Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/38

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the young man lifted both his arms and then lowered them quietly, and as he did so the drowsiness increased, all control over herself diminished, and she was ever more under his sway. He seemed to be drawing her towards him with all his might, and therefore she leaned far out on the window-sill as if to obey his summons. But her somnolence increased, and after a while she fell into a perfect sleep. Yet it was not sleep either, for though her body was in a perfect state of lethargy, her mind kept quite awake—nay her senses were quickened and keener than they had been till now; for she heard the young man whisper in a low musical voice, the following words:

When the town is hushed and silent, in the death-like sleep of night, by the spell I have upon thee, by the love within thy heart, thou shalt feel my kisses falling like warm rain-drops on thy mouth; listen then, and hear me calling, calling thee as in a dream; drawing thee from out thy slumbers, by the magic of my art. Waken then. Oh! my beloved one, to enjoy the bliss of lust.