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the same at t]?s day. It may ? proof For us to adduce h? ?em in more recent ?mes, to show w?at her views are no?. Po? Pius ?H., on June ?, 1816, published a bull a?nst Bible s?ieties, ad?essed ? the primate of Poland, in w?ch he refe? ? the Council of Trent, and pleads its autho? W f? ref?ng ?e people ?ne?l the B?!e ? their o? lan?age, except under such li?mfion8 as wo?d deprive them of the free use of the Scriptures. The po? represen? the circula?n of the Scriptures by Bible ?ciefies ?afi? ?, by w?h t? v? ?u? ? reli? are un?i?a-- a ?s6?, which ? be r?d?d a? ?d? ?fi? ?dness of a n? s?res pre?d f? m?'s Such ia the impious lan?age employed hy the hu?l? of lhe ?her- m?n'a pre?nded sueee?r. T?a bull fa?er declares, "?at, ?bly to the Index, the Bible printed by hereflea [Pmtealan?] numbered among other p?bited ?; for it ia o?dent from ?e t?t tho Holy Scriptures, when circulated in lhe vul? ?n?o, h?ve, t?ugh ?e temerity of man, pr?ueed more h? ?u g?. i?, therefore, necesaa? m adhere to the saluta? deereo of the ?fion of the Index, (June 19, 1757,) that no ve?iona of the Bible lbs ?r ton?e ? permined, axeopt ?uch ? are app?ved by the �?am?c see, or pub?ahed wi& ?no?fions exacted f?m tho of holy fathers of tho ch?eh." ?us all the p?bi? ?d condem?- io? denunciations of the Co?c? of Trent a? repoated, oxtended, ?ed by &e ?ghe? and au?od?ve ?wer of &o Ch?ch of Romo, in the a?teenth year of lhe ?eteen? centS. ?mo h? changed her doct?e, though she may c?ge her ?; ?d ?e? are ch?ged for the wo?e, b? hover for ?o borer, or for ?o ?d mankind. Tr?t? of t? ?l ?nst B? 8?t?s, is?ed ]u? 29, 1816, P? P? VII. ? t? Are? ? ?esn, P? ? Po?. "Pxva P. VII. I?t later m you wo promised, ve? ?n, ?o ?t?n an ?wor to youre, in which you havo ap?al? ? ?a holy aeo, h ?he ?me of ?o o?r bhho? of Poland, ?efing what ?o a?!ed Bible ?eiefiea, ?d e?me?y inq?red of ua w?t you ought m do ? t?a affa?. We since, indeX, wiah? ? comply ? your t?u?t; but ? inc?blo ?e? of weigh? concerns h? ? preyed u?n ? ? o?o? a?o fill thin day, wo ao?d hog yield m your ?lieimfion. "We have been ?mly ?oek? at ? ?t c?fty dovieo, by w?ch the ve? foundations of te?on are ?dorm?od; and ?ng, of &o ?eat im?ce of &o subject, confeted in ?uncil wi? our veno?le b?en ?e ea?h? of &e holy ?man Ohureh, we ?i? ?o u?l cate ?d ?nfion, de?? u?n ?e me?uroa ?r m ? adopted by o? ?n?fie? an&otiS, ? order ? rom?y ?h &in ?filo?ee ? far ? ?aiblo. I? the mean time wo hea?ly ?tula? you, vo?e?blo b?or, ?d wo eom?nd you ag? ?n ? lho ?, ? it i? fit wo a?ld, u? the aiu? zo?