Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/885

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COMPANIONAGE. 80 7 Murray, Esq., of Old Polmaise, Stirling; cr. D.S.0. 1889. MACDONALD, Gen. William Charles Robertson, C.B. ; b. 1815 ; entered Madras Army 1835, became Capt. 1850, Major and Lieut.-Col. 1861, Col. 1866, Maj.-Gen. 1877, Lieut.-Gen. 1881, and Gtn. 1889; served in Gwalior Campaign 1843-4 (bronze star, and thanked in despatch), and in Turkish Contingent in command of a Regt. of Turkish Cav. during Russian War 1855-6 (4th class Medjidie and Turkish medal) ; cr. C.B. 1877. I2 3. Pall Mall, S. II-'. ; United Service Club. MACDONNELL, Antony Patrick, C.S.I., son of the late Mark Garvey MacDonnell, Esq., of Newcastle, Galway ; b. 1844 ; ed. at Queen's Coll., Galway (B.A. 18 , M.A. 1864); entered B.C.S. 1864 ; successively^ Sec. to Govt. of Ben- gal, and of Bengal .Legislative Council, and Sec. to Govt. of India in Home Depart. ; officiated as Ch. Commr. in Burmah 1889 ; is Ch. Commr. of Central Provinces : m. 1878, Henrietta, da. of the late Ewen MacDonell, Esq., of 59, Nevern Square, Earl's Court, S.W.; cr. C.S.I. 1888. The Residency, Nagpur, Cen- tral Provinces, India; Reform, East India United Service, and St. Stephen's Green Clubs. MCDONNELL, Hon. Schomberg Kerr C.B. [see E. Antrim]. MACDONNELL, Col. William, C.B., son of William Macdonnell, Esq. ; 6. 1831 ; entered 55th Regt. 1848, became Staff Paymaster, Army Pay Depart. 1878, and Ch. Paymaster 1881 ; retired 1891 ; sometime Ch. Paymaster, Home Dist. ; cr. C.B. 1891. 30, Albert Hall Man- sions, Kensington Gore, S. V. MACDOUGALL, Hon. William, C.B., son of the late Daniel Macdougall, Esq., of St. Mary's, Ontario ; b. 1822 ; ed. at Victoria Univ., Cobourg ; admitted an Attorney in Upper Canada 1847, an d a Bar. 1862, and a Q.C. 1881 ; represented Canada at New York Exhibition 1853 i was leading political writer in Toronto Daily Globe 1857-9, M.E.C. and Commr. of Crown Lands, Canada, 1862-4, Pro- vincial Sec. 1864, Acting Min. of Marine 1866-7, Min. of Public Works for Dominion 1867-9, an d Lieut. -Gov. of Rupert's Land and N.W. Terri- tories 1869-70 ; has been a Delegate and Special Commr. in connection with various matters con- cerning the Dominion and other countries ; sat in Canadian Assembly 1858-66, and in House of Commons 1866-72, and 1878-82 ; P.C. of Canada 1867: tit. ist, 1845, Amelia Caroline, vfod. 1869, da. of Joseph Easton, Esq., of Millbank ; and, 1872, Mary, da. of John Beatty, Esq., M.D., of Cobourg, Ontario; cr. C.B. 1867. Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada ; Rideau Club. MCDOWELL, Surg.-Col. Edmund Gres- wold, C.B. ; b. 1831; L.R.C.S.I. 1855; ap- pointed Assist. Surg. in Army 1855, Surg. 1870, Surg.-Maj. 1873, Brig.-Surg. 1881, and Dep. Surg.-Gen. (now Surg. -Col.) 1886 ; retired 1891 ; served in China War 1860 (medal with clasp^, and in Egyptian War 1882 (medal and vd class Medjidie) ; sometime Principal Med. Officer in Canada; cr.C.B. 1884. MCEACHERN, Lieut. - Col. Archibald, C.M.G., son of Hector McEachern, Esq. ; b. 1819; is Lieut.-Col. soth Canadian Mil.: m, 1840, a da. of W. Brown, Esq., of Huntingdon, Canada ; cr. C.M.G. 1870. Huntingdon, Canada. MACFARLAN, Lietit.-Gen. David, C.B., son of the late D. MacFarlan, Esq., B.C.S. ; b. 1833 ; ed. at Addiscombe ; entered Bengal Artillery 1853, became Capt. R.A. 1863, Major 1863, Lieut.-Col. 1873, Col.i878, Maj. -6611.1883, and Lieut.