Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/859

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COMPAXIOXAGE. 781 Henry John Craufurd, Esq. [see Molesworth, (medal), and with Egyptian Expedition i3S2. Bart.] ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. (medal with clasp, bronze star); cr. D.S.O. 1887. GLASS, Tames George Henry, C.I.E., GORDON, Arthur John Lewis, C.M.G., '_ > CV.. . 1 _r f~* T Ti f^ I T7> - I n . , .on of G. J. R. Gordon, Esq. ; /. 1847 ; ed. at Radley ; was Private Sec. to Gov. of Trinidad 1866-70, Acting Colonial Sec. Trinidad 1870. Private Sec. to Gov. of Mauritius 1870-4, and to Gov. of Fiji 1875-80, and Dep. Commr. W. Pacific 1880 : in. 1885, Caroline Augusta, da. of Gen. the Hon. Sir Alexander Hamilton-Gordon,. K.C.B. [see E. Aberdeen] ; cr. C.M.G. 1877. r . . -, T->- v. jT-t, /" r> Ellon Castle, Aberdeenshire. I'.^f --p- Richard Thomas C.., GoRDON Lient .. Gen , Benjamin Lumsden, C.M.G. [see Glyn, Bart., cr. 1759, colls.]. .-. fthltCtT Cd fl son of the Rev. J. R. Glass ; b. 1843 ; ed. at Musselburgh Gram. Sch. ; entered Public- Works Depart, of India 1862 ; is a Sup. Engi- neer in, and Sec. to that Depart, in Central Provinces : m. 18 , Minnie, da. of Maj.-Gen. B. W. Cumberlege, Madras Cav. ; cr. C.I.E. 1890. Nagpitr, Central Provinces, India; Oriental Club. GLYN Robert Godley, Esq., of Killigar, j Artillery 1852, became Capt. 1863, Major 1872, co. Leitrim; /'. 1847 ; ed. at Rugby, Lieut. -Col. 1875, Col. 1880, Maj.-Gen. 1886, and iol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1871) ; Bar. Lieut.-Gen. 1890; retired 1891 : served in In- ,_*.r ------ 1.. TI_:-.-._ c._ ...!._ GODLEY, John Arthur, C.B., son of the late John Robert Godley, Esq., of Killigar, Belturbet, and at Ball Lincoln's Inn 1876 ; formerly Private Sec. to the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. ; is Per- manent Under Sec. for India : m. 1871, the Hon. Sarah James, da. of ist Baron North- bourne ; cr. C.B. 1882. 13, Ennismore Gardens, S. }}'.; Minley Lodge, Farnborough, Hants: A thenteiiin Club. GOLIGHTLY, Capt. Robert Edmund, D.S.O.; b. 1856; entered Army 1875, and became Capt. King's Roy. Rifle Corps 1886 ; served during Afghan War 1878-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps, bronze star), with Mari Expedition, as Sup. of Field Telegraphs, during S. African War 1881, and bank, Nairnshire; b. 1833; entered Madras dian M ut i ny Campaign 1857-8 (medal with clasp),commanded R.A. with Cabul Field Force under Sir Frederick Roberts 1879-80 (twice mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps), with Burmah Expedition 1886-7, i" command of Lower Burmah Div. (thanked by Gov. of India, mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), and with Chin-Lushai Expedition 1889-90 in command of Burmah Dist. (men- tioned by Gov. of India and in despatches, clasp) ; commanded a ist class Dist. of Madras Army 1886-90 : w. 1860, Laura Sophia, da. of R. R. Caton, Esq., of Binbrook, Lincolnshire ; cr. C.B. 1881. Crocker Hill, Chichester; United Service Club. witrTBurmah Expeditionary Force 1886-7 (men- tioned in despatches, medal, D.S.O.) ; is Adj. GORDON, Surg.