Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/208

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ocrvices, proves t___l?__t the use of the Latin tongue in such 'nmtist?/oms is not the vehicle of instruction. The. consequence is, that those who depend upon this mode of infotraCon reundn ignorant to & great degree of the principles of religion. , XI. OAj? ?/?,t tA? Rmm? Cd?iMl/c ? ?f rb inctruants. These have, in a good degree, been already furnished; we shall there- fore content ourselves with a few. 1. Their doctrines of the sacraments unduly exalt the priesthood. _43 the administration of' the sacraments is the prerogative of the prieM- hood, this is ca]cnlnted to elevate to an immoderate height this order of men. This, however, is the leading principle in the Church of Rome. In the New Testament the ministem of religion are repro* sented as humble? and the servants of the church. But in the lofty attitude which they* assume in the administration of sacraments in the Church of Rome they are represented as gods, and placed in a super- human relation to their flocks. 2. Their doctrine concerning the sacraments, by which they teach that the sacraments co?fer ?raee, is replete with great danger to the souls of' men. Well may' the reproof' which the prophet administers to Israel be applied to the Church of' Rome: "They* have forsaken the Fountain of' living waters, and have bowed out to themselves broken cisterns that can hold no water." l?..ntire reliance on Ood is weakened, and trust in the arm of' flesh is promoted. By this means Crod is repro�nted as depending on man and on ceremonies in the bestowment o4' his grace, and the people are diverted from the source of' grace, and are led to depend on man and on ceremonies in the place of trusting in Oed. 3. Their doctrine respecting the moral character of' the administra* tors of sacraments has a most Pernicious effect. That habitual and scandalously wicked men are tolerated and authorized to adrainister sacraments opens the door to every, vice. It corrupts the fountains oi' morality. V?rhen the leaders o? the people may be wicked: and yet valid administrators, their example will very soon affect the laity. For if the clergy may administer in holy things and yet be wici[ed, the laity may certainly receive the sacraments when defiled by ,sin without material danger to their spiritual interests. Such, too, is the fact, not merely in theory, but in practice. 4. The sacraments in the Church of Rome are employed rather as oharnm and incantations than as sober means of grace and as inst/tu- tions of' Christ. The sacraments are emldoyed by' them as mere amu- lets rather than as signs of' grace, or as means of obtaining it. The bad e?Fects of. this perversion are manifest in the moral character of L%e members of. the Ohurch of' Rome. 1