. -Col. 1848 ; served in Scinde and Afghanistan 1842-3 : in. 18 , a da. of J. Cater, Esq., of Oxford ; cr. C.B. 1843. Meeanee Villa, 38, Abbey Road, N.W. FISHER, Rear-Adm. John Arbuthnot, C.B. ; b. 1841 ; entered R.N. 1854, became Com. 1869, Capt. 1874, and Rear-Adm. 1890 ; served in Baltic during Russian War 1855 (medal), and in China War i86o(medal with two clasps) ; was Pres. of a committee for revising the " Gunnery' Manual of the Fleet" 1879 ; com- manded H.M.S. " Inflexible" at bombardment of forts at Alexandria 1882 (medal and 3rd class Osmanieh); wasa Naval A.D.C. to H.M. 1887- 90, Director of Naval Ordnance, 1887-91, and Adm. Sup. of Portsmouth Dockyard 1801-92, since when he has been a Lord of the Admiralty and Controller of the Navy : in. 1866, Frances Katharine Josepha, only da. of the late Rev. Thomas Delves Broughton [see Broughton, Bart., colls.] ; cr. C.B. 1882. United Seivice and Travellers' Clubs. FITZGERALD, Col. Charles John Oswald, C.B., son of the late Gen. James FitzGerald : b. 1810 ; entered Army 1857, became Capt. M.S.C. (now I.S.C.)i869, Major 1877, Lieut.- Col. 1883, and Col. 1887 ; served during Indian Mutiny 1858, during Afghan War 1880 (medal), and with Burmah Expedition 1886-7 (mentioned ' in despatches, medal with two clasps): in. 1882, | Lady Alice FitzGerald, el. da. of 4th Duke of i Lemster; cr. C.B. 1887. Dunmore, Eastbourne. FITZGERALD, James Edward, C.M. G., son of the late Gerald Fitzgerald, Esq., of I Queen's co. ; b. 1818; ed. at Christ's Coll., j Camb. (B.A. 1842) ; was Assist in Depart, of ' Antiquities British Museum 1844-8 and Under- | Sec. to British Museum 1849-50, when he sailed j with the first body of colonists to Canterbury, j New Zealand ; appointed Commr. of Police and Immigration at Canterbury 1851 ; elected first ! Sup. of Province of Canterbury 1853 and a member of House of Representatives for the town of Littelton, and in 1854 First Re- sponsible Min. for New Zealand under the Con- stitution Act ; was Agent in England for Province of Canterbury 1857-60, member for Akaroa 1862, Min. for Native Affairs 1865, Con- troller-Gen. 1866, Commr. of Audit 1872, and Controller and Auditor-Gen. 1878 ; is a J.P. : ///. 1850, Fanny Erskine, da. of the late George Draper, Esq., of London ; cr. C.M.G. 1870. Clyde Cliff, Wellington, Neiv Zealand. FiTzGiBBON, Edmund Gerald, C.M.G., third and only surviving son of Gibbon Carew FitzGibbon, Esq., a descendant of the White Knight ; b. 1825 ; emigrated to Australia 1852, I and spent a year at Victorian Gold Fields ; Bar. Victoria 18 ; was Reader to Legislative Council, Victoria 1853-6, and Town Clerk of Melbourne (energetically endeavouring to im- prove sanitary and general condition of city i and opposing its subdivision into conflicting jurisdictions, preventing Govt. attempts to alienate the Parks, and obtaining Crown i grants of some portions for the public, and | urging protection of river from pollution, con- struction of underground sewers and reversion of i waterworks to local authorities, to whom he was mainly instrumental in securing future free