-Gen. Charles Alexander, ist Vol. Batn. Durham L.I. : cr. D.S.O. 1887. I M.D., C.B.; b. 1821 ; M.D. St. Andrew's, and L.R.C.S. Edin. 1840 ; entered Med. Depart, of Army 1841, became Surg. 1846, Dep. Inspector- Gen. 1860, and Surg. -Gen. 1874 (h. p. 1880) ; served with i6th Lancers at Maharajpore 1843 (bronze star), onW. Coast of Africa 1848 (thanked in despatch), in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (twice mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), in China 1860-1, and as Med. Commr. to FrenchArmy i87o(Officier of Legion of Honour), GONNE, Charles, C.S.I., son of the late Charles Gonne, Esq. ; b. 1833; ed. at Rugby, and at Haileybury ; served in Bom. C. S. 1854- 85 ; was sometime Ch. Sec. to Govt. of Bombay, and an additional member of Council of Gov. of Bombay : ut. 1859, Elizabeth Margaret, who d. 1889, da. of Maj.-Gen. Sir Peter Melvill Melvill, K.C.B. ; cr. C.S.I. 1884. _25, Oving- ton Square, S. W. ; East India United Service Club. GOODENOUGH, Lieut. -Gen. William How- ley, C.B., son of the late Very Rev. Edmund and as principal Med. Officer of Madras Army 1874-79; is an Hon. Physician to H.M. : m. 1850, Annie, 3rd da. of J. Mackintosh, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1859. 25, Westbmtme Square, W. Lieut.-Gen. 1891 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-9 (medal with clasp, severely wounded, and mentioned in despatches) ; ap- pointed Mil. Attach^ at Vienna 1871 ; was A.A.G. at Woolwich 1874-6. and Assist. Director of Artillery at War Office 1876-81 ; served as Brig.-Gen. in command of R.A. in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp, C. B., men- tioned in despatches, and 2nd class Medjidie) ; was in command R.A., S.E. Dist. 1882-6, Inspector-Gen, of Artillery at Head Quarters i886-g,in command of N.W. Dist. 1889-90, and of Thames Dist. 1890-92 : in. 1874, Anna, Countess Kinsky, da. of Count Eugene Kinsky ;cr. C.B. 1882. United Service and Army and Navy Clubs. GOODFELLOW, Gen. William West, C.B. ; b. 1833; entered R.E. 1851, became Capt. 1858, Major 1868, Lieut. -Col. 1871, Col. 1876, Maj.- Gen. 1884, Lieut.-Gen. 1887, and Gen. 1891 ; served in Persia 1856-7, and in Abyssinian Campaign 1868 ; was Ch. Engineer and Sec. to Govt. of Bombay 1885-7 : "' ^yo, Claudine, who d. 1875, da. of Gen. Charles Fuller, R.A. ; cr. C.B. 1 863. JSek'oir, Torquay; United Set-vice Club. GOODWYN, Capt. Henry Ed ward, D.S.O.; b. 1855 ; entered R.E. 1875, and became Capt. 1876; served during Afghan War 1378-80 at Sandhurst ; entered 75th Regt. 1833, became Capt. 1845, Major 1857, Lieut. -Col. 1858, Col. 1865, Maj.-Gen. 1877, and Lieut.-Gen. 1881 ; served through S. African Campaign 1834-5 (medal), and as Assist. -Engineer on E. Frontier Cape Colony 1837-8, and 1840-1 surveying and reporting on lines of country for Mil. locations ; in 1846 selected to report on the distress in cos. Meath, Louth, and Waterford ; appointed "Inspecting Officer" of Board of Public Works for cos. Mayo and Donegal (services specially approved by Lords of the Treasury) ; was Ch. Engineer W. Riding of Cork 1846-7 ; attached to staff of H.R.H. Prince George (now Duke) of Cambridge during Irish disturbances 1848 ; in 1851 selected by Gov.-Gen. of India as one of a committee to report upon the Water Supply at Ambala ; in 1853 passed examination in Urdu and Hindi ; employed superintending New Trunk Road, Jalandar Doab, 1854-6 ; served through Indian Mutiny 1857-8 (specially mentioned in despatches, medal and clasps, and recommended for C.B.); employed 1860-2 in superintending works in Thames and Gravesend dist. ; commanded 75th Regt. through Fenian rising 1866-7 and during its service at Gibraltar ; (h.p. 1868); received Reward for Distinguished Services 1872; during Spanish Insurrection 1873 acted on behalf of Gibraltar Govt. with the Spanish Mil. Authorities at Algeciras (specially