Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/72

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having denounced to the apostolic see this defilement of' the faith so eminently dangerous to souls. And althongh we perceive that it is not a? all necemmry to excite him to activity wire is mfd?ng haste, since of your own accord you have already shown an ardent desire to detect and overthrow the im,?ious machinations of those innovators; yet, in conformity with our omce, we again and again exhort you that what- ever you can achieve by power, provide for by counsel, or effect by author/ty, yon will daily execute with the utmost earnestness, placing youmelf. as a wall for the house of. Israel. "With this view, we issue the present brief, namely, that we ma F convey to you a signal teetimony of our approbation of' your excellent conduct, and also may endearour therein still more and more to excite your pastoral solicitude and diligence; for the general good imperiously requires you to combine all your means and energies to frustrate the plans which are prepared by its enemies for the destruction of our most holy religion; whence it becomes an episcopal duty that you, fL,'St Of all, expose the wickedness of this nefarious scheme, as you have already done so admirably, to the view of the faithful, and openly publish the same, according to the rules prescribed by the church, with all the eru- dition and wisdom which you possess, namely, ' that the Bible printed by heretics is to be numbered among other prohibited books, conform- ably to the rules of the Index; (sec. 2, 3 ;) for it is evident from expe- rience that the Holy Scriptures, when circulated in the vulgar tongue, have, through the temerity of men, produced more harm than benefit,' (rule iv.) And this is the more to be dreaded in times so depraved, when our holy religion is assailed from every quarter with great cun- ning and effort, and the most grievous wounds are inflicted on the church. It is therefore necessary to adhere to the salutary decree of the congregation of the Index, (June 13, 1757,) that no versions of the Bible in the vulgar tongue be permitted, except such as are approved by the apostolic see, or published with annotations extracted from the writings of holy fathers of' the church. "We confidently hope that, in these turbulent circumstances, the Poles will give the clearest proofs of' their attachment to the religion of their ancestors; and, by your care, as well as that of the other pre- lates of this kingdom, whom, on account of' the stand they have won- derfully made for the depositary of the faith, we congratulate in the Lord; trusting that they all may very abundantly' justify the opinion we have entertained of them. "It is, moreover, necessary that you should transmit to us as soon as possible the Bible which Jacob Wulek published in the Polish lan- guage, with a commentary, as well as a copy of the edition of it lately put forth without those annotations taken from the writings of the holy fathers of our church, or other learned Catholics, with your opinion upon it; that thus, from collating them together, it may' be ascertained, after mature investigation, that certain errors lie insidiously concealed therein, and that we may pronounce our judgment on this affair, for the preservation of' the true faith. "Continue, therefore, venerable brother, to pursue this truly pious course upon which you have entered, viz., diligently to fight the battles of the Lord for the sound doctrine, and warn the people intrusted to your care, that they fall not in the snares which are prepared for their 1