Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/55

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his breast, and then the lust that coursed within his veins kindled up all her blood—both lay side by side tingling with excitement, maddened with rapturous sensuality. Having opened her thighs wide apart, and placed himself between her legs, he took the yard in his hand and point-blanked it on the opening of her cleft. Then he crossed himself devoutly three times, and asked a blessing of the Virgin Mary for what he was about to do, after which he thrust at her with all his might.

His, however, was a sore trial, sore indeed in every sense! Her slit was very narrow, his tool exceedingly bulky, so all that he could do was to wriggle and rub the glans twixt her thin lips. Although he was as strong as a prize-fighter, and his battering-ram was as hard and as powerful an one as you could well behold, still he was unable to break down the bulwark of her virginity, though he did manage to belch forth his fire into her very womb. Then as he spouted out his sperm, his joints relaxed, and he sank down senseless on her; the slit thus opened