Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/37

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Was it a pleasure for him, was it a necessity or was he simply yielding to his own fate?

Why are all poodles passive?

Were I a believer in the transmigration of souls I might conclude that the spirits of sodomites are made to dwell as a punishment in the body of these dogs, so that every passing cur might use them at his pleasure.

Anyhow, while the dainty poodle was being thus futtered, the swarthy young man lifted up his eyes;and as the window-shutters had opened slightly, he saw the fair girl at the casement.

Their eyes met. After a few seconds she felt that his glances like refracted rays sank deep within her breast. She was transfixed where she stood and unable either to move or turn away her head. By degrees—as she kept her eyes rivetted upon him—a slight drowsiness came over her, then quietly, unconsciously, her own will passed away.

It seemed to be attracted by the fire of his glances, just as the sun draws out a mist from the bosom of the earth. Once or twice