Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/860

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782 COMPANIONAGE. thanked for his advice and the measures he took when troops deserted at the crisis, Grand Cross of Order of Mil. Merit of Spain) ; served under Foreign Office until 1880 ; several times thanked by Gpv. of Gibraltar, by H.M.'s Minister at Madrid and by H.M.'s Consul at Cadiz for his conduct and action in various intricate cases arising from invasion of British waters and capture of British shipping, and in 1877 conduct specially approved by Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs [Earl Derby]: in. ist, 1845, Louisa Cleghorn, who d 1 . 1846, da. of E. Day, Esq. ; 2nd, 1849. Frances Maiia, who d. 1891, da. of William Dixon, Esq., of Liskard House, Cheshire, and Liverpool; cr. C.B. 1873. Roslyn, 16, ]Veighton Road, Anerley, S.E. GORDON, Maj.-Gen. Charles Henry, C.B., el. son of the late Alexander Gordon, Esq. (the younger), of Braid and Cluny, N.B. ; b. 1816 ; entered Army 1835, became Capt. 1842, Major 1854, Lieut.-Cpl. 1856, Col. 1862, and Maj.-Gen. 1869; served in Canadian Rebellion 1838 with 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, in Crimean Cam- paign 1854-5, present at battle-, of Alma and meaai^, aiiu in inuiuii muuuy ^iuupiiigii 10^7-0 present at relief and capture of Lucknow, and battle of Cawnpore (medal with two clasps, C.B. for distinguished conduct in command of 53rd Regt. at Relief of Lucknow 1857, and specially mentioned in despatches at capture of Lucknow 1858); has distinguished service reward : m. 1865, Georgina, el. da. of Sir Edmund Henry Knowles Lacon, M.P., 3rd Bart.; cr. C.B. 1858. The Warren, Ascot; A riny and Xavy, and Xeiv (Edinburgh) Clubs. GORDON, Col. George Grant, C.B. [see M. Huntly, colls. j. GORDON, Col. James Henry, D.S.O. ; b. 1839 ; entered 46th Madras N. I. 1857, became Capt. M.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1869, Major 1877, and Lieut.-Col. and Col. 1883 ; served in Burmese Expedition 1885-6 (mentioned in despatches) : in. 18 ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. GORDON, Gen. John, C.S., son of the late John Gordon, Esq., of Cairnbalg, Aber- deenshire ; b. 1817; ed. at Edinburgh and at Addiscombe; entered Indian Army 1836, became Capt. 1851, Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1862, Col. 1867, Maj.-Gen. 1879, Lieut.-Gen. 1882, and Gen. 1888 ; served in Afghanistan 1842, in Sutlej Campaign 1846, as A.D.C. to Gen. Neill in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8, including General Havelock's Relief of Lucknow (horse shot), at subsequent Defence of the Residency and final Siege of Lucknow (frequently men- tioned in despatches, medal with two clasps) ; is a J.P. for Aberdeenshire : m. 1849, Mary Madaleine, da. of the late Rev. S. T. Roberts, LL.D., of Ravindon House, co. Carlow ; cr. C.B. 1881. Over Court, Bisley, Gloucester- shire ; United Service Club. GORDON, Lieut.-Gen. John James Hood, C.B., son of the late Capt. William Gordon, 78th Highlanders ; b. 1832 ; entered 2gth Foot 1849, became Capt. 1859, Major 1860, transferred to B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1861. Lieut.-Col. 1869, Col. 1877, Maj.-Gen. 1887, and Lieut.-Gen. 1891 ; formerly Comdt. 2gth Punjab Infantry; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-9 (medal with clasp, and mentioned in des- patches), in Jowaki Campaign 1877-8 (men- tioned in despatches and medal with clasp), in Afghan Campaign 1878-9 and 1880 (medal with clasp and mentioned in despatches), as Brig.