Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 2.djvu/8

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2 In accordance with their general plan, the proprietors have taken the greatest care to procure an accurate and faithful text. The original quarto editions have been diligently collated ; many discrepancies have been discovered and rectified; and perhaps it may not be too much to say, that this will be the first edition in which the genuine text of the writer is given throughout. To attempt any thing in praise of the great historical work they are about to publish, would be impertinent — the merits of Gibbon as an historical writer have been duly appreciated ; and the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire continues to be re- garded by the literati of Europe as one of the most important literary productions of the eighteenth century. Oxford. Feb. 1827. Authors forming part of the Oxford English Classics already published. The WORKS of D-. JOHNSON, newly arranged and cor- rected, with notes, selected and original, prefatory notices, etc. in 9 vols. 8vo. with a fine portrait, £3. 12s. The most complete edition ever published, containing nearly a volume more than any other. -Dr. JOHNSON'S PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES, forming volumes the tenth and eleventh, price 16*. The a:bove eleven volumes form the only uniform edition of the whole works of this author. The WORKS of Dr. ROBERTSON, embellished with five portraits and fac-simile autographs, 8 vols. £3. 4*. HUME AND SMOLLETT'S HISTORY OF ENG- LAND, embellished with 38 portraits of the kings, from Wil- liam the Conqueror to George the fourth, engraved in the first style by Worthington, comprised in 13 vols, of which seven are already published, at 9*. Qd. each. BOSWELL'S LIFE OF JOHNSON, with considerable additions, embellished with a portrait, fac-similes, etc. in 4 vols. £1. 125.