Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 2.djvu/13

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TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. CHAPTER XIV. TROUBLES AFTER THE AUDICATION OF ELEVATIOX OF CONSTANTINE AND M TIME DEATH OF MAXIMIAN AND OVER MAXENllUS AND LICINIUS.— AUTHORITY OF CONSTANTINE. Page DIOCLETIAN DEATH OF CONSTANTIUS AXENTIUS.— SIX EMPERORS AT THE SAME GALERIUS VICTORIES OF CONSTANTINE REUNION OF THE EMPIRE UNDER THE A. D. 305-323. Period of civil wars and confusion Character and situation of Con- stantius OfGalerius . The two Caesars, Severus and ]Iaximiii Ambition of Galerius disappointed by two revolutions A. D. 274. Birth, education, and escape of Constantine A. U. 306. Death of Constantius, and elevation of Constantine He is acknowledged by Galerius, who gives him only the title of Cssai , and that of Augus- tus to Severus The brothers and sisters of Con- stantine Discontent of the Romans at the apprehension of taxes A. D. 306. Maxentius declared emperor at Rome Maximian reassumes the purple . Defeat and death of Sevenis . A. D. 307. Maximian gives his daughter Fausta, and the title of Augustus, to Constantine Galerius invades Italy His retreat A. D. 307. Elevation of Licinius to the rank of Augustus Elevation of Maximin A. D. 308. Six emperors Alisfortunes of Maximian A. D. 310. His death A. D. 311. Death OfGalerius . His dominion shared betvveen Maximin and Licinius A.D. 306— 312. Administration of Constantine in Gaul Tyranny of Maxentius in Italy 1 and Africa A.D. 312. Civil war between Con - 2 stantine and ]Iaxentius .3 Preparations Constantine passes the Alps ib. Battle of Turin Siege and battle of Verona 5 Indolence and fears of Maxen- tius ib. A.D. 312. Victory of Constantine near Rome . 7 His reception His conduct at Rome A.D. 313. His alliance with Li- cinius 9 War between Maximin and Li- cinius ib. The defeat and death of Maxi- min 10 Cruelty of Licinius Unfortunate fate of the empress 11 Valeria and her mother 12 A.D. 314. Quarrel between Con- ib. stantine and Licinius First civil war between them A. D.315. Battle of Cibalis 14 Battle of Mardia ib. Treatv of peace 17 A. D. 31.'V-323. General peace, and laws of Constantine ib. A. D. 322. The Gotliic war 18 A.D. 323. Second civil war be- ib. tween Constantine and Lici- ib. nius 20 Battle of Hadriaiiople . 21 Siege of Byzantium, and naval victory of Crispus 22 Battle of Chrysopolis . . . . • Submission and death of Licinius ib. A.D. 324. Reunion of the empire 23 26 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 37 39 ib. 40 ib. 41 44 45 ib. 46 47 48 51 52 54 55 57 ib. 58