- Gen. in command of expedition against Malik- Shai Wurzuris, 1880 (mentioned in despatch), and of 2nd Column in Mahoud Wuzuri Expedi-' lion 1881 (mentioned in despatch and thanked by Govt. of India), and in Burmah Campaign 1886-7 (mentioned in despatches, clasp, thanked by Govt. of India); commanded a Brig, of Bengal Army 1882-7 appointed Assist. Mil. Sec. for Indian Affairs at Head Quarters 1890 : lit. 1871, Ella, da. of the late Lord Gordon, of Drumearn (Lord of Appeal in Ordinary) ; cr. C.B. 1879. 44, Emperors Gate, S. W.; United Service and J unior United Service Clubs. GORDON, Col. Lewis CONWAY-, C.I.E., son of Capt. W. Conway-Gordon, H.E.I.C.S. ; ed. at Addiscombe Coll. ; />. 1838 ; entered Ben- fal Engineers 1857, became Capt. R.E. 1870, lajor 1877, Lieut.-Col. i8S8, and Col. 1890 : retired 1892 ; appointed Assist. Engineer Public Works Depart. 1860, Assist. Principal of Thomason Civil Engineering Coll. 1865, Assist. Consulting Engineer 1866, Dep. Consulting En- gineer, Punjab, 1869. and to Govt. of India 1871, Controller Public Works Accounts 1872, ditto Punjab 1874, ditto Madras 1875, ditto Cal- cutta 1882, Manager Indus Valley State Railway 1881, and Dep. Accountant-Gen, and Under- Sec, to Govt. of India 1882: was on duty in England 1884, and Manager of E. Bengal State Railway 1884-5. and of N.W. Railway (India) 1886, and Director-Gen, of Railways in India 1887-91 : tu. 1864, Mary Grace, da. of J. Cubitt, Esq. ; cr. C.I.E. 1885. GORDON, Lieut.-Gen. Thomas Edward, C.B., C.S.f., son of the late Capt. William Gor- don, 78th Highlanders ; b. 1832; ed. at Scottish Naval and Mil. Acad. ; entered 4th King's Own Regt. 1849, transferred to B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1861, became Capt. 1859, Major 1861. Lieut.- Cpl. 1869, Col. 1877, Maj.-Gen. 1887, and Lieut.-Gen. 1891; served in expedition against the Momands in N. W. Frontier 1851, m Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-9 (five times mentioned in despatches, and medal), as 2nd in command of Mission to Kashgar 1873-4, an d as Brig. -Gen. in Afghan Campaign 1879-80 (medal); was A.A.G. Lahore Div. 1872-4, and D.A.G. Bengal 1879-83 ; commanded a Brig, in Bengal 1883-7 ; has been Oriental and Mil. Sec. at Te- heran Legation since 1889 : in. 1862, Mary Helen, who d. 1879, da. of Alexander Sawers, Esq., of Culnah; cr. C.S.I. 1874, C.B. 1881. British Legation, Teheran, Persia; United Service Club. GORDON, Lieut.-Gen. William, C.I.E., son of the late Adam Gordon Esq., of Cairn- field, Banffshire ; b. 1824 ; ed. at Addiscombe ; entered Bengal Army 1841, became Capt. 1853, Major 1861, Lieut.-Col. 1867, Col. 1872, Maj.- Gen. 1882, and Lieut.-Gen. 1887; served in Punjab Campaigns 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), and in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 as Brig. -Major and officiating D.A.Q.M.G. at Mooltan (medal); was Ch. Inspectorof Musketry 1863-78 ; commanded Gwalior and Peshawur Districts 1878-83: in. 1871, Harriet Elizabeth, el. da. of A. Steuart, Esq., of Auchlunkart, Banffshire; cr. C.I.E. 1878. United Sen-ice Club. GORDON, Adm. William Everard Alphonso, C.B., son of the late Alexander Gordon, Esq., of Ellon, Aberdeen; b. 1817; entered R.N. 1830, became Com. 1854, Capt 1861, Retired Rear- Adm. i877.Vice-Adm. 1881, and Adm. 1887 ; served on shore in Jamaica during insurrection 1832, at blockade of Alex- andria 1841, in suppressing rebellion at Wan- gani, New Zealand 1847, at destruction of piratical junks at Hong Kong 1848, in Kaffir War 1852-3, and in Crimean War; was Com. of H.M.S. "Sanspareil " at bombardment of Sebastopol (medal, Legion of Honour, and 5th class Medjidie) ; cr. C.B. 1869. United Service Club. GOSSELFN, Martin Le Marchant Hadsley,