Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/54

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in which she had been handling a viper or a loathsome toad; his arm, however, brought her back and glued her against his body, whilst his dark pupils darted again their mesmeric fire into her brain. Once more she yielded tamely, she took hold of his yard and toyed with it, fingered his cullious so gently that it eemed as if they were fanned by a softs breeze, making him thereby feel the most pleasurable titillation.

She had no will whatever of her own, but was only the reflexion of what he himself felt. To prove his power to the utmost, he doffed off his tattered shirt and breeches and remained mother-naked before her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pressed her down, she yielded and fell on her knees before him. He then made her take the fleshy, snub, bean-like tip of his phallus and suck it with as much pleasure as if it had been the most delicate Parisian sweet meat.

But he soon lifted her up again, and taking off all her clothes, he laid her low on his hard and dirty pallet; he again kissed her on her mouth, he toyed with her, he hugged her to