-Gen. 1888; retired 1889; served during Indian Mutiny 1857, present at defence of Luck- now (twice wounded, mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, Brevet Major), in N.W. Frontier of India Campaign 1864 (medal), and during Afghan War 1878-9 (medal) ; was Ordn- ance Consulting Officer for India 1879-85, and in command of ist class Dist. Bengal 1885-0, : m. 18 , Jemima Janet, who d. 1892, da. of the late J. Macnair, Esq., of Aucheneck, Stirling- 18, Devonshire Terrace, 'nited Service Club. shire; cr. C.B. 188 IV. ; East India McFERRAN, James, C.I.E.; b. 18 ; was a Private Sec. to Viceroy and Gcv. Gen. of India (Marquess of Dufferin and Ava) 1884-8 ; cr. C.I.E. 1888. MACGREGOR, Lieut.- Col. Charles Regi- nald, D.S.O. [see Macgregor, Bart., cr. 1828]. MACGREGOR, Col. Henry Grey, C.B., son of the late Gen. Sir D. MacGregor, K.C.B.; b. 1838 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. ; entered Army 1858, became Capt. 1869, Major 1879, Lieut.-Col. 1882, and Col. 1886 ; served during Zulu War 1879, on the Staff (mentioned in des- patches, medal with clasp), during Boer War i88i,with Egyptian Expedition 1882, asD.A.A. and Q.M.G. (mentioned in despatches, medal, bronze star, 4th class Osmanieh), and with Sou- d_an Expedition 1885, as A. A. and Q.M.G. (men- tioned in despatches, clasp) ; was D.A.A. and Q.M.G., N. Dist. 1883-5; appointed A.D.C. to H.M. 1886, and A.A.G., Head Quarters 1890: m. 1863, Rosetta, who d. 1891, da. of the Rt. Hon. Sir Joseph Napier, ist Bart.; cr. C.B. 1889. 4, Brechiu Place, S. IV, ; Junior United Service Chtb. McHiNCH, Alexander, C. I. E., son of the late Rev. William Me H inch, of Dundalk ; b. 1845; is Lieut.-Col. Comdg. Sind Vol. Rifles, Pres. of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and of Karachi Municipality, Trustee of Karachi Port Trust. Consul for Belgium, and a merchant : m. 1884, Florence, da. of C. A. Waller, Esq. : cr. C.I.E. 1890. Karachi, Bombay; Sind (Karachi) Clnb. MclNNis, Lieut.-Col. Edward Bowter, C.M.G. ; .1847 ; entered 9th Lancers 1874, became Capt. 18 , and Major and Hon. Lieut.- Col. (retired) 1887 ; served during Afghan War 1878-9-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal with 2 clasps, bronze star) ; was Inspector-Gen, of Constabulary, Gold Coast 1887-90, since when he has been Comdt. of Vol. Forces of Trinidad, and a M.E.C. ; cr. C.M.G. 1890. Trinidad. MACKAY, James Lyle, C.I.E., son of the late James Mackay, Esq., of Arbroath, Forfar- shire ; b. 1852 ; is Pres. of Bengal Chamber of Commerce, a Member of the Port Commn. and of the Legislative Council of India, Sheriff of Calcutta, and a Merchant of Calcutta : m. 1883, Jane Paterson, el. da. of James Shanks, Esq., of Rosely, Arbroath, Forfarshire ; cr. C.I.E. 1891. Calcutta ; Bengal, Byculla, and Orien- tal Clubs. McKEAN, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Chal- mers, C.M.G., son of Major Robert McKean ; b. 1852; entered 6th Dragoons 1871, became Capt. 1878, Major 1883, Lieut.-Col. 1888, and Lieut.-Col. Comdg. 1890; served during S. African War 1881, and in operations in Zululanu 1883, nd aagain in 1888, when he raised and commanded Basuto Force (honourably men- tioned, Brevet Lt.-Col.); was D.A.A. and Q.M.G., S. Africa 1884-5, Surveyor toZululand and New Republic Boundary Commn. 1886, Commr. Nqulu Dist., Zululand, 1887-8, and Assist. Mil. Sec. and A.D.C. to Gov. and Com.-in-Cb., Malta 1888-9 : m. 1890, the Baroness of Diar-il-Bniet, Bucana, and Caste' Cicciano [see "MALTESE NOBILITY"]; cr. C.M.G. 1891. Cavalry Clvb.