Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 2.djvu/7

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(lid (f^xfot'd i&ng(t0l) i!r(a60ir0. This day is piiblishcd, volume the second of a tietv edition of GIBBON'S HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OP THE ROMAN EMPIRE. PUBLISHED BY D. A. TALBOYS, OXFORD; AND WILLIAM PICKERING, LONDON. This edition of Gibbon's Roman History is a continuation of a series of British classic Avriters, publishing in monthly volumes under the name of Oxford English Classics, a prospectus of which has long been before the public, and may be had gratis of the publishers. Their plan of publication is now so well known, and has been so liberally patronized, that the proprietors feel themselves ex- empted from the necessity of any farther explanation of their system ; but gratitude impels them to take this fresh oppor- tunity of thanking a generous public for its continued favour and support ; and again do they pledge themselves to use renewed diligence in their future labours. It may suffice, therefore, to say of this work, that it will in no respect be inferior to any of their previous publications. In type and paper it will exactly assimilate to their edition of the works of Robertson ; and will be completed in eight volumes, published monthly, at eight shillings each. To gratify the admirers of typographical excellence, a very limited number will be printed on fine royal paper, at one guinea per volume.