Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/209

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CHAPTER II. BAPTISM. Tzs=. Any person, male or fe._n?le, may b?ptize.--y.'THE SOBJBCT or 1. ? ?pfism of adult?; (l.)?y must ? b? volun?ly; (2.) Must ?ve ?; (?.) Mu? ? ?ni?t: ?. Bap? of i? ?m: 3. Bap?m of child?n. ? Ca? qu?: 4. ? of ?ve?. 5. Com? ?p?; (1.) O?l. ? ?t ?e ?nt of ? ?n?; (2.) ? ?e c? of capfi?; (3.) Of Je? ?d he?tics; (4.) ?y c?m ?1 ?p?d ? ? ?mbe? of ? Chu?h, subj?t ? ?r au?o?ty, ? ? ? com?cd to submit the?. ?unc? of T?nt qua. ?n?t ?. cid. ? quot?: (5.) ?1 ?n Ca?ol?s ?ve ?, ? m cmpu?, in ?mo?g ?eir ?on; (6.) ?h of ?e ? wi? ? ?: 6. ?e ?pt?m of ?.?VI. ?ZSSSTY Or Ba?ZS?. I. ?y ?o it n?e? ? ?!?tion. C? of T?t cid. ? C?sm quo?d. Bish? ?y. ?: 2. T?y ?h ?e ?on ? all un?tiz? ?n?: 3. Balm by dcs? or ??: 4. T? a?m? ?t their d?t?ne on t? ?t.?II. ?z E?z?s o? Ba?tsM. 1. Enumem- ?n of ? ?: 2. ? ?n ? ?emnce ? ?p?m: 3. ?m? ?i?t tony ceremonies: 2. ?me p? ?p?m: 3. 0the? ?com?y f?i? i? a?ti?: 5. T? ??e w?ch ?ey atuch ? ?t ?em. I. 1. HxvsNo ?ea? on ?e ?ramen? in geneS, we w? now ?ee? ? d?cuss e?h of ?em in p?cular; and b?m, which is pi?ed ?t ? ?e ?t of Rom? Catho?c ?? ?y consider it ? ? "the o?n of spi?m? ?e, ?d the ?r ? ont?ce into ?e churc? ?d by which ?e ?ght is acq? ?ing of the o?er ?c?men2."* '?ey c?sider ?pfism ?m?t of regonem? by ?er in the wo?, by w?ch i? subjec? aw ?tu?y j?fi? and regene?d. 2. ?e ?uncil o? Flor?ce do?es and expl?ns b?sm ? f?ows: "H?y ba?sm ?esses ?e ?t phce m?g ?e s?en2, ?c?8e it ? the d?r of sp? ?fe: for by it we ?come mem? of C?t ?d of ?e ?y of the ch?ch. And s?ce by ?e ?t ?r? ? ?e world, w? c?ot (as ?i? ?e tm?) en?r ?om of heaven, nnless we ?e ?m ?n of wmr ?d ?e Holy Split. ?e mawr of ? s?ment is ?e n? water; nor ? it ?y ?erence whe?er col? or h?. But the fo? is: we den? but ? by ?ese wo?, ? ? ? ? t? 3?, ? ?f t? Hd? ?t, ? ?p?m ? effected; sh?e, when the ?ncip? �a?e f?m w?eh b?i? ? i? ?e ?; but ?e i?men? ?ter, (if ?e act is exp?ss?,) w?eh ex?e? ? ?t mi?M? ?th ?e ?v?i? of ?e Ho!? T?i?, ?r- f? ?e s?ent. The minister of ? s?me?t 1