Page:Des Grieux, The Prelude to Teleny.djvu/94

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it, took the tip, then the whole glans into her mouth, and suckled it.

A modest blush suffused itself all over its face and head; at the same time it grew stiff and strained itself to action.

She however did not want to see the work half done, so she deftly continued to pump it, to titillate his hair, to rub the edges and even to plunge her finger into the hole behind. Anyhow she worked with such masterly skill that at last his whole body was all aglow, and tingling with pleasurable excitement.

He was about to swoon in a spasm of delight, when she stopped, got up and introduced it into her slit, which was as burning and as moist as the hottest room of a Russian bath. She engulfed it down to its very root, so that nothing was left out except the two balls, looking sheepishly forlorn at not being able to join in the fray. She puffed and blew and wriggled, she tweaked him with such avidity that he forthwith shot into her a burning liquid that seemed to her like an explosion of grape shot. Being so thoroughly